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  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    06/09/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    Happy Friday! There is much to consider this evening as we prepare to remember the 18th anniversary of the barbaric, horrific terror attacks of September 11, 2001. Immediately after the attacks of 9/11 there was no shortage of politicians who elbowed their way to the podium to demand to know “Why did no one connect the dots?” This evening we will consider how at least one member of the U.S. Senate “connected the dots” at a hearing on Feb. 24, 1998 that focused on the bombing of the World Trade Center five years earlier.  Further, we will show that her concerns are now being utterly ignored, in a specific case that played out just a couple of weeks ago. As the playwright, George Bernard Shaw observed, “We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.” The 9/11 Commission was clear that the attacks of 9/11 and other terror attacks were only possible because of mutliple failures of the immigration system. Yet "Sanctuary Cities" shield illegal aliens from detection and "leaders" of the Democratic P

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    30/08/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    Happy Friday! There is much to consider this evening as we prepare to celebrate the Labor Day Weekend. On August 28th FrontPage Magazine published my latest article, FAILING TO USE REQUIRED DNA TECHNOLOGY TO IDENTIFY CRIMINAL ALIENS: DHS malfeasance undermines national security and public safety. Within the past couple of days the Inspector General issued a scathing assessment of James Comey’s conduct and, incredibly, he somehow thought that the report painted him in a favorable light and was therefore entitled to an apology! Comey was the Director of the FBI.  We often hear “RHIP”- Rank Has Its Privileges”- however, in realty rank should come with a higher level of accountability! Finally, we are less than two weeks from the 18th anniversary of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001.  I will be addressing that dark day of American history next week in articles for FrontPage Magazine and for where I have become a contributor. However, the enormity of those attacks and America’s continuing

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    23/08/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    Happy Friday! On August 22nd I was a guest on Fox & Friends First to discuss: Government watchdog says CBP violated its DNA collection law for years: Reaction from retired INS agent Michael Cutler.  That allegation is utterly outrageous- because of this alleged nonfeasance and malfeasance thousands of illegal aliens were relased from custody including those with serious criminal histories.  Consequently innocent people were attacked.  On that show we also discussed the President’s plan to hold illegal aliens, including those who enter illegally with children, indefinitely. On that day FrontPage also published my latest article,THE INCONVENIENT TRUTH ABOUT PUBLIC CHARGE PROVISIONS OF IMMIGRATION LAWS: Once again the Left resorts to lawfare. We will consider these three issues this evening and more! While immigration has arguably become the most divisive and contentious issue in America, I contend that it  but it could and should be one issue that nearly all Americans could agree on, if they were told t

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    16/08/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    Happy Friday! Last week computer gremlins and my invitation to appear on i24 News caused my show to be delayed and then, greatly shortened.  Tonight, however, I will really happy that I will be doing my show at the usual time As always, there will be lots to catch up on including my latest article. On August 15th FrontPage Magazine published my article, ICE FIELD OPERATION HELPS AMERICAN WORKERS: When will compassion apply to beleaguered Americans? We will also consider the anti-ICE riots wherein demonstrators have threatened the lives of ICE agents. Finally, the Trump administration’s announced plan to implement a section of the immigration laws that may deny aliens lawful immigrant status if they become public charges and how the globalists are incited violence against law enforcement officers, particularly those who are charged with securing our borders and enforcing our immigration laws. While immigration has arguably become the most divisive and contentious issue in America, I contend that it  but

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    10/08/2019 Duración: 16min

    Happy Friday! It’s been a couple of weeks since my last show and it is great to be back!  I have been busy with television interviews and working on a forthcoming documentary on the immigration crisis. Now, to catch up, here are my three most recent articles for FrontPage Magazine: AFGHANI CITIZEN AND FORMER U.S. MILITARY INTERPRETER CHARGED WITH ALIEN SMUGGLING:  Once again national security is on the line. SUPREME COURT: DEFENSE FUNDS CAN BE USED TO BUILD BORDER WALL: A win for Trump -- and for Americans. THE LEFT’S IMMIGRATION CON JOB: Exploiting hate and fear to undermine America. We will also consider the immigration raids in Mississippi that resulted in the arrest of nearly 700 illegal aliens.   Please read my articles. If you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my program- and mywebsite, remember Democracy is not a “Spectator Sport!”      

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    19/07/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    Happy Friday!” On July 15, 2019 FrontPage Magazine posted my article: FAKE NEWS BEGINS WITH FAKE LANGUAGE -  “Politically Correct” language is really Orwellian Newspeak.   This evening we will consider many elements of the immigration crisis through the prism of Fake Language. Misinformation and Orwellian language can combine to form propaganda.  The purpose of propaganda is to gain control of the masses.  Today many decent and honorable Americans have been conned into believing the lies that the ICE agents are the modern-day equivalent of the Nazi Gestapo and SS. This did not happen overnight but over time, going back decades and the leaders of both parties bear reponsibility Today I plan to be the “Myth-buster” to unravel the mess created by our politicians on all levels of government.   While immigration has arguably become the most divisive and contentious issue in America, I contend that it  but it could and should be one issue that nearly all Americans could agree on, if they were told the trut

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    05/07/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    Happy Friday! The drama over the issue of including a question about citizenship on the U.S. Census forms continues- I will share my thoughts about this supposed “controversy.” On July 1, 2019 FrontPage Magazine posted my article: DEMS DETERMINED TO LEAVE AMERICA BORDERLESS:  And hence, defenseless. My article was predicated on the budget battle between the House and Senate about how funding for DHS would be spent where Customs and Border Protection and immigration law enforcement were concerned.  Ultimately Nancy Pelosi “blinked” and some of the money will therefore be used to enhance border security.   The first two Democratic Presidential primary debates are now in America’s “rearview mirror” but there will no shortage of additional debates- we will consider what is wrong with the way the debates are conducted. While immigration has arguably become the most divisive and contentious issue in America, I contend that it  but it could and should be one issue that nearly all Americans could agree on, if t

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    28/06/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    Happy Friday! The first two Democratic Presidential primary debates are now in America’s “rearview mirror.” Not long ago the immigration issue garnered just one question during a Presidential debate.  This past week, immigration not only figured “front and center” as an issue by itself, but is actually a major component of many of the other issues that were discussed and debated, although that aspect of the immigration crisis was never discussed by the “journalists” or the candidates.  I will provide my perspectives on how immigration impacts the other issues and my take on how the candidates position on this key issue are dangerously disconnected from reality. On June 27, 2019 I participated in a discussion about the first debate and immigration on Fox & Friends First.  Here is how Fox News posted the link to my segment: “What did 2020 Democrats have to say about immigration during their first debate?" - Reaction and analysis from retired INS agent Michael Cutler While immigration has arguably becom

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    22/06/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    Happy Saturday! My show was delayed by one day this week because I was made an offer I just could not refuse yesterday- to appear on i24 News to discuss Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s outrageous comparison of ICE detention centers and Nazi concentration camps of of World War II. I am doubly infuriated!  As a former INS agent and as Jew whose family was decimated by the Holocaust.  In point of fact, I was named for my mother’s mother who was killed in Poland during WWII because we are Jews. I will share my thoughts on this outrage especially the reactions of Nancy Pelosi and Jerrold Nadler. Additionally, The President just postponed a massive ICE field operation to arrest thousands of illegal aliens who have been issued Final Orders of Removal.  We will delve into this issue. Finally, we will consider my latest article for FrontPage Magazine:  NEW YORK WILL PROVIDE ILLEGAL ALIENS WITH DRIVER’S LICENSES: Where is Gov. Cuomo's MVP Award from terrorists? While immigration has arguably become the most divis

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    14/06/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    Happy Friday! On June 12th FrontPage published my latest commentary:   POLITICIANS MUST FACE CONSEQUENCES FOR CRIMES THEY ENABLE: Malfeasant politicians must find no “sanctuary.” On June 13th I was a guest on Fox & Friends First to discuss:  DHS: The only way to fix the border crisis is more money:  Reaction and analysis from retired INS agent Michael Cutler on 'Fox & Friends First.’ Earlier in the week I was a guest on Breitbart Radio.  Breitbart published a piece about my interview that includes a link to the recording of it:  Exclusive–Michael Cutler: Mass Immigration a ‘Cash Cow’ for Ruling Class While ‘Destroying Middle Class’ We will consider these stories plus the insane proposal of the NYS Legislature to provide illegal aliens with drivers licenses. While immigration has arguably become the most divisive and contentious issue in America, I contend that it  but it could and should be one issue that nearly all Americans could agree on, if they were told the truth!  That is the purpose of m

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    08/06/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    Happy Friday! I will be hosting my show this evening later than usual because I have been invited by i24 News Television to discuss Mexico’s proposed response to President Trump’s proposal to impose tariffs on Mexican imports if they do not help the U.S. with the crisis on the border. My most recent article for FrontPage Magazine focused on the Trump administration’s proposal to impose tariffs on Mexican imports: TRUMP’S MEXICO TARIFFS: RESULT OF CONGRESSIONAL OBSTRUCTION: Congress and courts have undermined border security - tariffs are a last resort.  The current border crisis was exacerbated this past week when Congress passed a new and more disastrous DREAM Act, even as the administration reported that more than 144,000 illegal aliens had been arrested by the U.S. Border Patrol this past month.  Furthermore, it is being reported that:  Jailed ISIS Fighter Says Was Recruited To Sneak Into US Via Mexico And Attack Wall Street.  While immigration has arguably become the most divisive and contentious issu

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    01/06/2019 Duración: 01h21min

    Happy Friday! We will begin by considering President Trump’s proposal to impose tariffs on Mexican imports if they do not help the U.S. with the crisis on the border that is supposed to separate our 2 countries.  In fact, my show is starting later that usual because I will be discussing this issue on i24 News at about the time usually do my show. We will also consider my 3 most recent articles for FrontPage Magazine: COOPERATION BETWEEN ICE AND POLICE ESSENTIAL TO COMBAT MS-13: Immigration law enforcement provides heavy artillery to fight transnational crime. SANCTUARY POLICIES KILL: The road to hell -- paved by malevolent politicians. HEZBOLLAH SLEEPER AGENT CONVICTED OF PLOTTING U.S. TERROR ATTACKS: Lebanese-born terrorist was a naturalized U.S. citizen. Please read my articles. If you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my program- and mywebsite, remember Democracy is not a “Spec

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    24/05/2019 Duración: 01h00s

    Happy Friday! Today we will examine the bogus arguments posed by the globalists and radical Left about the way that immigration law enforcement and President Trump’s immigration policies supposedly separate families. On May 21, 2019 FrontPage Magazine published my latest article, ALIEN SMUGGLERS EXPLOIT INFANTS: While the Left declares there is no crisis on the border. It is my contention that illegal immigration is what actually separates families- including American families! This issue was the theme of my latest article for While immigration has arguably become the most divisive and contentious issue in America, I contend that it  but it could and should be one issue that nearly all Americans could agree on, if they were told the truth!  That is the purpose of my program. Please read my articles and listen to the podcast. If you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    18/05/2019 Duración: 01h01min

      Happy Saturday! My show is being broadcast today because yesterday I appeared on i24 News yesterday to discuss President Trump’s immigration plan to create a merit-based immigration system to replace the current system that prioritizes family reunification. We will consider what President Trump’s proposed changes to the immigration system would mean to America and Americans. Also, on May 16th FrontPage Magazine published my article, THE CHINA TRADE WAR: NATIONAL SECURITY ON THE LINE- Trump's response demonstrates uncommon leadership. We will consider the “relationship” that America has had with China and its implications for our nation’s future. Finally, as tensions with Iran increase we need to consider the immigration element of that situation that has been utterly ignored by the mainstream media. Immigration has arguably become the most division issue in America but it should (and could) be one issue that nearly all Americans could agree on, if they were told the truth!  That is the purpose of my

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    10/05/2019 Duración: 01h00s

    Happy Friday! Earlier today DML News published my commentary: Immigration and Education: Undermining America’s Future.  I discussed my article in a podcast. On May 7th FrontPage Magazine posted my commentary: JIHAD AT THE BORDER-How the border crisis facilitates the entry of terrorists. Last week because of a computer issue I was not able to broadcast my show.  I had planned to discuss another of my articles for FrontPage Magazine, one that was published on April 23rd: ILLEGAL ALIEN SERVED IN U.S. NAVY & U.S. BORDER PATROL- When multiple background investigations fail. Immigration has arguably become the most division issue in America but it should (and could) be one issue that nearly all Americans could agree on, if they were told the truth!  That is the purpose of my program. Please read my articles and listen to the podcast. If you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my progr

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    03/05/2019 Duración: 01h00s

      Happy Friday! Earlier today DML News published my commentary:  Senior Special Agent: How Migrant Caravans Undermine Border Security. As you will see in my commentary, in some sectors the U.S. Border Patrol has taken nearly half of the agents off of their normal assignments to secure the dangerous and porous border and are now dealing with the massive onslaught of aliens who have run the U.S./Mexican border. The mainstream media has focused on the “migrant families” minimizing the dangers we face,  Today I will share my concerns about what the implications are for America and Americans. Additionally while the media frequently attributes the measles epidemic that is spreading like wildfire across the United States to travelers from Israel, ignoring the reality that huge numbers of aliens from all over the world who are massing along our southern border include many who suffer from a laundry list of dangerous communicable diseases. We will consider the implications of this and much more- tonight. Immigr

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    26/04/2019 Duración: 01h00s

    Happy Friday! The growing measles epidemic has resulted in politicians, including those in “Sanctuary Cities” and “Sanctuary States” calling for banning children who have not been vaccinated from public  places.  Rockland County Executive Ed Day was quoted on the local CBS News radio station in New York as calling for the federal government to require people entering the United States to provide  documentary proof that they have been vaccinated.  Under our immigration laws, aliens who have not been vaccinated for certain diseases, including measles are to be excluded from the U.S.   However, there is no way to protect us from aliens who enter the U.S. without inspection. We will consider the implications of this and much more- tonight. On April 23, 2019 FrontPage published my latest article: ILLEGAL ALIEN SERVED IN U.S. NAVY & U.S. BORDER PATROL: When multiple background investigations fail. Immigration has arguably become the most division issue in America but it should (and could) be one issue that

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    22/04/2019 Duración: 01h00s

    Happy Monday! I am doing my show today, Monday, April 22nd because I did not do my show this past Friday because of Passover. Last week I debated a Columbia University Political Science professor about immigration and “family separation” that occurs when illegal aliens who have U.S. citizen children are deported.  Our debate was recorded for broadcast this past weekend on an international television network, TRT World Television.  Here is the link to the program:  This evening I will provide you with more details and arguments that you may find useful when you are confronted with the assertions made by advocates for massive amnesty programs for unknown millions of illegal aliens.  This would amount to nothing short of Immigration Anarchy!  On April 9th CNN reported, Woman accused of illegal entry to Mar-a-Lago had numerous electronic devices, thousands in cash.  That woman, Yujing Zhang, a citizen of China, is charged with lying to a federal agent and entering r

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    13/04/2019 Duración: 01h00s

    Happy Saturday! I am doing my show today, Saturday, April 13th to make up for technical difficulties that kept me from doing my show yesterday. In fact, yesterday I participated in a debate at i24 News to address President Trump’s statement that he was considering sending the aliens caught along the U.S./Mexican border to “Sanctuary Cities.”  We will consider that supposed proposal today along with the impact of the border crisis on America and Americans. I made note of two of my most recent FrontPage Magazine articles last week on my show that provides clear and convincing evidence that there is, indeed, a crisis on our southern border. The articles are: OVERWHELMED IMMIGRATION SYSTEM ENDANGERS AMERICA: 9/11 Commission warned “Border security is national security.”  HOW BORDER SECURITY FAILURES MAKE US SICK: The hypocrisy in our immigration debate. Immigration has arguably become the most division issue in America but it should (and could) be one issue that nearly all Americans could agree on, if they

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    13/04/2019 Duración: 05min

    Happy Friday! I am doing my show two hours later than usual today because I was invited to participate in a debate at i24 News on statements made by President Trump that he was considering sending the aliens caught along the U.S./Mexican border to “Sanctuary Cities.” The President’s statement and the continuing crisis on the southern border will be our focus today.  I made note of two of my most recent FrontPage Magazine articles last week on my show that provides clear and convincing evidence that there is, indeed, a crisis on our southern border. The articles are: OVERWHELMED IMMIGRATION SYSTEM ENDANGERS AMERICA: 9/11 Commission warned “Border security is national security.”  HOW BORDER SECURITY FAILURES MAKE US SICK: The hypocrisy in our immigration debate. Immigration has arguably become the most division issue in America but it should (and could) be one issue that nearly all Americans could agree on, if they were told the truth!  That is the purpose of my program. Please read my articles and watch

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