Hutchinson First Baptist Church



Welcome to First Baptist Church. We hope you are blessed by God's Word as you listen to our podcast. God bless you and come join us sometime. Check out our church website at!


  • Perseverance in Temptation - Audio

    14/06/2015 Duración: 32min

    This morning, we move on in our study through the book of James. Last week we studied about the inevitability of trials in our lives, and this week we are looking at the inevitability of temptations that accompany our trials. We must realize that temptations will come, and it is our duty, by the grace and power of Jesus, to overcome temptation, and to remain steadfast and God is steadfast!

  • Perseverance in Suffering - Audio

    07/06/2015 Duración: 40min

    Today, we begin a new study through the Epistle of James and we study how God works in our trials and difficulties. There are few things that are guaranteed in this life, few things that are certain; but one that we can count on is the reality that things will be matter how much we prepare nor how much we try to avoid, we will not avoid difficult times in this life. Today, James shows us how we should view the trials that we face and we can authentically "count them all joy". Enjoy as you listen!

  • Life Through The Spirit - Audio

    31/05/2015 Duración: 45min

    This morning we take a look at Romans 8 and the words that Paul has for the Christians in Rome about the impact of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Often in the Christian life we forget about the impact of the Holy Spirit and we live life as though the Holy Spirit has no real affect at all. Today, we draw our attention back to the reality that Holy Spirit does have an affect and we strive to be encouraged by the impact of the Holy Spirit in our own lives.

  • The Body of Christ - Audio

    24/05/2015 Duración: 36min

    This morning, in light of the fact that we had 3 baptisms today, we take a special look at Ephesians 4 and the unity that we are called to in being Christians. There is no question as you look throughout Scripture about the unity that God's Church, the Bride of Christ, is called to and today, in light of being baptized together, we highlight that unity.

  • From Death to Life - Audio

    17/05/2015 Duración: 20min

    This morning, our Ministerial Intern, Jacob Blessing, brings the Word and encourages us to heed the Gospel of Jesus. As he preaches through Ephesians 2:1-10, he does a wonderful job of pointing our attention to the work of God in our salvation and what it is that God accomplishes in redeeming his children; namely, that He takes that which was dead and lifeless and unable to respond to him, and makes him alive in Him. May we, who are saved, praise and worship God in light of His saving Grace. And may those who are unsaved, here this message and respond to the Gospel today!

  • The Worry-Free Mom - Audio

    10/05/2015 Duración: 26min

    This morning we take time to commemorate and honor our mothers in light of God giving us mothers. In doing so, we want to take time to encourage moms to live life in light of God's Word and in obedience to Him. Because moms have a good deal on their plate a good deal on their minds, we know that moms are plagued with worry and anxiety. So, because of that we want to take some time to encourage moms to trust in Jesus in all things and to not worry as Jesus encourages us to.

  • The Great Commission: His Presence - Audio

    03/05/2015 Duración: 30min

    This morning, we are wrapping up our short series through the Great Commission. As we have gone through this study we have looked at the calling to our mission, the purpose for our mission, and the strategies for our mission. This morning we look at the means of accomplishing our mission. Namely, that we realize that it isn't our mission at all, but God's mission, and it is by Him, through Him, in Him and because of Him that we obey the mission and accomplish the tasks that are entailed! May we see the need for Jesus continually and depend solely on Him and His wisdom as we go about obeying His commands.

  • The Great Commission: Our Obedience - Audio

    26/04/2015 Duración: 31min

    This morning, as we continue in our series through the Great Commission, we turn now to verse 19-20a and find Jesus specific commands about how we go about making disciples. Often in Christian life, we make evangelism simply about leading someone to the point of salvation and then leaving them there...but as we read the words of Jesus, may we find and realize that to lead them to the point of salvation is only half of what we are called to. Here Jesus shows us the other half. May we be obedient to him, and make disciples as he calls us to. Enjoy and be blessed today!

  • The Great Commission: His Authority - Audio

    19/04/2015 Duración: 27min

    This morning we continue to look at the Great Commission of Jesus and the things that are needed if we are going to be obedient to him in this calling. May we remember all that Jesus commands of us and may we walk in steady, constant obedience to him in all things! God bless you as you listen!

  • The Great Commission: HIs Calling - Audio

    12/04/2015 Duración: 31min

    This morning we are starting a new, short series that looks deeply at the command of Jesus to his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. We start this morning by looking at the first two things that are necessary if we are going to be obedient, disciples makers as Jesus calls us to. This morning I challenge you to let the Lord speak to you about your practice of making disciples of all nations.

  • The Puzzle Has Been Solved - Audio

    05/04/2015 Duración: 32min

    This morning we gather to worship God in light of his defeat of sin and death. Through Jesus and his resurrection we find hope that we too will be risen from the dead and given everlasting life! We rejoice together at the resurrection of Christ and his providence over our entire lives.

  • The Pursuit of VIctory - Audio

    03/04/2015 Duración: 37min

    As we come together to celebrate Easter Sunday, we gather first to remember and recognize the cross of Jesus; where he endured so much pain and shame and ridicule. May we remember that Jesus did it to pursue us out of love and a desire to win for us!

  • Maundy Thursday 2015 - Audio

    02/04/2015 Duración: 31min

    Tonight we take time to specifically look at the institution of the Lord's Supper and what it means for us to do this in remembrance of Him! May we be found faithful in this!

  • The Voices of the Rocks - Audio

    29/03/2015 Duración: 41min

    This morning, as we come together to celebrate Palm Sunday, we look at Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem just a week before his death. We look at how He rides in and how He makes himself known to those that are there; and in response to that his disciples begin to worship him. Jesus has some stark words for the Pharisees when they demand that Jesus quiet his disciples: "If these are quiet, the stones will cry out". May we see the command for our worship and the reality that if we don't, the very stones will; God will be glorified and worshipped by his creation!

  • One Thing Leads to the Next - Audio

    22/03/2015 Duración: 40min

    As we look this morning at Jesus final supper with his disciples and specifically at the suffering that our Lord endured prior to the cross, may we be reminded that the cup that we enjoy drinking from today (the cup of Salvation) was only made possible because of the cup that Christ drank from that night (the cup of God's Wrath). May we live lives of service and worship to him in light of that.

  • The Burden of the Cross - Audio

    15/03/2015 Duración: 35min

    This morning we take a look at Jesus interaction with his disciples, where he charges them to deny themselves and pick up their crosses and follow him, if they desire to go after him. As we study this, may we see the commands of Christ, and what they mean and may we be prepared to respond to those commands as his disciples were.

  • Knowing Him - Audio

    08/03/2015 Duración: 33min

    As we continue to study through Lent, we turn this morning to a prime example of what our devotion to Christ should look like; the Apostle Paul. In our text this morning, Paul shows us what it means to sacrifice all for the sake of the Gospel and to be content with little to nothing for the sake of Christ. May we too see the value of knowing Jesus and may we be willing and able to count everything else in this life as "rubbish, compared to the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord".

  • Radical Transformation - Audio

    01/03/2015 Duración: 35min

    As we study Romans 6 this morning, my hope and prayer is that each of us will see the transformation that God intends and accomplishes in the lives of his children when he saves them. Paul makes it very clear to us that our salvation is more than just keeping us from going to hell and being in heaven, but it is that God actually revives us to a new and full life that is rooted in serving and honoring him!

  • A Plea for Mercy - Audio

    22/02/2015 Duración: 35min

    As we begin the Lenten season we begin with the story of David and Bathsheba and specifically, the repentance that David showed following his sin. Today, let us see that our Lenten devotion must begin with a plea for God's mercy on the basis of our sinfulness and God's readiness to forgive on the basis of his love and mercy! Praise God for his grace and mercy in our lives!

  • The Resurrection and the Life: Part 4 - Audio

    15/02/2015 Duración: 39min

    Welcome to First Baptist Church. We hope you are blessed by God's Word as you listen to our podcast. God bless you and come join us sometime. Check out our church website at!

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