National Cyber Security By Gregory Evans



National Cyber Security, the only "Daily" Cyber Security news show in the world.The show is has been designed for the laymen person who may not be technical, but also informative enough for all of the computer geeks of the world. Think of it like the CNN Headline News of Cyber SecurityOur daily news includes the latest news in hacking, id theft, IT Jobs, Government Security, Risk Management and 60+ other categories. Execute Produced by one of the worlds most known and respected Ex-hacker Gregory Evans ( National Cyber Security is guaranteed to deliver the news you the people want to hear and see.If you have a show idea please email it to


  • NCS 11/11/11

    11/11/2011 Duración: 07min

    File sharing is going to be a bit harder.  The Italian police division which handles cybercrime cases announced it shutdown several file-sharing websites. NATO is working to get all its agencies and commands under a single cyber roof by the end of 2012, but lacks a strategy to respond to an all-out assault on civilian critical infrastructure throughout the European Union according to reports. Is letting people cast votes from their home computers is a recipe for chaos?  Some cyber experts say yes. Also check out the job of the day!

  • NCS 11/10/11

    10/11/2011 Duración: 07min

    The London Metropolitan Police Service's PCeU (Police Central E-Crime Unit), announced the sentencing of a pair of Ukrainian nationals after they were found using a banker's Trojan for stealing money out of several Brits' accounts, the number remaining unknown. Their alleged ring affected millions of computer users around the world but today members of an international cyber ring are behind bars.  The FBI announced Wednesday the arrest of six Estonian nationals for their alleged roll in running a sophisticated Internet fraud ring.  Law officers say the ring infected the computers with a virus and enabled the cyber crooks to manipulate the multi-billion-dollar Internet advertising industry. Pending in Brazil's House of Representatives is a proposed cybercrime law that could criminalize many ordinary online activities and that would mark an abrupt shift in Brazil's progressive digital policy environment. The Committee on Science and Technology will vote on the bill this month. Also check out the job of the d

  • NCS 11/09/11

    09/11/2011 Duración: 07min

    Federal law officers made a major arrest spanning 100 countries and millions of computer users.  Malware Secretly Re-Routed More Than 4 Million Computers, Generating at Least $14 Million in Fraudulent Advertising Fees for the Defendants You may not be able to keep your personal information on your smartphone safe from hackers.  Cyber experts say there’s a bug in Apple’s mobile operating system that allows cyber criminals to take control of your iPhone and iPad apps.  With access, hackers can steal your photos, contacts and even send text messages without your knowledge. UK police are considering adding cybercrime data to their online crime map to their website. Also listen to hear the job of the day!

  • NCS 11/07/11

    07/11/2011 Duración: 07min

    Hackers have allegedly targeted the German sportswear and equipment manufacturer, Adidas.  The company allegedly had to take its website offline after facing a sophisticated and criminal cyber assault. You might be happy to know that even hackers get hacked too.  Some researchers say that hackers have formed gangs and hack each other. Hackers are making big money covering a wide range of targets.  Their latest target appears to be smartphones. is a government backed site that warns that smartphone malware and rogue apps are bringing in big bucks and business for cyber criminals. Also check out the job of the day!

  • NCS 11/04/11

    04/11/2011 Duración: 09min

    Could illegally downloaded information cause a problem for cyber security?  That is the answer many cyber security experts are trying to answer. It could be a lot easier than you think to get your information online.  It’s something that cyber security experts have known for a while but are working to correct. The threat of cyber-attacks is very real and could potentially be very near-term according to a BrigadierGeneral.  The commander goes on to say the nation will demand the military be engaged in cyber defense of the nation, because the military has the greatest capacity and capabilities to do so. Also check out the job of the day!

  • NCS 11/03/11

    03/11/2011 Duración: 07min

    British police have made a major cyber crime arrest this week.  A total of 13 people are behind bars for their alleged role in a sophisticated banking fraud gang that used malware to help steal at least $4.6 million from hundreds of people. The United States points the finger at China and Russia when it comes to cyber security.  Cyber-attacks by Chinese and Russian intelligence services, as well corporate hackers in those countries, have swallowed up large amounts of high-tech American research and development data, and that stolen information has helped build their economies, U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded. Are criminal techniques a good way to prevent cybercrime?  Some experts say the same Trojans cyber crooks use to steal information could be just what’s needed to protect us online. Also listen to hear the job of the day!!

  • NCS 11/02/11

    02/11/2011 Duración: 07min

    Microsoft Corp says hackers have used a previously unknown bug in its Windows operating system.  Company officials say the hackers wanted to to infect computers with the Duqu virus, which some security experts say could be the next big cyber threat. He may be a basketball superstar but even Shaquille O’Neal isn’t immune to hackers.  O’Neal claims he hired a computer tech who stole O’Neal’s private emails and sold them for profit.  The man even allegedly threatened to use the electronic communications to harm O’Neal unless O’Neal paid the man twelve million dollars. If children are using Facebook too much, it could be partly their parent’s fault.  A new survey showed that 36 percent of them were aware their children joined Facebook before age 13.  It also shows that parents help their children lie about their age in order to join the social networking site. Also check out the job of the day.

  • NCS 11/01/11

    01/11/2011 Duración: 07min

    Chinese hackers have been very busy according to one software company.  Symantec helps consumers secure and manage their information-driven world.  Well, they are saying that Chinese hackers are in the driver’s seat when it comes to cyber crime. It appears that Facebook needs plenty of security.  The company says that it receives 600,000 logins to the social networking website from imposters every 24 hours.  Those imposters attempt to access users’ messages, photos and other personal information. Some of the world’s leaders gathered together to discuss cyber security.  Today, ministers, tech executives and Internet activists met to discuss how to tackle security threats and crime on the Internet.  The problem is they don’t want to stifle economic opportunities or freedom of speech while cracking down on cyber criminals. Also check out the job of the day!

  • NCS 10/31/11

    31/10/2011 Duración: 07min

    They may be at it again.  Earlier this month, Anonymous allegedly named its next target.  Believe it or not, they appear to be taking on the Mexican drug cartel Los Zetas. New cyber threats are creating new approaches from countries around the world.  Countries are defending themselves by using the public’s help.  The sharing of information between nations is seen as a critical aspect in narrowing down on cyber culprits across borders.   Working together seems to be the global theme.  Today Britain and India are teaming up to stop cyber criminals before they can act.  The two announced they will jointly work on new avenues of research to make the Internet safer. Also check out the job of the day.

  • NCS 10/28/11

    28/10/2011 Duración: 08min

    Hackers were close yet so far away.  According to government officials, American infrastructure was a target for hackers numerous times and came very close to shutting down critical parts of it. Human error is still one of the biggest problems when it comes to cyber security. The Coon Rapids Police Department has one more tool to fight cyber security.  The police department now has the ability to handle computer forensics investigations.  The department now has $30,000 in software and hardware equipment that the Coon Rapids Police Department from the federal government for computer forensics investigations. Also check out the job of the day!

  • NCS 10/27/11

    27/10/2011 Duración: 07min

    The U.S. government is pointing the finger at China once again.  Computer hackers, possibly from the Chinese military, interfered with two U.S. government satellites four times in 2007 and 2008 through a ground station in Norway, according to a congressional commission. Australia may not be prepared when it comes to a cyber attack.  Cyber experts say Australia's lack of data breach notification laws and the consequent failure of companies to take basic security measures is hurting the country's reputation as a leader in security standards. Police have been busy taking calls this month from people reporting a phone scam using the popular computer company name of Microsoft.  

  • NCS 10/26/11

    26/10/2011 Duración: 07min

    The government is stepping up its efforts to stop hackers.  The National Security Agency now provides Wall Street banks with intelligence on foreign hackers.  Some experts believe that is a sign of growing U.S. fears of financial sabotage. Is your privacy at risk?  According to privacy watchdogs, it may be in danger if you use Facebook.  Ireland’s Data Protection Commissioner began an onsite investigation following accusations that the company is creating extensive “shadow profiles” of non-users. Apple is going to battle with a German family café over a cutout silhouette and a leaf.  The café owners say they named their restaurant to what translates to apple baby after a nearby apple orchard.  Christin Romer says she commissioned a logo, which turned out to be a red apple that looked a lot like the tech giants logo. Also check out the job of the day!

  • NCS 10/25/11

    25/10/2011 Duración: 07min

    Some of the things that have taken place in the cyber world may make you think that it came from a sci-fi movie.  But experts say threats are very real and often times easy to do. Hackers have been on a roll.  They have targeted small businesses, the government and even everyday Americans.  The U.S. Federal Communications Commission plans to fight this cyber war with a new tool to at least help businesses develop a cybersecurity plan. A Virginia county is giving a computer the task of keeping cyber criminals off the streets.  Loudoun County Police now have a ComputerCop.  It’s a software program that allows parents and others to view and delete certain images on any computer. Also check out the job of the day!

  • NCS 10/24/11

    24/10/2011 Duración: 06min

    The FBI has some pretty strong words about the security on the Internet.  FBI officials say the way Internet security is now is not designed with enough security in mind to meet today’s threats.  They also suggest that engineers and policymakers should consider developing an alternate version. Skype users can’t hide because of a reported flagrant security flaw in the service. The organization that helped to make hacking popular is having some financial problems.  WikiLeaks announced it is temporarily holding off on publication to find funds to stay afloat. Also check out the job of the day.

  • NCS 10/21/11

    21/10/2011 Duración: 08min

    Whenever there’s big news, scammers try to cash in and the death of Moammar Gadhafi is no different.  Today a computer security firm warned that cyber criminals were trying to exploit photos of the slain Libyan dictator in an email scam. News International, publisher of the now-defunct News of the World newspaper in Great Britain, will hand over millions of dollars to the family allegedly at the center of the scandal.  The company agreed to pay $3.2 million - to the family of British teen Milly Dowler, who disappeared in 2002 and was later found dead. It seems that MC Hammer is too legit to quit!  The former rapper is stepping into the cyber world with a new search engine.  He hopes it will outperform Google, Bing and other established tools. Also check out the job of the day!

  • NCS 10/20/11

    20/10/2011 Duración: 06min

    The Department of Homeland Security tapped a new man to work with cybersecurity partners across the country.  Mark Weatherford will discuss issues that affect the federal government. This year has been a very busy year for hackers.  You may remember Anonymous and LulzSec wreaking havoc on the federal government and businesses alike.  Sony, PBS and websites around the world were easy targets and cyber security experts say the attacks probably won’t stop anytime soon. Two Maryland men will spend plenty of time behind bars for their role in a major identity theft ring.  Prosecutors say there were more than 250 victims in the Washington area.

  • NCS 10/19/11

    19/10/2011 Duración: 06min

    Members of the ATM Industry are working to better protect themselves from cybercrimes.  The association is highlighting reverse engineering and targeting of ATM software as a new way to prevent fraud. The FBI wants you to be on the lookout for yet another scam.  This latest scam involves making you believe you have received a traffic ticket. If you think it, you may see it on your computer.  That’s possibly the way of the future if researchers get their way.  This week a scientist suggested that there may soon come a time when people no longer have to touch a keyboard or a mouse, or even speak a command, in order to perform a computer function.  Instead, a person can think of a command and the computer will respond. Also check out the job of the day!!

  • NCS 10/18/11

    18/10/2011 Duración: 06min

    Britain says it’s better to be safe than sorry.  The country says it is prepared to strike first to defend itself against a cyber attack from an enemy state.  The Foreign Secretary made the statement today and gives an indication that the UK has developed new weapons for the online battlefield. It used to be a minor domestic crime but organized cybercriminals have turned ID trafficking into a global problem.  The information they steal is so valuable to some criminals looking to cash in on your identity. Also listen to hear the job of the day!

  • NCS 10/17/11

    17/10/2011 Duración: 07min

    It seems that even Sesame Street is not safe from hackers.  And unfortunately they used very graphic images to prove their point. Cyber crime is up and security experts are blaming smartphones.  The problem is the smartphone is too useful and too user friendly. If you were one of the many people affected by the recent BlackBerry outages, there’s some good news and some bad news.   The good news is you may be able to get free apps to make up for the inconvenience.  The bad news is you won’t get any cash. Also check out the job of the day!

  • NCS 10/14/11

    14/10/2011 Duración: 08min

    It is an open secret that Chinese hackers have been lurking in the cyber world for years.  They have allegedly targeted the American government and businesses.  And now they may be responsible for yet another attack, this time on The Air Force is trying to downplay the recent hacking of its war drones.  The virus that recently infected the remote cockpits of its fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles operating over war zones was swiftly and easily contained according to Air Force officials. He may be a computer whiz-kid but he is behind bars today after trying to bring new bank card scamming technology into Britain.  German Thomas Beeckmann was stopped in June at Victoria coach station having just arrived from Holland. Also, listen in to hear the job of the day!

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