If youve ever struggled to achieve your goals you are not alone! The reason just might be because ALL prior goal achievement methods missed ONE key element H A B I T! That's right, The Habit Factor® (bestselling book and app) exposed a timeless truth that helped to launch an entirely new genre of productivity apps (habit trackers) and help thousands around the world achieve their goals faster!Theres a reason top coaches, consultants, trainers, Professional athletes, Olympians, PhDs and the very best learning institutions world-wide have adopted and recommend The Habit Factor®.This is your chance to learn and apply The Habit Factor's insights and specific goal achievement methodology (plus, habit alignment technology) to achieve your biggest and most important goals faster than you ever thought possible! Check it out learn more at: http://thehabitfactor.comLook for our series: Step-by-step: How to Make 2018 a Breakthrough Year!
The Dishwasher 2!
16/05/2022 Duración: 14min"How well you load the dishes determines the quality of the wash." Once again, we revisit the dishwasher in this episode, "The Dishwasher 2." The idea of proper dishwasher loading calls to mind the GIGO concept. GIGO simply means Garbage In, Garbage Out. GIGO originated in the programming world, and the idea applies to many other aspects of our lives. Consider your fitness level relative to your exercise and diet: Garbage In, Garbage Out. Many famous scientists, spiritualists, and philosophers contend that the same concept applies to the quality of your thinking and your life's results: Garbage In, Garbage Out. Learn how the basic, everyday task of loading the dishwasher can be your path to enlightenment! Enjoy! More "tweener" episodes are on the way. Stay subscribed and be sure to checkout the new YouTube Channel. Grab your H2G ALL-TIME Top Download PDF! Enjoy! Note: The very best way to get up to speed on The Habit Factor's worl
Habitstrength™ Dammit!
09/05/2022 Duración: 24min"It costs $0.00 to become a master of habit and skill development. Understanding how to cultivate habitstrength™ is your first key." ~Grunburg Forgive the swearing! For 12-plus years, Martin has taught and preached that habit development for humans has little to do with Cue, Routine, Reward – aka the "Habit-Loop" – and much more to do with intention, action, and reflection. The "Habit Loop" concept originated after a study of rodents. Unfortunately, the well-intended "Habit-Loop" advice has proliferated all over the internet, yet it provides HUMANS with very little understanding of how to intentionally build habits. Humans possess three powerful, innate capacities: CHOICE, INTENTION, and REFLECTION. By following The Habit Factor's PARR methodology – Plan, Act, Record, and Reassess – one can easily develop habitstrength over time. Once you understand habitstrength, you can – and should – apply PARR to develop any habits or skills that align with your most important goals! Enjoy! More "tweener" episodes are
6 Inches
02/05/2022 Duración: 25min"Golf is a game of inches and the most important are the six inches between your ears." ~Arnold Palmer Much like golf, LIFE is often a game of inches. It's the "six inches" betwen our ears that we tell ourselves all sorts of stories. Stories about ourselves and the world at large. These stories tend to reveal themselves in our decisions, actions and results. At any given moment, one could be telling themselves an infinite number of stories. Yet, most of us aren't too discerning about which ones consume our attention. Almost all breakthroughs in goal achievment and personal tranformation, including habit change, begin with a new and different story. Further, the listerner is challenged to listen to which stories they 'play' habitually (on autopilot), and how those stories have impacted their life. More "tweener" episodes are on the way. Stay subscribed and be sure to checkout the new YouTube Channel. Grab your H2G ALL-TIME Top Download PDF!
Ten Years from Now
25/04/2022 Duración: 19min"The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now." ~Confucius How happy would you be if nothing changed over the next ten years? How would you like to develop physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, spiritually, financially, professionally? Who is responsible for those changes? This quick-hitter H2G "tweener" episode will have you appreciating that NOW is the best time to plant the seeds to help make your ten-year goals a reality. The years are going to pass by anyway. Only you can identify who you'd like to be, where you'd like to go and, what you'd like to become. More "tweener" episodes are on the way. Stay subscribed and be sure to checkout the new YouTube Channel. Grab your H2G ALL-TIME Top Download PDF! Enjoy! Note: The very best way to get up to speed on The Habit Factor's world-famous methodology is to check-out AUTOMATIC GOALS! just $27, promotional pricing! Enjoy the episode! It's
Season 8 Finale!
27/03/2022 Duración: 21min"450+ episodes which presents to any new listener the 'Choice Paradox'—more becomes less." As we wrap up Season 8—the Ocho— we want to highlight H2G's most popular and essential episodes OF ALL-TIME. Each grouped into a handful of important categories; Mindset (6), Success (6), Self/Relationships (6), Habits (8), Goals (6), Most Popular (15) and Interviews (7)! Seven important categories and 50+ episodes and that IS whittling it down! ; ) Enjoy! Note: The very best way to get up to speed on The Habit Factor's world-famous methodology is to check-out AUTOMATIC GOALS! just $27, promotional pricing! Enjoy the episode! It's time to make your goals "Automatic!" **** Feedspot's "Top 10 Habit Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021" New listeners visit to get your free template and get up to speed immediately on the world-famoust habit factor process! Feel free to share the episode and leave a review on iTunes! Grab your FREE copy of As a Man Thinketh (PDF) righ
Why I Run
21/03/2022 Duración: 16min"Nobody likes burpess until they love burpees." Without getting too metaphysical, it's important to realize LIFE is simply a one-day-at-a-time "event". Thus, the importance of cultivating the habit of exercise, which helps to optimize one's emotional and physical wellness from one day to the next. MG was contemplating why he enjoyed burpees so much. The answer suprised him. He thought he exercised to stay fit, but that is really the secondary benefit. The primary benefit; exercising "tunes" one's emotions for the day favorably. The exercise habit has at least three benefits: 1) It primes one's emotions 2) It provides self-efficacy and, 3) It provides an easy "WIN" for the day, regardless of how the rest of the day shapes up. Approaching each day with a better emotional disposition, due to the habit of exercise is the real benefit of working out. Enjoy the episode! It's time to make your goals "Automatic!" **** Feedspot's "Top 10 Habit Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021" New listener
Jack Daly Interview, Life By Design
13/03/2022 Duración: 51min"I must've interviewed 50 business people that summer...they all had a common theme—GOALS!"~Jack Daly H2G welcomes back the legendary business sales coach and icon, Jack Daly. Jack's releasing his 10th book, Life By Design. The 15-time Ironman competitor has also completed 100 marathons in 50 states and on seven continents. He achieves his goals and lives life to the fullest by following his own Life by Design techniques. As a 13-year-old caddie at a country club, he was both curious and intentional. Comparing the lifestyle of his hardworking father to the men at the country club, who golfed on weekdays, Jack was curious to learn what they did differently. By the end of the summer, almost all the members knew the young caddie. The payoff for Jack was enormous: He tripped upon a process that he's been living for decades and now shares in his latest book. At 73, Jack still employs these practices each and every day. Jack DESIGNS his life with intention—and tracks all the activities and habits that are import
Infinity Symbol
07/03/2022 Duración: 11min"Habit: A shackle for the free."~Ambrose Bierce In 2009, MG was tasked with developing a logo for The Habit Factor® app. The vision of the infinity symbol was one that he couldn't escape. He proceeded to integrate the infinity symbol as the cross-beam within the letter "H". The reason for the infinity symbol? The more he reflected upon habit, the more the idea of universal patterns came to mind. MG shared these ideas when he was invited to present at TEDx in the United Arab Emerits, back in 2011. It turns out habit patterns are everywhere and for good reason. Energy has a tendency toward pattern and rhythm. That means even our human energy—our behavior—forms into patterns (for better or worse). Think of how you drive to work, brush your teeth and even the meals you eat. The only important distinction MG was intent on sharing; unlike other creatures, humans have the capacity to establish new habits patterns and even break others, at will. Thus, the infinity symbol within the logo had to be broken, symbolizing
Moment 2 Moment
28/02/2022 Duración: 16min"Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognize it as such."~Henry Miller What's the main difference between "successful" people and "failures"? Arguably, it's that they've simply compiled more daily "wins" over their lifetime than loses. It's actually a bit more nuanced than that, as any given day may provides critical defining "moments". What's an example of a critical defining moment? Let's say someone or something disappoints you. Now you're angry and frustrated. How are you going to respond? Each moment presents a bifurcation point; an opportunity to stay on the path or, to fall off the path. In short, "successful" people stay on "the path" from one moment to the next, more often than not. How do they do that? To stay on The PATH (prior episode), they respond rather than react! When problems arise, expectations are dashed, in short, when "sh*t happens", "successful" people choose to respond better; more positively, most of the time. It's the "unsuccessful"—the ones that react emo
The Closet!
21/02/2022 Duración: 18min"If work expands to fill the time allotted, then you can count on 'stuff' expanding to fill the space allotted." Aristotle once observed, "Nature abhors a vacuum." This week, MG combines A's brilliant observation with Cyrile Northcote Parkinson's "law," known as "Parkinson's Law" — "Work expands to fill the time allotted." The resultant corollary: "Stuff expands to fill the space allotted." To illustrate his point, MG shares a couple of quick stories from his home: "The Drawer of Death" and the "Closet of Death." While nobody actually died in either, these spaces are consummed with "STUFF"! They are filled with everything, and yet, whenever you go looking for something, you can't find it. The reason for sharing this? YOUR MIND is the drawer and closet—your mind is SPACE to be filled. While keeping an 'empty' mind is a noble pursuit, it's impossible for extended periods of time. Even the awareness of possessing an empty mind, paradoxically, produces a thought, which proves it cannot be empty! The beauty is,
14/02/2022 Duración: 20min"Give someone just 30 seconds, and if they're being honest, they can tell you the one or two skills that, when crafted to excellence, could change their life." Last week's episode, How Can I Use This?, was all about the 3 R's—being Responsible, Resourceful, and Resilient. This week, MG explores a concept he learned when training for his first Ironman: limiters. The Ironman is a triathlon comprised of three separate skills (in order): Swimming, Cycling, and Running. In Going Long!, a great book that was recommended to MG, the author advises focusing most of your training time on your key limiter—that is, the one weakness likely to hold you back or most significantly impact your finish. For MG, the limiter was obvious right away: running! Accordingly, he spent 80% of his training time trying to improve his running technique—his limiter. By doing this, he became a better runner, and the conditioning the running provided became a nice overlap effect for the other two events, swimming and cycling. You can
How Can I Use This?
07/02/2022 Duración: 13minChances are very good that your greatest problem at this moment could become your greatest asset in the future! "How can I use this?" That's a question you ought to develop the habit of asking. It can be an incredibly valuable question. Chances are very good that the biggest problem you are facing right now may represent your biggest opportunity and future breakthrough. Are you "poor," perhaps having a hard time making money? Terrific! How can you use that? Are you having a problem gaining and keeping friends? Terrific! How can you use that? Are you overweight and out of shape? Terrific! How can you use that? The fact is, your current problems and weaknesses are excellent opportunities in disguise—if approached with the proper mindset, encapsulated in the 3 R's. ResponsibleIt's your problem. You own it, and nobody is going to solve it for you. Resourceful You are a creature—a creative individual who is capable of coming up with novel solutions! Resilient Failure is just an opportunity to begin anew,
31/01/2022 Duración: 17min"Here's some 'realism' for you: You're rotating around the sun at 67,000 mph as the Earth spins at 1,000mph ...You're in the middle of a miracle sandwich." Realism comes in many forms. Is it realistic that if you jump off a 10-story building you'll hit the ground—"splat!"? Absolutely! Don't do that! But what about when it comes to setting and pursuing your goals and ideals? A recent comment on The Habit Factor's Facebook page said, "I prefer to set 'realistic' goals." When it comes to your goals, be careful what stories you subscribe to about what is "realistic". Steve Jobs was famously known for his "reality distortion field." When lead engineers at Apple told him something was "impossible", he refused to accept that as the final answer. Instead, he challenged the story. Engineers told him the Mac could not boot any faster; ultimately, it booted 3x faster. When they told him it was impossible to develop a phone with just one button, he challenged them. Today's iPhone model has no buttons. When it comes to y
THE Event!
24/01/2022 Duración: 22min"If you don't get it here, right now, you won't get it anywhere." ~Dr. Wayne Dyer Building off prior episodes, "Time: The Priceless Asset" and "The Game within The Game," this episode underscores an important awareness: Your time is limited, and THE Event is happening, right now! After a recent six-mile run, MG shared his run data with a good friend—a running buddy. The friend responded with a simple question, "Are you training for an event?" MG's response: “Nope.” Upon returning home, MG realized his mistake. He should have responded, "Yes!" The reality is, THE EVENT is happening right now, for everyone! Which begs the question: "How are you training for THE EVENT?" THE Event is LIFE!! Dr. Wayne Dyer used to say, “If you don’t get it here [the concept] right now, you're not going to get it anywhere." Your time is limited. Realizing that THE Event is live, right now, is your first step toward moving toward your most important goals and ideals. How are you participating in THE Event? As a spectator? As a comp
17/01/2022 Duración: 17min"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." ~Henry Ford Arguably, a goal really isn't a goal if there are no obstacles. The pursuit of any worthwhile goal is sure to reveal a handful of challenges and obstacles along the way. Further, when you overcome an obstacle, several more tend to present themselves. While many Goo-Roos will tell you to focus exclusively on the process—NOT the outcome—they are only partially right. Focusing exclusively on the process tends to yield—exclusively—challenges. Too many obstacles, therefore, become totally overwhelming for anyone, even the grittiest of people. Occasionally, it's important to lift your gaze and focus on the ideal end-state: THE GOAL! Remind yourself why you undertook the endeavor in the first place! Since your emotions guide your focus and attention, too many obstacles can quickly drain your emotional reserves, grinding you to a halt! Lack of energy equates to no desire to push onward through the challenges, pain, and o
Time: The Priceless Asset
10/01/2022 Duración: 17min"When you don't have goals, you're telling the universe that you don't really value your time." Even if a person has no money, no job, and only fair health, they possess the one miraculous asset required to achieve any goal: TIME! Time spent purposefully affirms this observation: Setting goals is NOT optional. With time, anyone with worthy goals and ideals has the potential to succeed. However, when we don't have clear goals, ideals, or objectives, time is simply wasted. Drifting aimlessly for too long is one of the greatest time-wasters of all. Arguably, even the pursuit of an incorrect goal or one that changes over time is more valuable than drifting for too long. Time is the one asset that enables anyone, from one day to the next, to pursue their ideal future—their success. Thus, the opposite must be true: Wasting time—squandering the priceless asset of time—is the one universal characteristic of all "failures." Lollygagging and aimlessly drifting is painless in the short term, but it's really the fast-lan
The Game Within The Game
03/01/2022 Duración: 17min"Within every game, there are tasks and objectives along the way; your life is no different. Tracking your habits from one day to the next helps you to win the game-within-the-game each and every day!" Anytime you're about to play a game, be it a computer, board, or sport, the very first thing you'll want to do is understand the game's objectives. That is: How are you going to win the game? It turns out, life is nearly identical. This is all the proof you need to fully understand the statement, "Intelligence is goal-directed behavior." The good – and bad – news is that we have to determine the main objectives for ourselves. Those who take the time to establish clear goals and objectives for their lives know where they're trying to go, even if specific goals and objectives change along the way. This is why we admire those who set goals for themselves and go after them; they know where they are going, and they know from one day to the next if they are "winning." Unfortunately, too many people struggle if they
7 Keys to Make 2022 Your Best Year Ever!
01/01/2022 Duración: 47min"There's never enough time to do everything and there is always enough time to do the most important things." ~Brian Tracy Happy 2022! Few things will make your New Year better and more enjoyable than hitting your most important goals. MG talks you through the top 7 tips and throws in a few extras. For more New Year Breakthrough Tips: Be sure to download ALL 9 Episodes of the 2018 New Year Breakthrough SERIES. Search "How to make 2018 a Breakthrough Year" or find the series at Enjoy the episode! Habits & Goals MASTERY is NOW On-Demand! **** Feedspot's "Top 10 Habit Podcasts You Must Follow in 2021" New listeners: By texting the word "HABITS" to the mobile phone number "33444" you will instantly receive your "hack"/habit tracker/habit development template, or you can download it here: Feel free to share the episode and leave a review on iTunes! Grab your FREE copy of As a Man Thinketh (PDF) right here: As a Man Thinketh ***** Subscribe iT
27/12/2021 Duración: 18min"The speed of concentration is slow and/or stopped!" A perfectly timed New Year's episode. What do you think you are – in essence? A soul? The chemicals that make up your composition? What is it that comprises your "WHO?" It turns out, WHO we are is WHAT we do consistently. We're really just a compilation of our thought and behavior habits. Your habitual actions, behaviors, and decisions forge your CHARACTER. Thus, in order for anyone to change their RESULTS, the first thing they must do is alter their patterns of thought and behavior—their habits. The very best way to do that is to STOP! STOP for a moment. STOP moving. STOP thinking. STOP acting out of habit. Just press pause and STOP! Anytime you don't like the results you are getting, it's time to STOP! In the computing world, A STOP code, is a way to identify a "BUG" in the program. If a computer encounters a problem, it STOPS! Our results are the product of our INPUT. Our input is our thought and behavior HABITS. How are you going to identify the new i
20/12/2021 Duración: 15min"Any character trait, be it courage or honesty, even humility, can be cultivated." Another Goo-Roo-inspired Mind-Bullet. To be fair, the Goo-Roo thought there was a catch-22 that prevented someone from intentionally cultivating the HUMILITY trait. In other words, if you were too prideful about developing humility, how could you truly be humble? First, to be proud, privately, about your accomplishments doesn't preclude you from being humble. Second, had the Goo-Roo read Benjamin Franklin's autobiography, he'd understand that HUMILITY was actually the 13th virtue Ben cultivated via a lifetime of habit-tracking. Though Ben was circumspect about the very same concern, he wrote, "I never arrived at the perfection I had been so ambitious of obtaining, fell far short of it, yet I was, by the endeavor, a better and happier man than I otherwise should have been if I had not attempted it." Third, too much humility leads to other issues, as MG learned from a Navy SEAL who cautioned against it. This SEAL insisted that th