Location Indie: Raw And Honest Location Independent Lifestyle Talk: Inspired By Tim Ferriss, Tropical Mba And Pat Flynn



Ready for an unfiltered, behind the scenes look at what the location independent and digital nomad lifestyle is really like? In each episode Jason and Trav provide a raw and honest take on: remote work, lifestyle business, lifestyle design, online business, and travel. All jam packed into an easily digestible 30 minutes or less (most of the time!).Give this show a listen to hear the truth behind what it takes to achieve The Triangle Of TOTAL Freedom: 1)Location Freedom: The ability to make money from anywhere in the world. 2)Time Freedom: Being able to do what you want when you want. 3)Financial Freedom: F the 9-5! Ditching your job and never having to depend on anyone else to earn a living.Ready to hear the good, bad and the ugly around location independence? Subscribe now and welcome to the revolution!Jason and Trav are the co-founders of Location Indie, a worldwide community of amazing people embracing the location independent path.They also host two top rated travel podcasts: The Extra Pack of Peanuts Travel Podcast (Trav) and Zero To Travel Podcast (Jason).Want to launch a business so you can live, work and travel anywhere?Get our FREE 4 part video series How To Start A Location Independent Business In One Weekend at locationindie.com or text LOCATIONINDIE to 33444


  • How To Create Goals That Don’t Set You Up For Failure

    18/01/2022 Duración: 29min

    New Year, New Lifestyle! Do you use the holidays to reflect on your past year and set your goals for the coming year? Are you even a believer in setting new year's goals in the first place? Trav & J are talking all about goals: how to create goals in a way that works, how can we make sure we hit those goals, is it always necessary to have goals, and what are the best practices for fighting the overwhelm that comes with goal setting. What are your best practices for goal creation? Let us know over on Instagram @LocationIndie.   Important Links Location Indie FREE Lifestyle Freedom Guide

  • 7 Random Questions with J and Trav

    14/12/2021 Duración: 32min

    Today is a bit of a more random show because we are answering 7 questions that we have seen in our Location Indie community. We are responding to these with gut reactions and then more thought-out answers so this one should be interesting, to say the least. We will cover travel and business so sit back with your favorite beverage and give this episode a listen. What are your answers to these questions? Let us know over on Instagram @LocationIndie. Important Links Location Indie FREE Lifestyle Freedom Guide Yo Dat's Rank Podcast Laundry House on Spotify

  • Are Morning Routines BS

    07/12/2021 Duración: 25min

    There is a lot of discussion about morning routines with some living by theirs and others hating the restrictive qualities of them but is there a middle ground? Building routines in your life can be a massive help in becoming a more effective person in both your business and personal life but does structure/routine mean there is no wiggle room for fun? Today we are diving into whether a morning routine is BS or effective. While structure is important, it doesn't mean that you have to live the same day over and over and call it a life. Trav talks about a specific rule he uses in life to allow for both routine and spontaneity to live in harmony while still achieving his goals and crushing his workload. Jason is all about habits and creating awareness around what you do and don't do and how that affects your overall day. So are you on team morning routines are BS or do you see the effectiveness of them? Take a listen to see what side wins! How do you feel about your morning routine? Will you be making any ch

  • Haters Gonna Hate!

    03/11/2021 Duración: 24min

    How do you handle negative reviews? When you put yourself out there you will eventually get a bad review (or two or three) but how you take in the information will dictate the overall outcome. You can't let it beat you down but can those reviews sometimes be catalysts to new ideas and changes...Absolutely. Today we are diving into how we process negative reviews, steps to take to gleam any constructive criticism out of them, and how putting yourself in their shoes can make all the difference in how you feel about the review. This goes for any reviews you may receive in life whether they are from colleagues, friends, family, or strangers on the internet. How have you handled bad reviews?  What are your best tips and tricks for when you get criticism? Let us know over on Instagram @LocationIndie. Important Links Location Indie Laundry House on Spotify FREE Side Hustle Success Guide  

  • Create The WOW Factor (Lessons From Camp Indie)

    19/10/2021 Duración: 29min

    What can be learned from hosting your first big in-person event?  Today we are talking about our experience from creating and hosting our very first Camp Indie. We will talk about the biggest business lessons we learned, the power of experience-based events, how camp affected us, and how we ran the logistics of an in-person event.   Thank you to everyone who joined us at Camp Indie! You made it as amazing as it was :) What has been your biggest takeaway from an in-person event you have attended? Let us know over on Instagram @LocationIndie. Important Links Location Indie Laundry House on Spotify Camp Indie FREE Side Hustle Success Guide  

  • The Lifestyle Freedom Lens

    31/08/2021 Duración: 21min

    How are you viewing your choices and decisions? Are you weighing them against your ultimate goals or are you making them based on that exact moment and emotions? Today we are talking about the LIfestyle Freedom lens and why you should be using it to make decisions whether they be financial or time or location-based. This will help you filter out all the bull so that you will be able to reach your triangle of freedom faster, more prepared, and with a better grasp. Are you attending Camp Indie? Do you have any questions regarding Camp Indie? Let us know over on Instagram @LocationIndie. In This Episode: 01:40 Theme For Camp Indie Is... 05:10 Why A Lens &/or Theme Matters? 08:45 More Time Freedom, More Location Freedom, & More Financial Freedom 11:40 The Triangle Is Not Perfect Forever...It Changes & So Can You 15:25 Get The Focus Through The Intention 17:40 Remote Jobs Are More Available 18:05 The New World Post COVID & How It Accelerated Lifestyle Freedoms 20:40 Check Out CampIndie.co

  • Intentional Relationships

    24/08/2021 Duración: 23min

    How intentional are you with your relationships? Why is this so important? Today we are getting into the importance of being intentional with who you surround yourself with, who you get inspiration and motivation from, and why this matters to your own success. Your successes aren't going to magically happen and the people you are around can play a big role in your overall successes and the speed at which you reach that success. Are you attending Camp Indie? Do you have any questions regarding Camp Indie? Let us know over on Instagram @LocationIndie. In This Episode: 01:55 Why Being Intentional is Important 03:45 How Can You Be More Intentional 09:10 Two Big Ways Of Being Intentional 12:00 Information-Based vs Relationship-Based 15:00 Building Bonds In Person 16:40 Triangle Of Freedom: Time Freedom & Spending It Wisely 19:10 Macro & Micro Life Goals & Who Is Already Doing It 22:00 The Goal Of Camp Indie Important Links Camp Indie Laundry House on Spotify Location Indie FREE Side Hust

  • 7 Way To Make The Most Out Of Any Event You Attend

    18/08/2021 Duración: 26min

    We have always had amazing experiences at conferences and the reason you are listening to this podcast came from us meeting at one. So with that in mind, we are bringing you 7 tips to help you make the most out of any event that you attend, Camp Indie included. Are you attending Camp Indie? Do you have any questions regarding Camp Indie? Let us know over on Instagram @LocationIndie. In This Episode: 01:40 Our In-Person Event: Camp Indie 03:35 Tip 1 & Tip 1B 06:40 Tip 2 11:05 Tip 3 14:05 Tip 4 15:50 Tip 5 18:50 Tip 6 21:40 Tip 7 Important Links Camp Indie Location Indie FREE Side Hustle Success Guide  

  • Through Fresh Eyes

    22/06/2021 Duración: 18min

    Are you stuck in a rut, doing things the same way year after year? We all go on autopilot at times in life because it takes less brain space and is all-around "easier" but when we start to take a step back and look at things through fresh eyes we can engrain the joy and magic back in. Don't let your habits & routines take away the joy & creativity from your everyday life and business.  How are you going to start looking at your life through fresh eyes? What actions are you going to take to freshen up your business? Let us know by tagging us in a post on Instagram at @Locationindie.   In This Episode: 02:40 Back To The Kitchen 03:50 The Lesson Is...& What Questions You Should Ask Yourself 04:45 The Beginner's Mind + A Zen Tangent 12:50 Practical Takeaways: Adding OR Taking Away   Important Links Location Indie Side Hustle Success Challenge Location Indie Quiz  

  • The Case For Keeping It Simple

    14/06/2021 Duración: 23min

    Do you overcomplicate things to the point of stagnation? Do you get bogged down by the plethora of ideas and action steps you want to take? It is time that you STOP overcomplicating everything and keep it more streamlined and simple. You are probably asking, "Well, that sounds great but how do I do that?", well this episode will cover some insights that we have learned from our years in business and some gems from our business coach, Stan the Man. Do you have a framework that you use to make your business & life more simple? Let us know by tagging us in a post on Instagram at @Locationindie.   In This Episode: 02:30 The Kitchen Analogy: Flumixing The Fung Shui 06:30 The Lesson For Today: K.I.S.S It 10:10 Simplicity Works Best & Frameworks Work 13:50 Side Hustle Success Challenge & Using It as a Building Block For Your Foundation 19:15 Having The Right Steps To Make Building A Business Easier   Important Links Side Hustle Success Challenge - Last Day to Join Location Indie Quiz Location

  • Your Perfect Average Day

    01/06/2021 Duración: 41min

    Do you know exactly what your dream average day would look like? Have you ever taken the time to sit down and write it out in detail? Our coach, Stan The Man, gave us this exercise and since we have done it (& taught it) in the past, we thought this would be easy...it wasn't, and here is why. It had to be handwritten In narrative form from the moment you awake to the moment you fall asleep Highly detailed & specific Must be focused on the experience of the day (what are you seeing) and how it feels (emotions) If someone else were to read it, they had to be able to picture it in their heads like a movie We gained massive insights from this exercise that will affect all of our future decisions in business and life and we know it can do the same for you hence this podcast episode.  Did you do the exercise? What is your biggest takeaway from doing it? Let us know by tagging us in a post on Instagram at @LocationIndie or send us an email (or voice message) to team@locationindie.com.   In This Ep

  • Lifestyle Redesign Part Two: Spotlight On Trav

    25/05/2021 Duración: 42min

    How is your current lifestyle design working for you? Is it time to tweak it to better fit the future you are working towards? Today we are putting ourselves out there (Jason on the previous episode & Trav on this episode) and taking a look at our lifestyle design for the last 2 years and how we will need to redesign it for our future goals.  Lifestyle design has never been a set it and forget type thing and, in fact, is ever-evolving just like we are as people. Life throws curveballs every chance it gets and so having the ability to adapt and redesign what your needs and wants are is what we love most about what we have built for ourselves and for you. How are you going to challenge yourself in the next two years? Let us know by tagging us in a post on Instagram at @LocationIndie   In This Episode: 04:50 Mini Recap of Trav's Last Two Years 11:40 Flexibility Is A Core Value 18:05 Looking At It Through A Different Lens 23:50 Trav's Lifestyle Redesign For The Next Two Years 30:30 How Are You Going

  • Lifestyle Redesign Part One: Spotlight On Jason

    11/05/2021 Duración: 35min

    How is your current lifestyle design working for you? Is it time to tweak it to better fit the future you are working towards? Today we are putting ourselves out there (Jason on this episode & Trav will be next episode) and taking a look at our lifestyle design for the last 2 years and how we will need to redesign it for our future goals.  Lifestyle design has never been a set it and forget type thing and, in fact, is ever-evolving just like we are as people. Life throws curveballs every chance it gets and so having the ability to adapt and redesign what your needs and wants are is what we love most about what we have built for ourselves and for you. Did you do Trav's exercise and if so, what was your biggest takeaway from it? Let us know by tagging us in a post on Instagram at @LocationIndie   In This Episode: 01:20 What is Lifestyle Design? 05:30 Current Lifestyle Design: Changes In Jason's Life Over The Last Two Years 20:00 Jason's Lifestyle Redesign For The Next Two Years 27:10 The Nomad Exper

  • It's Ok Not Being Ok With Being Ok

    04/05/2021 Duración: 27min

    Where are you on the work/life satisfaction scale?  This is an exercise that we do within the Side Hustle Success Challenge and we want to do it too. Right now. What is your work/life satisfaction number from 1-10? During the last challenge this idea came up a lot, it is ok not being ok with being ok. Now that may sound like a tongue twister but we are getting into what that means and how it affects your satisfaction number in today's episode.  After you are done listening, what is your number, and did this idea resonate with you? Let us know by tagging us in a post on Instagram at @LocationIndie   In This Episode: 03:50 Give Us Your Gut Reaction 07:30 Looking Back At Past Jobs & Their Satisfaction Numbers 09:00 How Lifestyle & The Work Build Your Number 10:40 The List Of Likes & Dislikes 12:00 Why It's Okay Not Being Ok With Being Ok 15:00 Finding The Balance Between Gratitude & Wanting More For Your Life 17:50 The Challenges That Trav Is Throwing YOU 21:00 Action & Mindset Ar

  • Speed Of Goals

    13/04/2021 Duración: 22min

    How does the speed at which you want to accomplish your goals affect your decisions?  Building the triangle of freedom and the goals and decisions that need to be made are all directly influenced by how quickly you need to become fully location independent. Being familiar with your timeline from the start can be so beneficial that it allows you to go at a pace that sets you up for success from the beginning instead of just turning your wheels without a clear goal. Do you have a timeline for the building of your LI business/lifestyle? What is your biggest hurdle with planning it out? Let us know by tagging us in a post on Instagram at @LocationIndie   In This Episode: 03:00 How Quickly Do You Want To Be Location Independent 05:30 Implementation Of Actionable Steps 10:30 Informing The Decisions You Make 16:00 Realism In Your Business Ideas 18:55 Fast Tracking Your Goals    Important Links Location Indie Side Hustle Success Challenge (Doors Are Closing Soon)  

  • Buffers

    06/04/2021 Duración: 22min

    Do you allow time for recovery from big events or big trips? Are you building in buffers to allow you to come back more refreshed instead of just pushing yourself to get back to work immediately? Today we are talking all about buffers and why we need to be allowing time to readjust or recover from travel or big life events. Entrepreneur's guilt is a real thing and buffers allow you to set yourself and your business up for success by having you be more intentional with your tasks, realistic with your energy & time, and productive with your big rocks. Where will you be implementing buffers into your life? Let us know by tagging us in a post on Instagram at @LocationIndie   In This Episode: 04:30 Having Buffers Around Your Big Rocks 07:20 Overestimating What We Get Done In A Day 09:15 Entrepreneur's Guilt: Unrealistic Expectations 12:20 Intentional With The Tasks During A Buffer  16:50 The Learning Curve 18:05 Buffers Are Truly Effective When...   Important Links Location Indie Side Hustle Succes

  • Closing Time

    02/02/2021 Duración: 26min

    What does time freedom mean to you? Why is it so valuable for you?  We are taking a hard look at time freedom and what that looks and feels like to us. We talk about the pitfalls of entrepreneurs' guilt, how to decide what needs to get done first, and the simple but powerful tip of closing your calendar. What resonated with you the most in this episode? Are you going to close your calendar?  Please email us at Team@locationindie.com and let us know!   In This Episode: 03:10 Feeling Guilty About Time Spent 04:30 Entrepreneur's Guilt & Too Much To Do 06:35 Simple But Powerful Tip: Closing Your Calendar 12:00 Planning Gives You More Freedom...It Wheely Does 18:40 The Other Side Of The Coin Debate 21:35 Knowing Yourself Is Key - 100% All In   Important Links Location Indie  

  • Lessons From Going Dark

    12/01/2021 Duración: 33min

    Today is about time freedom or, more so, the lessons we learned from going dark (aka not working) over the holidays.    What is the time you are going to take off? How does it make you feel when you disconnect fully?  Please email us at Team@locationindie.com and let us know!   In This Episode: 02:00 It Is The Exception, Not The Rule 05:35 Actually Taking The Time Off  11:05 Real World vs Online World  & The 80/20 Rule 17:00 #1 Lesson 19:35 Invaluable Existential Crisis 21:10 Judging Our Lives Through The Triangle Of Freedom 26:35 Practical Takeaway For Building More Time Freedom   Important Links Location Indie    

  • The #1 Way to Avoid Rabbit Holes

    05/01/2021 Duración: 21min

    Do you let "research" stop you from moving forward? Do you allow falling down rabbit holes to be an excuse for not actually taking steps toward your future? Today is all about rabbit holes, breaking down the myths that surround them and we will be giving you strategies for when you do end up falling down a few of them. These can be found in any aspect of life (hello, blinds for a kid's room) but we will be focusing on the business ones that can be detrimental to taking actionable steps in your side hustle. What is the worst rabbit hole you have found yourself scrambling down? Will you be using the strategy discussed today?  Please email us at Team@locationindie.com and let us know!   In This Episode: 03:45 What Is A Rabbit Hole? 06:00 How Trav Helped Jason 11:30 Example Of The Biggest Strategy 13:45 Parkinson's Law   Important Links Grab Your Spot in the Side Hustle Success Challenge  Location Indie    

  • Deviled Eggs and Side Hustles

    29/12/2020 Duración: 23min

    Is the thought of finding your passion overwhelming you? Has it stopped you from moving forward in starting your side hustle? After reading a great article called "Not Every Hobby Is A Side Hustle" by Ann Friedman we are diving into the idea of whether doing what you're passionate about makes for the best side hustle, do you have to be passionate about your side hustle at all, and why being passionate about the results something gives you may enough.  What is your side hustle idea? Do you feel passionate about it or are you more passionate about the results it will give you? Please email us at Team@locationindie.com and let us know!   In This Episode: 02:15 Lessons From A Deviled Egg 04:30 Does Your Side Hustle Have To Be Something Your Passionate About? 11:15 Getting Into An Industry That Your Hobby or Interest Lies In 14:45 Passion As A Whole Or Only A Piece 17:20 The Danger Of The Word Passion 19:13 You Can Be Passionate About The Results & Not The Thing   Quotes: "If you are passionate abo

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