Richard Ellis Talks



The daily podcast with Richard Ellis. Follow / Like him @TalkWithRichard


  • The Cross Is Foolishness


    God designs everything so that He gets the glory in everything. That means He does some things "backwards". The cross seemed foolish to the world, but it saves all who believe. Likewise, He'll use the weak and foolish because when they admit their need for Him, He's glorified in them.

  • Homo(notso)genius


    In a world filled with segregation, the Church should be set apart, not homogeneous with culture. God calls us to love people -- all people -- no matter their race, location, or socioeconomic status. When non-believers look from the outside in, they should see the Body of Christ as a unified being, loving one another the way God loves each of us.

  • Cracked Pots


    Each of us is a "cracked pot", scarred by our own brokenness. The good news is this: God wants to use those cracks to draw others to Him. And when we're willing to be vulnerable enough to reveal the cracks in our lives to others, God not only uses them -- He also repairs them.

  • The Milkman


    The Bible is to a believer what milk is to a human being: nourishment. And while it's understandable that new Christians are infants in their spiritual maturity, there has to come a point when we stop acting like newborns and start developing into the life God has in store for us. The only way to do that is through spiritual growth.

  • Oh Brother


    The downfall of so many churches is their tendency to build walls that push away the very people they claim to want to reach. If we're not careful, we as the Church can become so exclusive that people who desperately need Jesus find themselves feeling unwelcome. We should be the family that welcomes everyone in, the family who isn't deterred by someone's brokenness but who seeks to come alongside them and walk with them through the messiness of life.

  • Mouth To Mouth


    Ministry isn't just a "job" for vocational pastors; it's a way of living for all Christians. Each and every one of us are called to follow Jesus and the example He gave us of how to reach the lost, be ministers of revival and restoration, and expand the Kingdom.  

  • YOLO


    We get one chance at this temporary life. We can choose to spend it living for God with the promise of eternal life in heaven with Him, or we can choose to give in to all this world offers and find hell waiting for us at the end. The choice is ours; what's it going to be?

  • Whoopin’


    Take a good look at your life. Is there an area where you're experiencing escalating consequences, and if so, have you asked yourself why that might be the case? In the same way that parents discipline their children, God disciplines us when we make poor choices. There are consequences to our actions, but God gives us those consequences because He wants us to learn, grow, and move forward.

  • 18 Inches


    There's a big difference between knowing God's Word, and knowing God. One involves reading the text and having the information in our head; the other involves truly believing with our whole heart. Religion requires us to attain knowledge and apply it to our lives in order to change our behavior, but God offers us so much more than that when He transforms us from the inside out.

  • High & Mighty


    If we’re not careful, we can make the mistake of thinking that the gifts God has given to us are ours to be proud of, or to do with as we please. But the Bible’s clear about the importance of humbling ourselves before the Lord. Without humility, we’re on the fast track to destruction as a consequence of our pride.

  • Millstones To Milestones


    Our lives are marked by millstones and milestones. Millstones are the times of tragedy, trial, and tough circumstances; milestones are the monumental moments that we celebrate. Part of the job of the Church is to help us turn our millstones into milestones so we can help others do the same -- that's the process of discipleship.

  • Moriah Carry


    God sometimes tests us with the things He's entrusted to us, in order to make sure that we hold Him at a higher priority than we hold that with which He's blessed us. We might be called to sacrifice things we'd rather cling tightly to, but we've got to be willing to trust Him and to know that His way is always best.

  • Inside Job


    In tough times, it's easy for us to assume the devil's at work around us. But how often do we stop to think our difficult circumstances are actually God at work in us? Sometimes, the only way He can help us to grow is to develop and refine us from the inside out.

  • The Daily Planet


    Jesus isn't a "do what I say, not what I do" kind of Teacher. He never instructs us without showing us a perfect example through His own actions, including when it comes to spending time daily with the Father. We shouldn't live Sunday to Sunday expecting one hour of church to sustain us; our prayers should be a constant dialogue with the Lord, and His Word should be filling us each and every day.  

  • First Love


    Have you ever done something because you were motivated out of guilt? God doesn't want that from us -- He wants our hearts to be motivated out of our love for Him. When we do things out of obligation, we only end up burned out and resentful, but when we serve out of a genuine heart of love and gratitude for Him, then we'll be in it for the long haul and we'll do it with an attitude of joy.

  • Boo Hoo


    If you've ever faced the harsh reality of your dreams not unfolding the way you planned, know this: you're not alone. Those seasons are often accompanied by disappointment, loss, and grief, and it can feel like God is standing by silently. But His "no", and His delay in our lives, don't mean He's abandoned us -- in fact, it's just the opposite. "I will never leave you or forsake you" rings true for all of us, but we have to trust Him in the process.

  • I’ll Be Damned


    If we're not careful, the sheer wonder of our salvation can fade from the forefront of our minds. But the fact remains: Jesus was willing to take on hell itself for our sake. That's why we've got to be passionate about sharing the Gospel with others, to the point that we're willing to do whatever it takes and sacrifice whatever is required for them to be saved, too.  

  • Super Power


    If we truly believed God to be all-powerful, we'd have zero issues trusting Him in any situation or circumstance. Yet the same God who created the universe is the same God who holds all the power to make anything happen in our lives. He's made it possible to raise us from spiritual death to spiritual life; to bring us into His family; and to make us His children.

  • Three Monkeys


    As Christians, we should look different from the rest of the world -- because we're called to be in the world, not of the world. That means being aware of what we put into our minds and hearts through what we see and hear, and what we let come out of our mouths. But no matter how much we try to see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil, our efforts alone can't save us -- only Jesus can.

  • Hollow Cost


    Many of the Holocaust's concentration camps were located near cities, and the people who lived in those cities turned a blind eye and did nothing as lives were lost, because they were afraid of the repercussions for speaking up. Today, millions of children continue to lose their lives to abortion, and we find ourselves turning a blind eye and doing nothing. But God calls us to fight for the lives of the innocent and the voiceless -- and that includes the unborn.

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