Deanna On Design



DeAnna Radaj can enter a space and help to tweak (or remodel, re-design) the space to work better to suit its function AND the lifestyle of the occupants of the space. Using Integrative Lifestyle Design (eco-shui), life quality can be increased AND be supportive to any transitions occurring, lifestyle changes or health challenges.She is an "Eco-Shui" designer, writer & consultant who helps those who are looking to lead a more healthy, balanced & proactive lifestyle. Unlike other interior designers or Feng Shui practitioners (besides a specialized focus on BEDROOMS & OFFICES), DeAnna integrates the Western (eco-friendly, universal, sustainable) & Eastern (Feng Shui) design principles & techniques, combined with goal-setting (12+ years in corporate before starting Bante Design LLC & creating DesignLEAN) & clutter-busting exercises to create healthy & supportive indoor environments. Spaces that reflect the lifestyle & goals of her clients, as well as helping them "design the life of their dreams".Designing spaces that are not only beautiful and comfortable, but also bring out the client’s personality, is her design philosophy. She states that she is in the business of "improving the relationship that you have with your home" if you're ready to divorce your space, CONTACT US for some Design Counseling! She promises that no matter what, you'll have as "healthy, efficient, productive & supportive space" as she can design for you (with your budget & time considerations) for you to start living the life of your dreams.***DeAnna is also a frequent contributor to, DivaToolbox and has also appeared on SHAPE,, NYDailyNews, LowesForPros,, & Better Homes & Gardens.***


  • Empty Nest Design

    27/07/2014 Duración: 15min

    As we approach a parent's favorite (or worst) time of year...the upcoming start of the school year...many are confronted w/what to do w/a now empty room.  In homes where space isn't an option, a parent can just keep the room as their child left it...however, in most space-challenged homes, there is a plethora of activities fighting for the chance for a space of their own.  In today's episode, get some tips on how to transform into a year-round used space that can still accomodate your child when they come home from school & not be regulated to the couch.

  • Doors...Ease of Entry or Obstruction to Forward Progress

    07/05/2014 Duración: 16min

    Interior & exterior doors is the topic of today's discussion.  Learn which way a door should open/close, how to add some bling & how to choose the right door. 

  • High Point Market 2014: What's HOT in Furniture

    18/04/2014 Duración: 30min

    DeAnnaj ust returned fromth e Spring High Point Furniture Market...joinhe r todayt o find out what was HOT, HOT, HOT...& what you'll be seeing in furniture & accessories for fall 2014.

  • Spring Cleaning Tips to Encourage Health & Growth

    25/03/2014 Duración: 16min

    In this episode, DeAnna offers tips on how to get your home & yard ready for SPRING (yes, it WILL arrive one day!).  Tips include how to effectively clutter-bust, basic home maintainence & some easy, inexpensive DIY projects to change up the energy of your space to promote positive health & growth.

  • What to Look for When Purchasing a Home

    14/03/2014 Duración: 24min

    In this episode learn some of the tips that DeAnna shares w/her clients when making the all-important decision on what home to buy...HINT: it's not about granite countertops or the seller's collections!

  • Outdoor Design Trends for 2014

    04/03/2014 Duración: 15min

    Learn what's HOT for outdoor living spaces for 2014 in today's episode.

  • Creating a Space for All Who Enter

    19/02/2014 Duración: 16min

    Finishing up on our kitchen & bath theme since KBIS, in this episode, I'd like to introduce some tips for you to implement to help make any guest feel welcome in your home.

  • Trends in Kitchen Design for 2014

    18/02/2014 Duración: 16min

    Learn what's hot & what's not for kitchen builds & remodels according to builders & kitchen designers.  From style & color choices to THE must-haves in EVERY kitchen!

  • What's New for the Kitchen & Bath for 2014?

    10/02/2014 Duración: 15min

    DeAnna just got back from Vegas, baby, Vegas for the 2014 KBIS show (Kitchen & Bath Industry Show) & she's here to tell you what she saw, her thoughts & what you can expect to see if remodeling/renovating your kitchen &/or bath is on your agenda for this year.

  • Design for the Chinese New Year: The Year of the Wood Horse

    31/01/2014 Duración: 15min

    In today's episode, learn how to incorporate the Year of the Wood Horse in your 2014 design decor! 

  • Creating a DESIGN Vision Board

    13/01/2014 Duración: 13min

    In today's episode, learn about creating a DESIGN Vision Board to help visualize your DESIGN goals for the new year!  Find out WHAT a Vision Board is, how to create one & how it will help you achieve your DESIGN goals for the new year.

  • Clutter & Weight Loss: Clutter Bust Your Way to a Trimmer Waist Line

    10/01/2014 Duración: 12min

    In today's episode, we start our new  year w/a new series, Clutter & Weight Loss!  2 of THE most popular new year's resolutions, & 2 of the most UN-resolved issues of all of us.  Find out HOW they're related & some easy clutter-busting tips to get you started on your detoxing of your personal space & your inner space to a trimmer, leaner & healthier YOU

  • Eco-Shui Design Tips for Thanksgivingthank

    26/11/2013 Duración: 16min

    In this episode, get some easy-to-implement Feng Shui & healthy home design tips for a Thanksigiving holiday sure to garnish the host w/much THANKS for hosting the event!  Tips include: how to display family photos to happily activate the FAMILY Life Areaholiday appropriate place settings/markersFeng Shui tips to decorate your space for ABUNDANCE

  • Getting Your Home Ready to Sell

    13/11/2013 Duración: 15min

    In today's episode, I discuss tips on getting your home ready to sell as the housing market is taking an uptick in many markets across the US.  Some highlights include: Do I HAVE to do everything my realtor suggestsWhat potential buyers are REALLY looking atWhat projects will get you close to 100% ROI & are worth doingInexpensive projects that you can DIY for maximum impact

  • How Your Environment Affects Your Weight

    26/10/2013 Duración: 15min read correctly!  This topic has been one that I've been working on for the past few years...not just your overall physical & mental health, but your actual weight.  The more research I did & the more I integrated Eastern & Western modalities (think EFT, affirmations, Feng Shui...) with other health & life issues (money, relationships...) I thought "why not for losing weight?".  THIS is what I came up with & it's amazing!  This will be a brief introduction to what I'll be introducing on a greater scale next year in the form of workshops, book & maybe even a LIVE event!

  • Color Trends for 2014

    14/10/2013 Duración: 15min

    Hi All- In today's episode learn more about what to expect in terms of COLOR for 2014 & what you'll be seeing in furniture colors/patterns & accessories.

  • Fall Home Maintainence Tips

    04/10/2013 Duración: 16min

    In today's episode, learn some tips to get your home ready for FALL.  Tips will help save on utility costs & prevent expensive repairs due to neglect in the future.

  • GREEN is the New Orange for Halloween

    26/09/2013 Duración: 15min

    In this episode, DeAnna discusses how to implement eco-friendly, sustainable & GREEN into your Halloween & FALL decor for you interiors & exteriors!

  • Making the Down-Sizing Experience a Positive One

    30/05/2013 Duración: 35min

    Join DeAnna for pt 2 in the Healthy Down-Sizing features w/guest & fellow designer, Linda Hunt of Creatively Yours Custom.  In this segment, DeAnna & Linda discuss the "practicals" of getting ready for the move...time-lines, when to get help & calls to action so you're not left at the last minute with no place to live & just haphazardly throwing items out or donating because you have nowhere to store it.

  • Highlights from KBIS Kitchen & Bath Show

    02/05/2013 Duración: 21min

    DeAnna's back from KBIS!!  Hear some of the highlights & low-lights from this annual mecca event for all who love kitchens, bath & being inspired by cool design & technology!

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