Omar Suleiman



Shaykh Omar Suleiman is the young evergreen scholar with the big smile. Born and raised in Louisiana, he has a unique way of relating to a western audience through his character, and has gained the love of people of all ages and backgrounds. As an AlMaghrib instructor, Omar Suleiman lectures and teaches the hugely popular Behind the Scenes seminar which focuses on the strengthening of the soul and disciplining the nafs.His journey of seeking knowledge started in 2000 in the United Arab Emirates where he spent a few years at the feet of prestigious scholars such as Shaykh Tariq Ibn Rajah and Amr Al Sheshany. Since then he has sought knowledge and studied under Shaykh Salah As Sawy, Dr. Hatem Al Haj, his father in law Shaykh Abul Abed, and Al Allamah Shaykh Omar Al Ashqar (rahimahullah).Shaykh Omar Suleiman has two Bachelors degrees in Islamic Studies and in Accounting, a Masters degree in Islamic Finance, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Islamic Studies from the International Islamic University of Malaysia.He previously served as Imam for Masjid Abu Bakr As-Siddique in New Orleans for 6 years and has since dedicated himself to fulltime teaching. He has taught with Mishkah University (formerly Sharia Academy) since 2008 under Shaykh Salah As Sawy and also currently serves as the Director of the Islamic Learning Foundation in Texas, as well as being the resident scholar at Valley Ranch Islamic Centre.Shaykh Omar Suleiman is also a strong advocate of community service, interfaith dialogue, and social justice. He served as the field coordinator of ICNA Relief in Hurricane Katrina and also co-founded the East Jefferson Clergy Interfaith Council. In 2010, the Mayor and City Council of New Orleans awarded him for Outstanding Civic Achievement. He is a current member of the ICNA Shariah Council.


  • Why Me #29 When Life Comes Full Circle

    07/04/2024 Duración: 11min

    >> Trigger Warning! AI Generated: The importance of learning to trust Allah's actions and witnessing his last moments is crucial to achieving forgiveness and love. The process of washing one's soul is a combination of the process of washing the body, including the washing of the soul, and the process of washing their bodies. It is crucial to not rush to the grave and not be asked which one is their Lord. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of not being asked which one is their Lord and not rushing to the grave.

  • Why Me #28 What Will The Day Of My Death Be Like

    06/04/2024 Duración: 10min

    >> Trigger Warning! AI Generated: The speaker discusses various signs of a father's death, including signs of a good ending, a premonition of death, a dream of death, and a belief that life is about to end. They also mention a god's use of his son to create a light and encourage others to give charity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of giving charity and leaving the state of peace. Later, a woman describes the feeling of death and desire to return to the present world, as well as the sister's experience of feeling death and desire to return to the future. The speaker concludes that death is a sign of a father's exit from his realm and provides comfort in grieving past experiences.

  • When The Decree Shocks Everyone On Laylatul Qadr

    06/04/2024 Duración: 17min

    >> Trigger Warning! AI Generated: The speaker discusses upcoming worship worship of Islam, including the worship of Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ's son. They also address the weight of the revelation of peace certificate and the worship of Jesus Christ's son in the hierarchy of universe. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not following rules and seeking forgiveness, as well as the importance of the upcoming night in the work, including the recording of Salallahu wa wa and the desire for forgiveness.

  • Taraweeh Khatira - Earthquakes & Eclipses On Laylatul Qadr

    06/04/2024 Duración: 10min

    >> Trigger Warning! AI Generated: The upcoming 24th anniversary of Easter weekend is a regular night with peace and a clear sky, and the importance of forgiveness and balancing good and evil is emphasized. The speaker also discusses the need for forgiveness and the importance of forgiveness in light of events like recent earthquake in the northeast. The speaker emphasizes the need for forgiveness and opens-mindedness to one's options, acknowledging the power of mercy.

  • Why Me #27 Will Allah Still Forgive Me

    05/04/2024 Duración: 11min

    >> Trigger Warning! AI Generated: The importance of deeds and forgiveness is discussed, with a focus on facing one's mistake and finding ways to improve one's past. The Prophet Sall concerned about mercy and forgiveness, advising people to focus on mercy and learning about their actions. The importance of forgiveness and striving for good is emphasized, with a recitation of the words "ITUs" and "ITUs" to remind listeners to be mindful of their actions. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and reminding listeners to be mindful of their actions in order to avoid inevitable sins.

  • Why Me #26 How Can I Accept That I am Dying

    04/04/2024 Duración: 10min

    >> AI Generated: The speakers discuss the concept of death and rebirth, including witnessing past mistakes and the importance of forgiveness and staying in a state of contentment to receive blessings. They also touch on the inspection of one's body for disease and the holy eye, with a mention of a book and a person with leprosy in all weapons. The importance of forgiveness and staying in a state of contentment is emphasized.

  • Taraweeh Reflections - How To Make Dua For Gaza On Laylatul Qadr

    04/04/2024 Duración: 12min

    >> AI Generated: The importance of the "naughty night" in one's culture is discussed, along with the need to focus on it and create "naughty creators" for oneself and others to create a sense of success and satisfaction. The speaker emphasizes the importance of aligning with Allah's desire to replace the current setup and create a vision of the future, and facing oppression and the presence of multiple armies in the world. It is emphasized that everyone should make an overwhelming statement about their actions and events, and not isolate themselves.

  • Why Me #25 What If It Is Too Late

    03/04/2024 Duración: 09min

    >> AI Generated: The speakers discuss the importance of pursuing good deeds, reacquarding oneself with Bible knowledge, and seeking refuge from Allah's actions. They stress the need for personal protection and returning to feud, as well as the importance of pursuing one's mind, body, and soul health. The speakers also touch on the importance of pursuing one's evil ways and the ways in which he can help people. The Qadr monthly message encourages people to support Islam.

  • Why Me #24 Do Good Deeds Extend My Life

    02/04/2024 Duración: 11min

    >> AI Generated: The speaker discusses the loss of a woman named Zaynab heads, which was the only wife of the Prophet Sall captive Alaihi Wasallam to die in his lifetime. They also talk about the importance of helping others through hardships and loss, and the message of Islam, which is to bring good deeds and le viets to life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of the Prophet Sall authorization to increase one's lifespan and wealth, as well as the Galatians' remorse of the world and the importance of the Darvin's deeds for the future.

  • Taraweeh Khatira - The Dream Of Ibn Abbas (Ra) On Laylatul Qadr

    02/04/2024 Duración: 10min

    >> AI Generated: The upcoming night of the 23rd of the year is a victory for the prophet sall associates and a need for people to show their shuhada. Multiple narrations highlight the same message, including a man reciting a dream and a woman reciting a dream. The possibility of a dream for the average person is discussed, but it is unclear if it is possible. forgiveness and mercy are emphasized, and guidance on showing mercy to their brothers and sisters is requested.

  • Why Me #23 Why Is There So Much Suffering In The World

    01/04/2024 Duración: 11min

    >> AI Generated: The speaker discusses the negative consequences of war, natural disasters, and diseases that affect people, and the importance of the creation of humanity. They stress the need for a focus on one's own suffering and faith in the future, as well as the importance of not feeling sorry for others' actions and realizing one's purpose. The Qadr of people who change things and refuse to change things themselves is emphasized, along with the need to show patience and faith in the future.

  • Why Me #22 Can I Escape The Consequences Of My Sins

    31/03/2024 Duración: 10min

    >> AI Generated: The speaker discusses the negative consequences of past mistakes that can affect relationships and character. They also mention the importance of acknowledging past mistakes and finding God's blessing in one's life. The speaker emphasizes the need to acknowledge and forgive past mistakes to avoid unnecessary promises and negative consequences.

  • Why Me #21 Is Allah Testing Or Punishing Me

    30/03/2024 Duración: 12min

    >> AI Generated: The speaker discusses the consequences of actions taken against a man's wife, including punishment and negative consequences. He emphasizes the importance of testing one's actions to determine whether it is a matter of love or punishment and warns of potential consequences of satisfied goals. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of not giving things to people when crying and begging for them, and cautions of the potential consequences of lightened pain.

  • Those Who Are Deprived On Laylatul Qadr

    30/03/2024 Duración: 18min

    >> AI Generated: The upcoming month has a single night and is recognized as the forgiveness of the creator. The search for forgiveness is emphasized, and the importance of not missing a night is emphasized. The speaker discusses the pride of men and women in their culture and the importance of sending peace and blessings to those who receive it. The speaker emphasizes the need for forgiveness and educating people on the importance of their appearance. The importance of avoiding negative behavior and finding one's own success is also emphasized.

  • Why Me #20 Why Is Everything Suddenly Falling Apart

    29/03/2024 Duración: 10min

    >> AI Generated: The loss of a loved one can distort one's happiness and sadness, causing a sudden drop in life. The "will" that lasts for a long time is also distorted by the loss of something. Visits to the state of one's mind can lead to a state of relief, blending loss and suffering for happiness, and not allowing things to happen to anyone who is worthy of their award.

  • Taraweeh Reflections - 10 Tips For The Last 10 Nights

    29/03/2024 Duración: 12min

    >> AI Generated: The speaker gives advice on preventing the sins of the day, avoiding conversations at night, and prioritizing praying with queries. They suggest avoiding conversations at night and reciting the Prophet's words, increasing the recitation of the day, and prioritizing being present for the full set of prayer. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of improving the time of the day and increasing the use of the word "day." They provide guidance on how to increase one's share of the Quran, including reading between personal and daily activities, and seek forgiveness from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

  • Justice

    28/03/2024 Duración: 01h39min
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