Your Career With Mike Palumbo



"Your Career with Mike Palumbo is a talk show dealing with career issues - Mike Palumbo's weekly Career Insider's Tip of the Week! will motivate you in YOUR CAREER and help you find employment - in any market!


  • Mentors are Invaluable!

    01/04/2011 Duración: 07min

    When it comes to YOUR CAREER mentors are truly invaluable! If you’re just starting out in YOUR CAREER the first thing you should do is find a mentor! I cannot stress this enough. I want you to speed up the learning curve so you can get to the earning curve! In this episode we will discuss how you can find the right mentor for you! Take a listen!

  • How To Clean Up Your Resume!

    24/03/2011 Duración: 07min

    Do you have a lot of jobs on your resume? Do you want to learn a good way to clean up your resume so it’s presentable? We will also discuss the issue of dealing with a lower level position that pays less. Yikes! So, two issues in this episode, resume issues and how to deal with that lower level, less paying, position. Take a listen!

  • Do You Have Excusitis?

    17/03/2011 Duración: 07min

    Do you suffer from excusitis? If you do you need to rid yourself of this disease! Excusitis is a word (not really) for people that find excuses for EVERYTHING! If you’re one of these people with this disease of excusitis it’s holding you back in your life and YOUR CAREER! Take a listen!

  • Psychological Tests?

    11/03/2011 Duración: 08min

    How do you like dealing with those annoying psychological tests? How about those background checks that check your credit? If you didn’t have enough things to deal with in today’s job market, right? In this episode we will discuss how to deal with both of these issues when you are interviewing. There’s a right way and a wrong way! Let me teach you the right way! Take a listen!

  • Are You Losing Your Desire?

    03/03/2011 Duración: 08min

    Do you still have that burning desire to be successful in YOUR CAREER? Are you going through the motions? Are you just putting in your time? It takes a lot of work to be successful, doesn’t it? If you’ve lost your desire to do what you’re doing in your career you won’t be successful for very long. In this episode we will discuss how you can get that burning desire back! Take a listen!

  • How's Your References?

    25/02/2011 Duración: 07min

    Are your references holding you back? How about your track record? In this episode we will discuss the importance of speaking to ALL of your references before submitting them to a company. What about your track record? Do you move around a lot? Is it holding you back in YOUR CAREER? Take a listen!

  • Are You Viewed As Talent?

    18/02/2011 Duración: 07min

    Are you viewed as talent in your industry? Are you in-demand? You can be rich and famous in any industry, but the key is you have to be viewed as talent! What is your unique talent? Do you have one? In this episode we will discuss how you can become in-demand and viewed as talent in YOUR CAREER!

  • What's Your Marketability?

    10/02/2011 Duración: 10min

    If you're looking for a new career, or interested in changing careers, where do you think you're the most marketable? What have YOU done? What can YOU do? What do YOU want to do in YOUR CAREER? In this episode we will discuss where YOU can be the most marketable!

  • Targeting Your Job Search!

    03/02/2011 Duración: 11min

    What is the best job search? A job search where YOU are in control and NOT waiting for advertisements! Using a targeted approach to your job search is by far the best way to conduct a job search! Hands down! In this episode I will teach you how to target your job search! YOU will choose where you go to work - YOU CHOOSE!

  • Live Your Dream!

    27/01/2011 Duración: 12min

    What is your dream career? Do you have one? Are you living your dream career? How many times a day do you wish you were doing something else with your life and your career? In this episode we will discuss how to Live Your Dream!

  • Phone-Interviewing Mistakes!

    20/01/2011 Duración: 08min

    If you're having trouble turning your phone interviews into in-house (face-to-face) interviews, you might be doing something wrong. Learn in this episode how to turn phone interviews into in-house interviews! I know what works!

  • Create Your Own Position!

    13/01/2011 Duración: 11min

    Having trouble finding that perfect position for you? Then create and start your own position! Start your own business! Chances are you have a skill or trade that someone will pay you for! Dream a little! Think outside the box! You can do it!

  • Expanding Your Job Search!

    06/01/2011 Duración: 11min

    If you're not getting the job search results you want in your local market you have to expand your job search! Especially if you live in a smaller market! Sounds obvious doesn't it? Well, you would be surprised how many people will not look for work in another city - even if it's commutable! Why? Don't do this to yourself! If you're just looking locally and you haven't found a job you're stacking the deck against you! In this show we will discuss the pitfalls of putting a fence around you. Don't put limitations on yourself! Are you doing this? Are you limiting yourself? Why? Quit stacking the deck against you!

  • Don't think about the MONEY!

    13/12/2010 Duración: 10min

    If you're making career decisions based only on MONEY you're making a mistake! I want you to think about everything else - first! The money is important, but not as important as the opportunity for YOU and YOUR CAREER! If the opportunity isn't right for you, the money won't matter! In this show we'll discuss the pitfalls of making long-term career decisions based just on money. Don't do it!

  • Believe in Yourself!

    06/12/2010 Duración: 13min

    You have to believe in yourself! If you don't believe in yourself how can anyone else? You have more within your control then you will ever realize, so take control! You can do it! And the time to do it is NOW!

  • Every Company is Looking!

    03/12/2010 Duración: 12min

    Every Company is looking and I am going to teach you how to "get-in". Companies need good people in good economies and bad. Especially bad! Don't do what everyone else is doing in their job search! Use a targeted approach! As a career insider there is one thing that I have learned through the years - Every Company is Looking!

  • How Badly?

    02/12/2010 Duración: 09min

    How badly do you want that dream career? Do you want it as badly as your kids wants something? Anything? Are you going to stop at NO! Do kids stop at NO? Are you willing to do whatever it takes? Don't act like you are going to live forever! I think you should go for it! You can do it!

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