Duane Sheriff Ministries - Feed



Building Healthy Churches and Helping People Grow in Christ


  • How Faith Works | Episode 10 | The Cross

    20/11/2023 Duración: 28min

    Duane Sheriff reveals that God loved us so much that He sent His son, Jesus, to bear our penalty for sin. Jesus bore God's wrath and punishment for our sins in his body on the Cross so we could be made righteous by his sacrifice. It is so important that we understand the beauty and simplicity of the Cross. It is the very foundation of our faith.

  • How Faith Works | Episode 8 | Apostle Paul

    16/11/2023 Duración: 28min

    God is love. Love is the second cooperative power that works in the ecosystem of faith. Duane Sheriff shares the simplicity of love written by the Apostle Paul: to love, you must be born of God and know God. If you do not love, you do not know God. Duane says having faith is easy if you know how much God loves you.

  • How Faith Works | Episode 7 | Love is Taught

    15/11/2023 Duración: 28min

    Love is a cooperative power in the ecosystem of faith, and we are encouraged to be rooted and grounded in God's kind of love. Duane Sheriff examines scriptures on how we are to teach others how to love.

  • How Faith Works | Episode 6 | God's Love

    14/11/2023 Duración: 28min

    In the ecosystem of faith, three cooperative powers are interconnected: hope, love, and patience. Duane Sheriff helps us understand that our faith strengthens as we grow in our revelation of God's love for us. Love is who God is. We receive a knowledge of God's love for us through His word and the Holy Spirit, not by our feelings.

  • How Faith Works | Episode 5 | Abraham

    13/11/2023 Duración: 28min

    Even Abraham, the father of faith, lost hope. Duane Sheriff explains how to regain your hope. Do not consider yourself, your circumstances, or your mistakes. Give thanks and set your focus on the promises of God, who is faithful to accomplish all His promises.

  • Calling Evil Good | Part 2

    12/11/2023 Duración: 59min

    We are living in challenging times. Things are changing at an alarming rate. The church is unprepared for the manipulation and the darkness ahead. Brother Duane encourages the church to prepare our hearts for more deception in the days ahead.

  • How Faith Works | Episode 4 | Promises

    10/11/2023 Duración: 28min

    Hope, love, and patience make up the ecosystem of faith. Duane Sheriff emphasizes the importance of hope and how hope is a powerful force in our lives. There is a battle for your hope. Losing hope can lead to a shipwreck of faith. Put your hope in the promises of God and not in the world.

  • How Faith Works | Episode 3 | Hope

    09/11/2023 Duración: 28min

    Love, hope, and patience are principles connected in the ecosystem of faith. Duane Sheriff explores the importance of hope in our lives and that our hope should be in God. Abraham's life is an example of hope, and is considered the father of faith.

  • How Faith Works | Episode 2 | Ecosystem

    08/11/2023 Duración: 28min

    Have you ever wondered why faith is vital in our relationship with God? Duane Sheriff unravels this mystery together as we journey through the enlightening spiritual ecosystem of faith, hope, love, and patience. Discover how hope, even in the face of challenges, can fuel our faith and sustain our lives.

  • How Faith Works | Episode 1 | Faith

    07/11/2023 Duración: 28min

    Duane Sheriff explains that there is an ecosystem of faith and how things are connected to your faith. There are laws and principles of faith. Your prayers will become more effective once you understand how these things are connected to your faith.

  • Calling Evil Good | Part 1

    29/10/2023 Duración: 56min
  • Basics Of Grace | Episode 10

    24/10/2023 Duración: 28min

    True humility accepts that we are nothing without Christ, but through Christ, we are His workmanship. Duane Sheriff shares the four attributes of humility so we can judge our hearts. Without God: 1) we are nothing, 2) we have nothing, 3) we know nothing, 4) we can do nothing. All our abilities, talents, gifts, and blessings come from God. 

  • Basics Of Grace | Episode 9

    23/10/2023 Duración: 28min

    Through faith, grace is how we enter God's Kingdom and how we live in God's Kingdom. Grace is God's power to be who we are and God's power to do what we do. Grace is God's power in our human weakness. Duane Sheriff explains that it is our human weakness that keeps us humble and dependent on God. 

  • Basics Of Grace | Episode 8

    20/10/2023 Duración: 28min

    Why does God resist the proud? Pride was the original sin of Lucifer. Duane Sheriff contrasts the attributes of humility and the attributes of pride. Humility is God-centered and focuses on others, whereas pride is self-centered and focuses on self.

  • Basics Of Grace | Episode 7

    19/10/2023 Duración: 28min

    Grace is the power to do all God has called us to do. When we humble ourselves, we receive more of God's grace. But when pride is in our lives, God will resist us. Duane Sheriff contrasts humility and pride so we can experience God's grace.

  • Basics Of Grace | Episode 6

    18/10/2023 Duración: 28min

    Humility allows us to receive more grace in our lives, but pride can hinder grace in our lives. Duane Sheriff shares the attributes of humility and what humility looks like, as well as the attributes of grace and what grace looks like. Grace empowers us to be the salt of the world, the light of the world, and a blessing to everyone we know.

  • Basics Of Grace | Episode 5

    17/10/2023 Duración: 28min

    We are saved by grace through faith, and grace is a gift from God. Duane Sheriff shares the basics of grace, where to find grace, and when to find grace. Grace is God's power in human weakness and can only be found in a relationship with Jesus in our time of need.

  • Basics Of Grace | Episode 4

    16/10/2023 Duración: 28min

    Grace is God's power in human weakness. Grace is found in Jesus and a relationship with Jesus. Duane Sheriff teaches that overcoming today's sins, weaknesses, and addictions is impossible without Jesus.

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