Usa Talk Radio



Current Events, Variety, and More...


  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    30/06/2018 Duración: 01h00s

    Happy Friday! This has been an insane week where immigration reports comprised much of the news programs including a call for the dismantling of ICE.  We will consider that lunatic “solutions” to the immigration crisis and my latest article for FrontPage Magazine: TRUMP ADMINISTRATION COMBATS DISCRIMINATION AGAINST AMERICAN WORKERS: ICE investigation uncovers company that defrauded Americans out of jobs.  Last week I had a technical problem and my show was only 15 minutes long.  Today I am beginning my show one hour later than usual because I jus returned from taping an interview for Fox News’ The Ingraham Angle that will air later tonight at 10:00 PM Eastern Time.  The topic was the “stash houses” where illegal aliens are held captive by alien smugglers.  These are the same smugglers that are often engaged in the smuggling of children into the United States. Many of the young illegal aliens who are being held by ICE agents were not brought here by their parents but by other adults, including potentially

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    22/06/2018 Duración: 16min

    Happy Friday! This has been an insane week where immigration reports comprised much of the news programs. This evening we will begin by considering my latest article for FrontPage Magazine-  PROPOSED LEGISLATION FOR DACA ALIENS SPURS STAMPEDE: “Separation of alien families” is an emotional artifice concocted by globalists. We will also consider the lunacy behind the feeding frenzy about the “separated families” and put it in proper context by comparing this to the hundreds of thousands of American and lawful immigrant children who have been placed in foster care.  When was the last time you heard anyone talk about those children? Finally, we will examine the “Immigration Reform” bills proposed by Representatives Goodlatte and Ryan though the prism my decades of first-hand experience with immigration has provided me.  Please read my articles and, if you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    15/06/2018 Duración: 01h00s

    Happy Friday! This evening we will begin by considering my latest article for FrontPage Magazine- “TRUMP ADMINISTRATION OPENS OFFICE TO FIND NATURALIZATION FRAUDSTERS: A great first step -- but much more needs to be done” and explain how this pertains to the Congressional Immigration Reform con job being foisted on Americans that would irrevocably undermine national security, public safety and create the biggest amnesty in the history of the United States. Additionally, I ask that you check out two additional articles I wrote for FrontPage Magazine earlier this month- "THE B-1 'FRANKEN-VISA' NIGHTMARE:  The little-known visa program that is sabotaging American workers" and "SANCTUARY POLICIES ENDANGER INNOCENT VICTIMS:  ICE press release about NYC’s sanctuary policies highlights the dangers.   Please read my articles and, if you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my program- and mywe

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    02/06/2018 Duración: 59min

      Happy Friday! This evening we will begin by considering my May 28th article for FrontPage Magazine: TRUMP'S CANDOR, ANIMALS AND MS-13: What the Left’s feigned anger about our president's honesty really reveals.  Nancy Pelosi in responding to statements by President Trump, has made it clear, She has taken sides and has, unbelievably she is far more concerned about the well-being of murderous gang members than she is of innocent children living in the United States. Her statements and those of Senator Chuck Schumer has revealed where they truly stand on immigration, crime and the ethnic immigrant communities and there is no going back! Please read my articles and, if you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my program- and mywebsite, remember Democracy is not a “Spectator Sport!”          

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    25/05/2018 Duración: 01h00s

    Happy Friday! This evening we will begin by considering my May 21st article for FrontPage Magazine: ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: A TALE OF TWO COUNTRIES (CANADA VS. U.S.) -Hypocrisy thrives in the immigration debate.  Even the Canadian government under Prime Minister Trudeau has decided that “enough is enough” where immigration is concerned, even thought the number of illegal aliens attempting entry into Canada is minuscule when compared with the situation in the United States. Yet the media and American politicians have not said a word to criticize Trudeau, unlike the daily attacks that they launch against President Trump.  Could there be a “double standard?” We will also explore a couple of other issues at the beginning of this Memorial Day weekend, including a "sneak peak" into another issue I am working on for a future commentary. Please read my articles and, if you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and n

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    18/05/2018 Duración: 01h00s

      Happy Friday! This evening I want to address the way that the media has portrayed immigration law enforcement efforts and why it is vital to provide the truth, something the mainstream media refuses to do! For example, I recently participated in an interview for the Conservative website, The Federalist, in which the focus was on Attorney General Sessions’ policy of revamping up prosecution of illegal aliens who attempt to enter the United States without inspection along the U.S./Mexican border. The article was just published with the title, Sessions’ New Border Measures Aren’t As Bad As Media Portray, But Could Be Better: Parents expose their children to great danger by involving them in the crime of illegal U.S. entry. But doing so helps them gain entry. The Department of Justice should handle that humanely. I was happy to provide my perspectives to set the record straight.   We will consider other examples where the media refuses to be honest and objective. Please read my articles and, if you like

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    11/05/2018 Duración: 01h19min

    Happy Friday! On May 7, 2018, FrontPage Magazine published my article:  DACA RULING: JUDICIAL TRAVESTY OBSTRUCTS PRESIDENTIAL AUTHORITY: Fed. Judge Bates’ ruling ignores facts and national security.  Incredibly, a federal judge's blocks President Trump from ending an immigration policy that is based on an Exeuctive Order and published my May 11th article: CONGRESSIONAL HEARING: IRANIAN SLEEPER CELLS THREATEN U.S.- So many hearings, so little action.  We will consider the testimony provided at that Congressional hearing. While terrorists seek to find ways of entering the United States and hide in “plain sight” as sleeper agents, our politicians from both parties trip over each other to provide lawful status to illegal aliens by creating programs, such as DACA which violate commonsense and the findings of the 9/11 Commission. Politicians and judges who obstruct immigration law enforcement and seek to legalize millions of illegal aliens should be given MVP award by terrorists organizations such as Hezbollah a

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    04/05/2018 Duración: 01h00s

    Happy Friday! On May 1, 2018, FrontPage Magazine published my article:  SANCTUARY CITIES PROTECT CROOKED EMPLOYERS AND HUMAN TRAFFICKERS:  Exploitation of the vulnerable is anything but “compassionate” and on May 4th, FrontPage Magazine published my article: A BROKEN IMMIGRATION SYSTEM: And the “fix” that would make it much worse. The common thread to both of my articles is how, all too often, the opponents of effective immigration law enforcement are our political leaders. It has been said, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”  The only conclusion that a reasonable person can come to is that the immigration crisis exists and continues to grow worse not because solutions can’t be found, but because those in political power don’t want to find the solutions or implement them even as the ongoing immigration crisis undermines national security and public safety. Please read my articles and, if you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    27/04/2018 Duración: 01h00s

    Happy Friday! This is no shortage of issues to discuss! On April 25, 2018, The New York Daily News reported, Gov. Cuomo says ICE is 'violating the law' after recent raids by federal agents.  This is hardly the first time that the governor of the state that suffered the greatest harm on 9/11 to act against the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.  On September 15, 2017 his website posted a press release:  Governor Cuomo Signs Executive Order Prohibiting State Agencies from Inquiring About Immigration Status. On April 24, 2018 the New York Times reported, U.S. Must Keep DACA and Accept New Applications, Federal Judge Rules. We will dig beneath the bluff and bluster and also consider the federal judge ruling that the President may not terminate DACA and must, in fact, continue to accept new applications from aliens who claim that they would have qualified under that illegal program. I will provide you with a bit of perspective based on institutional memory that is not being considered anywhe

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    20/04/2018 Duración: 01h00s

    Happy Friday! On April 19, 2018, FrontPage Magazine published my article:  JIHADIS AND DRUG CARTEL AT OUR BORDER: A nightmare on the horizon.  We will consider just how important border security is for national security and public safety. Many folks believe that the immigration issue is divided along political party lines with the Republicans favoring effective immigration law enforcement while the Democrats oppose immigration law enforcement.  In my view, this is not an accurate assessment of the immigration debate. On April 17th Breitbart reported:  ‘DREAMers Are Among Our Best and Brightest:’ Koch Brothers to Push Amnesty with Seven-Figure Ad Campaign.  Incredibly, that statement sounds like something that Nancy Pelosi said, not long ago. No one has ever accused the Koch brothers of being Democrats or “Liberals.”  I will provide my perspectives to the many false notions about immigration policies and goals. Please read my articles and, if you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    13/04/2018 Duración: 01h01min

      Happy Friday! This evening we will consider my two latest articles for FrontPage Magazine: On April 9, 2018, FrontPage Magazine published my article: FEARS ABOUT CHINESE ‘TRADE WAR’ ARE LATE AND DUMB: China has been waging economic war against the U.S. for decades.  On April 11, 2018, FrontPage Magazine published my article:  REINFORCING OUR NATIONAL GUARD AT THE BORDER: The steps that must be taken to really stop illegal entries.  With so much attention focused on the caravan of illegal aliens reported to be heading for the U.S. the issue of interior enforcement of our immigration laws and the lawful immigration system have been all but ignored.  Today we will consider these and other aspects of the immigration crisis. Nothing less than national security, public safety and a long list of other important issues hang in the balance! Please read my articles and, if you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your frie

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    06/04/2018 Duración: 01h00s

    Happy Friday! I apologize for a “glitch” with my show last week- It only ran 15 minutes rather than the full hour.  Today my show will run the full 60 minutes!  Back when I was an INS agent I hung a poster on the wall of my office that read, “To err is human, to really screw up, you need a computer!” This evening will pick up where my unintentionally shortened program last week left off- we will consider concern about a “Trade war with China.”  You may be surprised to know that a trade war has been ongoing for years with that Communist country and how immigration policies play a role in this attack on the United States. On March 27, 2018, FrontPage Magazine published my article: EDUCATING AMERICA’S ADVERSARIES: China’s engineers are building China’s military. Who taught them? On April 5th I had the pleasure of appearing on Dana Loesch’s new television program on NRATV, “Relentless.”  The link to my segment was entitled, “Michael Cutler: It's Anti-American to Want Open Borders.  I hope you will take the ti

  • The Michael Cutler

    30/03/2018 Duración: 17min

    Happy Friday! I also wish you all a Happy Easter and a Happy Passover! Because of the holidays I am beginning my show a bit earlier- so, if you are tuning in at the usual hour, please listen to my already recorded podcast of today’s show. On my show last week I talked about the how President Trump has imposed tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum out of understandable concerns about Chinese unfair trade practices and theft of U.S. intellectual property along with other such violations. On March 27, 2018, FrontPage Magazine published my article: EDUCATING AMERICA’S ADVERSARIES: China’s engineers are building China’s military. Who taught them?  We will consider how our universities are undermining U.S. national security and also the future of the American middle class. I also plan to briefly revisit the issue of “Sanctuary Cities.” Please read my articles and, if you like them, post the links on FaceBook along with a link to my radio show.  Be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    23/03/2018 Duración: 01h01min

    Happy Friday! On my show last week I talked about the accusations made by the attorney’s representing Kate Steinle’s killer that federal authorities had “colluded” with local police and prosecutors to launch a vindictive prosecution.  Earlier today FrontPage Magazine posted my article about this infuriating claim: KATE STEINLE’S KILLER ALLEGES “COLLUSION” BETWEEN FEDS AND LOCAL COPS:  Sanctuary policies embolden aspiring illegal aliens and criminals. Additionally, President Trump has imposed tariffs against Chinese imports as a means to end China’s unfair trade tactics. The President’s concerns are justified as are his concerns about Chinese theft of intellectual properties belonging to U.S. businesses.  Incredibly, China has been granted Most Favored Nation Trade Status but does not act as an ally but as an adversary. This evening we will consider an important immigration tool that the President can and should use. Incredibly, it is a tool that has never been discussed and could be more signticant that a

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    16/03/2018 Duración: 42min

    Happy Friday! The lunacy continues- on March 15th the Washington Times reported, Illegal immigrant charged in Kate Steinle death accuses government of ‘vindictive’ prosecution noting, in part: lawyers for Jose Garcia-Zarate demanded that that the federal government hand over its communications with local law enforcement agencies — the San Francisco police, district attorney’s office and sheriff’s office — to let him prove collusion and double jeopardy. On March 10 the New York Daily News reported, Cuomo urges Dems to ‘stand up and not build’ Trump’s border wall. On March 13 Fox News Reported: ICE Director Fires Back at Nancy Pelosi: 'How Dare You' Call ICE Agents 'Cowardly' If you like my articles and radio show kindly post the links on FaceBook.  Be a part of my “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and tell your friends and neighbors about my program- and my website, remember Democracy is not a “Spectator Sport!”  

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    10/03/2018 Duración: 01h01min

    Happy Friday! On March 8, 2018, FrontPage Magazine published my article:  NEW USCIS MISSION STATEMENT PUTS AMERICANS FIRST: Making America safe again.  If you haven’t read my FrontPage article I ask that you take the time to read it.  In 2013 when I concluded my prepared testimony for a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on immigration, I spoke out against the notion that the aliens who were the beneficiaries of applications for immigration benefits were the “customers” of  for USCIS. My point was that all federal agencies should see the citizens of the United States as their chief priority. The latest mission statement issued by the Director of USCIS parallels what I had called for when I testified before that Senate hearing. On March 5th I was a guest on NRA TV to discuss Oakland Mayor Libby Schaff warning residents of her California city that ICE was about to conducte a massive field operation. this latest outrage.  My segment was posted under the heading:  Michael Cutler: Criminal Behavior: Oakland Ma

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    03/03/2018 Duración: 01h00s

    Happy Friday! Better late than never!  With the Nor’Easter blasting New York City I had an interesting journey home- so my show is running late today. Last week I drew the analogy between the calls of politicians to do a better job of conducting background checks on Americans who buy and carry firearms but how few, if any politicians call for more effective vetting of aliens who seek immigration benefits. On February 28th, FrontPage Magazine published my article: YET ANOTHER NATURALIZED CITIZEN SENTENCED ON TERRORISM CHARGES: Fatally flawed vetting process provided Somali-born terrorist with citizenship and U.S. passport.  My commentary focused on how the alien in question, a radical Islamist, was determined to acquire citizenship so that he could get a U.S. passport to facilitate his travel to Syria to receive terror training and possibly use that training in a deadly terror attack in the U.S. As the 9/11 Commission noted: For terrorists, travel documents are as important as weapons.  We need to stand

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    24/02/2018 Duración: 01h00s

    Happy Friday! Immigration and the senseless shooting in Parkland, Florida are leading the news this week. The one issue that seems to have nearly everyone’s agreement is that the vetting process for prospective purchasers of firearms need to be improved.  Yet the lack of an effective vetting process for aliens entering the United States and seeking various immigration benefits is utterly ignored by politicians and the media.  We will consider just how deficient this process is and what it means for America and Americans. On February 19th FrontPage Magazine published my article, “ALIENS WHO DIDN’T REGISTER UNDER DACA: ‘LAZY’ OR COMMITTING FRAUD?- The real reason for the failure of so many to apply for the Obama DACA program.” Because of technical issues my show didn’t air last week so we will also consider my previous article for FrontPage Magazine that was published on February 12, 2018:  “IMMIGRATION ANARCHISTS' LIES DEBUNKED: It's as easy as child's play.” Please read my articles and, if you like them,

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    17/02/2018 Duración: 02min

    I usually being my column for my radio program by saying “Happy Friday.”  In the wake of the murderous rampage in Florida I cannot bring myself to use that two word greeting.  It is, indeed, a somber Friday, today. Even as a community and a nation are devastated by the senseless slaughter of 17 people including high school students and teachers- we need to consider how many lives are lost to criminals and terrorists and yet, reasonable actions to address vulnerabilities, especially where gangs, terrorists and criminals from around the world are almost invariably never taken.   We will also consider DACA and my latest article for FrontPage Magazine that was published on February 12, 2018:  “IMMIGRATION ANARCHISTS' LIES DEBUNKED: It's as easy as child's play.” We will look at all of these issues on my program tonight. We need to stand up and have our voices heard.  Clearly most politicians have a problem hearing and listening.  It is hard to hear when so much money is shoved into the politicians’ ears! Ple

  • The Michael Cutler Hour

    10/02/2018 Duración: 01h00s

    Happy Friday! Please make it your New Year’s resolution to celebrate the First Amendment by not being intimidated by bullies who, in the name of banning “hate speech” employ Orwellian tactics to shut down debate and discussion.  Of course, to be effective you must arm yourself with the facts.  I hope my articles can help to provide the facts on the multi-faceted immigration crisis. Immigration, particularly DACA, continues to be the focus of attention for the mainstream media as well as politicians in Washington and elsewhere. Today, February 9th FrontPage Magazine published my article, “SAUDI GRADUATE OF AL QAEDA TERROR TRAINING CAMP ARRESTED IN OKLAHOMA: Alleged classmate of 9/11 hijackers attended US flight school in 2016.”  The disturbing topic of my article also demonstrates the lack of integrity to the immigration system, a system that would be called upon to process the 1.8 million DACA illegal aliens that President Trump says he wants to provide with lawful status and a pathway to U.S. Citizenship

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