Gary Renard Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 43:41:11
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The Gary Renard Podcast -- produced and co-hosted by Gene Bogart.Featuring news, updates, interviews, and discussions with Gary Renard, author of the best-selling books, "The Disappearance of the Universe", and, "Your Immortal Reality: How to Break the Cycle of Birth and Death". Both books are published by Hay House.Gary's works elaborate on the spiritual classics, A Course in Miracles, and The Gospel of Thomas, and focus on the development and practice of "advanced forgiveness", a unique brand of "quantum" forgiveness quite unlike the old-fashioned model.The Gary Renard Podcast is released regularly, and is produced and co-hosted by professional voice artist, writer, and metaphysical entertainer, Gene Bogart. ( • Each podcast program involves discussion with Gary, either from his home, in the studio, or via telephone from one of his many traveling destinations. These conversations elaborate on the themes of forgiveness presented in Gary's works, and also involve his experiences while "on the road" during his busy schedule of presentations and workshops. Gary's well renowned sense of humor is always in evidence, and the conversations are invariably as entertaining as they are enlightening! Podcast listeners are invited to submit comments and questions for Gary to address during upcoming shows.• Gary's own website - which he claims to have named, himself - is• The Gary Renard Podcast is a production of EnLighten-Up Creations and is presented by


  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep036

    26/01/2010 Duración: 56min

    Episode 36: "Make this year different!" The theme of this first podcast of 2010 takes its cue from the ACIM statement: "Make this year different, by making it all the same." Gary starts off with a brief account of spending New Year's Eve in Honolulu (and their incredible fireworks displays), and then Gary and Gene spend a little time discussing the recent earthquake in Haiti... and how we can use a Course perspective to try to bring a sense of peace to a seemingly tragic set of circumstances. First 'question for Gary' asks: how do we know that after we "awaken", we won't continue to review the dream for infinity? Another question asks about the Course's views on addictions: are addictions also just part of the dream?

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep035

    18/12/2009 Duración: 41min

    Episode 35: "The Christmas 2009 Podcast." This episode begins with some sounds of the season (listen, you'll see), and it is almost instantly interrupted by the arrival to Gary's house of both Cindy and her sister Jackie, who take the opportunity to wish all our podcast listeners a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Gary puts everybody into the Christmas Spirit by recounting one of his favorite quotes from A Course in Miracles which includes, "The sign of Christmas is a star, a light in darkness." There's a very brief chat about Gary's upcoming holiday travels, the next conference call, and the "No Steenkin' Ego" cruise to Mexico in April 2010. First 'question for Gary' asks about the audio recordings of DU as well as the other books. Gene and Gary answer with an announcement regarding this: a soon-to-be released audio-CD set which will present 2 hours of previously unrecorded material from DU and YIR! Next question asks about the animals (pets) in our lives; do they a

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep034

    28/11/2009 Duración: 36min

    Episode 34: "Giving Thanks to the Holy Spirit". This Thanksgiving Podcast begins with Gary briefly telling Gene about his recent trip to Australia (and it's been 5 years since he was there last.) During the past 5 years, Gary's audience in Australia has grown substantially, and these podcasts are very popular Down Under, as well! The guys then chat a bit about the upcoming conference call on Nov. 30. Gary talks about going out (right after recording this show) to see the film, 2012, which apparently has a scene in which Gary's book "Your Immortal Reality" is seen sitting on a desk! (One would hope that alone would be enough to save the world...) Next up: Questions for Gary. First question asks Gary to summarize the relationship between our experiences of unity (or separation) with those around us, and our awareness of our relationship with God. Next question inquires about the nature of déja vu. The answer involves the Course's teaching that we are actually reviewing all that has alre

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep033

    25/10/2009 Duración: 41min

    Episode 33: "It's Halloween For The Ego!" At least that's the topic of Gary and Gene's first conference call, scheduled for just a few days after this podcast episode will be released. We have some discussion about that, some brief mention of Gary's current schedule (including his upcoming return trip Down Under), and there's also some discussion about Love Has Forgotten No One. Then, we move right into Questions for Gary! First up is a question regarding the forgiveness thought processes Gary describes in his books - and will there be a new one included in LHFNO. Next question asks about other authors who claim to be channeling God or Jesus; if their message is not the truth as the Course presents it, then who or what are they channeling? Next question asks about sayings from Pursah's Gospel of Thomas; and then, a question about Jesus' other possible lifetimes. Our last question asks about people who commit suicide; is the script written for them, as well? The answer involves multiple dimensions of

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep032

    30/08/2009 Duración: 01h06min

    Episode 32: "It Never Rains in Southern California"... at least, according to Gary's weather report, discussing the drought conditions he has witnessed since moving to S.Cal two years ago. But Gary is really enjoying living in California, and he discusses a few of the very nice experiences he has had since moving there. Gary then tells Gene about meeting Ossie (she's one of the yahoo DU group moderators) while on a trip to Denver, and also meeting up with her fellow moderator Lyn while there. (Gary also tells of meeting the DU group's third mod, Marcy, in Chicago a few weeks back... making it a trifecta of mod meets!) Gary talks about his new trip to Europe, including some of the new destinations he'll be visiting there. Gary and Gene talk a bit about Gary's upcoming group cruise, this time to Mexico in April 2010. There's also some quick mention about our buddy Mikey (from the yahoo DU group) who Gary just saw in person recently, and who does a very funny "impersonation" of Gary in a Yo

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep031

    26/07/2009 Duración: 48min

    Episode 31: Gary's "Hawaiian Wedding" Podcast! This episode is recorded while Gary is still in Hawaii, just a few days after his wedding to Cindy. Gary shares all the details about the wedding itself, including telling about the songs that he and Cindy sang to each other during the ceremony. (Gary actually played guitar while singing; the first time he's played "publicly" in many years!) And in a 'first' for our podcast series, we are then joined on the phone by Cindy herself, who discusses the wedding - including the fact that she and Gary discovered, just a few hours before the ceremony, that they had neglected to obtain a marriage license! Fortunately, all worked out well... Gene asks Gary about his feelings concerning the wedding from a Course in Miracles perspective. Gary's answer expands on the concept of the Holy Relationship, and in seeing the other person as who they truly are; the perfect creation of God. The discussion goes into some depth regarding the Course's teaching tha

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep030

    29/06/2009 Duración: 01h07s

    Episode 30: Gary starts off by recapping his recent travels, beginning with his extensive appearance tour in Europe. He began in Amsterdam (and tells some VERY interesting stories about that), then moved on to Paris (we can all see it's a tough life for certain spiritual teachers..;-) Next stop, Barcelona, where Gary encountered tremendous enthusiasm for his personal appearances as well as for his books and the Course in general. There is also some discussion regarding the recent ULC (Universal Lightworkers Conference) event in Fort Lauderdale, where Gary was a keynote speaker, and where Gene and Helen performed as part of the ULC musical presentation! Gary then discusses his next upcoming trip, this one to Japan for the first time. And after that, Gary will be off to Hawaii -- not for a speaking engagement -- but for his wedding to Cindy! Gary talks a bit about their plans, and about the nature of their their multi-incarnational relationship; Gary and Gene then extend the discussion into the Course's prin

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep029

    14/05/2009 Duración: 58min

    Episode 29: Gary begins by discussing his recent participation in the Hay House "I Can Do It" conference in San Diego, and then talks about a new movie he has been interviewed for, called, "Luminous World Views". (Gary also recently did an interview for the Spiritual Cinema Circle with actress Mariel Hemingway!) Gene and Gary get into a discussion regarding the application of the Course's teachings in our everyday lives, and how forgiveness - once it becomes a habit - is actually easier than judging... and a lot more beneficial. Questions for Gary start off with one from a 15 year old listener and Course student, who asks: at what point did Jesus obtain enlightenment? Gary and Gene then also discuss the fact that many younger people are now becoming more interested (and knowledgeable) in terms of spiritual awareness. Next question asks about a quote from Pursah in DU, involving medicines and their role as effects in the perception of bodily healing and/or suffering. Gary's answer incl

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep028

    28/04/2009 Duración: 37min

    Episode 28: "Podcast at Sea - Part 2." This is the second half of the recording made aboard Gary's "Happy Dream Cruise" to the Caribbean. The action picks right up with further questions for Gary - coming directly from our live audience of fellow cruisers! First up, Rick asks about Course scribe Helen Schucman, and the nature of her "enlightenment status" at the end of her life. In his answer, Gary also discusses in-between life and past-life experiences - and why A Course in Miracles was given at just the appropriate time in human history. The next questioner asks Gary to expand on how ACIM relates to Tibetan Buddhism. Gary's answer references not only Buddhism, but the Kabbalah and traditional Christianity as well. Next question is from our friend Rogier (who is translating Gary's books into Dutch); he asks about past lives, and how we can use these experiences for the purpose of forgiveness practice, rather than as a focus for the ego. Gary and Gene wrap up the Podcast at Se

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep027

    16/04/2009 Duración: 32min

    Episode 27: "The Podcast at Sea!" For the first time ever, Gene and Gary are in the same room at the same time for a podcast recording; and also for the first time, with a live audience! This all took place during Gary's "Happy Dream Cruise" to the Caribbean aboard the beautiful MS Westerdam. The sense of fun and excitement we all shared is plainly evident in this recording; and our fellow cruisers provided "Questions for Gary" right there as we recorded the show. First up, Jennifer asks for clarification about an earlier question regarding dealing with a person who is lying; and then follows up with asking about defending a person you love, when they are being spoken of negatively. Where does forgiveness fit into this process? Next question is from André (our "Dutch announcer"), who asks Gary about the "in between world", as Arten and Pursah have described it; if so much activity is happening in-between (the 'afterlife'), why is it so critical to do our f

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep026

    11/03/2009 Duración: 36min

    Episode 26: Gary's recording of this episode comes from the hotel in San Francisco, where he's appearing at the Course in Miracles Conference. Approximately 450 attendees are at the conference; and over 40 speakers -- all of whom Gary has worked with before, so it feels like "a reunion" for him! Attendees came from as far away as Macedonia, and mainland China, where DU is officially "banned" by the government there, yet underground versions are now available and being read by many Chinese people. Gary discusses with Gene how he goes about the process of speaking in public, and how it's only with the Holy Spirit's constant guidance (and a certain excerpt from A Course in Miracles) that he is able to feel so comfortable about doing it. Gene and Gary discuss –and very much in line with what Gary speaks of in public– how the undeniably central focus of ACIM is the practice of Forgiveness. Gary then talks a bit about California topics, and while discussing "The Governator", asks G

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep025

    01/02/2009 Duración: 01h04s

    Episode 25: Gary is in Western Massachusetts as this episode is recorded, and he starts off by discussing all the ice and snow he's had to deal with while traveling; as the Course describes everything in the ego's universe, things can appear beautiful from a distance, but upon closer inspection, it's often a different story... Gary talks about how his previously living in Maine was really the perfect location for Arten and Pursah to begin their visits to him. He then mentions an upcoming workshop in a warmer location, as he'll be appearing at "The Crossings" in Austin, Texas this coming March - on his birthday, in fact. Gary and Gene then enter into a discussion area that's a bit more somber than usual, in that one of Gary's closest and most long-time friends just recently passed away. Gary talks about their many experiences together, and then relates the discussion to a Course perspective, specifically referencing the section from the Manual for Teachers entitled, "What Is Death", and

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep024

    13/01/2009 Duración: 01h06min

    Episode 24: The Combined Holiday Show! This episode begins with a Christmas theme, and then moves into a New Year's theme, opening the doorway into 2009. Gary begins with his recent experience of Christmas in California, including a wonderful musical event; he then gives a brief reading from the Course, from the section, "Christmas as the End of Sacrifice." Gary and Gene then discuss how the concept of sacrifice is always related to the body, and as the Course teaches, true communication (which is the basis of our Reality) is always of the Mind. Gary then talks about his holiday trip to South Florida, where Gene and Gary got to connect at one of their favorite places, the Mai-Kai -- and then also to spend New Year's Eve together in Miami! Gary talks a bit about the concept of a New Year from a Course perspective, about "making this year different by making it all the same." Gary discusses the ego's script versus the Holy Spirit's script, and how the HS may shift us from one script to the

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep023

    14/12/2008 Duración: 51min

    Episode 23: It's the Thanksgiving Show! Actually recorded slightly after Thanksgiving, and being released in December, but who's counting... Anyway, Gary and Gene want to give thanks to all their podcast listeners, and they also chat a bit about the concept of gratitude and it's importance in attaining an abundant state of mind all through the year, and all through one's life. The guys discuss how movies, music, and other artistic endeavors are so often linked to those with a spiritual mindset - and how the enjoyment of these things can be yet another cause for gratitude. Next up: Questions for Gary! First question: if there were no humans, but only 'lesser' life forms (like plants and fish), would the forgiveness process still be at work - and if so, how? Next question - somewhat related to the previous one - asks about mentally handicapped people, and if (and again, if so, how) they are able to make spiritual progress while in human form? Then, a listener asks about some of the "other" apostles

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep022

    26/11/2008 Duración: 48min

    Episode 22: Before launching into "Questions", Gary briefly discusses the cold weather he's currently experiencing in Boston, where he's not only doing a workshop, but celebrating the fifth anniversary of his very first workshop, presented in that same city 5 years ago. Gary also mentions the release of a new audio CD titled "Fearless Love" (just released this week), and also references a new movie as well as a new DVD project he's involved with. A brief discussion ensues about health/body related issues that both Gene and Gary have dealt with recently, and why numerologically, 2008 has been a strange year... but Gary predicts that 2009 will be "smokin'!" Then, as promised, it's on to "Questions for Gary." First up: can Gary clarify a seeming discrepancy between DU and the Course regarding God's answer to the separation. Next, a listener asks for clarification regarding 'healing', and whether Gary will ever do a book solely on that topic. The discussion involves the

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep021

    19/10/2008 Duración: 01h07min

    Episode 21: Gary begins by discussing reincarnation (as he recently attended a conference on the subject), and explains the concept from a Course in Miracles perspective. He then talks about attending the most recent Hay House conference, and interacting with many of the well-known authors who were there. Next, Gary tells Gene about his unexpected experience of "the separation"; in this case, the separated shoulder he underwent due to an accident on an escalator at the Cincinnati airport! Fortunately, all turned out reasonably well, and Gary explains how applying forgiveness can actually speed the healing process. (He also references the section from the Course's "Manual for Teachers", entitled, "How Is Healing Accomplished.") Then: as promised in the previous episode, Gene presents several "Questions for Gary!" First up (non-coincidentally enough): since the Course teaches that there is no separation, aren't God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus really all the same - and

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep020

    15/09/2008 Duración: 55min

    Episode 20: Gary and Gene begin this episode by discussing this past Summer's activities, including Gary's recording of his third audio-CD set for Sounds True (entitled, "Fearless Love", which should be due out this coming November.) Gary also discusses some new directives coming from Arten & Pursah. Gary then gives some new details about his relationship with his ex-wife, Karen, and how continually applying the principles of love and forgiveness as taught in A Course in Miracles makes all the difference in healing our relationships. He then elaborates on dealing with "seeming to be here" in the physical world, while in reality, we are not. Gary and Gene then discuss the "Love Has Forgotten No One" cruise to Alaska from this past July - and also then discuss Gary's upcoming group cruise to the Caribbean ("The Happy Dream Cruise") in March 2009, which will once again be aboard the same incredible cruise ship, Holland-America's "Westerdam". Gary then t

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep019

    09/07/2008 Duración: 30min

    Episode 19: This episode continues with more "Questions for Gary!" First up, a question (from a listener in Kansas City), regarding the differences between the 'dream reality' which we think we are, and the true reality (or the "true I") which we really are. A confusing but not uncommon question... (“To whom is the Course being addressed?") The discussion continues into the area of "choice", and, exactly who is it that is doing the choosing - and, who is it that we really, ultimately are. Next up, and following on an area of question from the previous podcast episode, Gary speaks more about the current identity in this lifetime of Arten, which will be revealed in Gary's third book, "Love Has Forgotten No One". Another listener asks about ill health and other body-related issues interfering with her study of the Course, and how best to address this problem. Gary speaks about a healthy body or a sick body being no different, spiritually, as neither is actually &qu

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep018

    24/05/2008 Duración: 42min

    Episode 18: Gary and Gene begin by discussing Gary's upcoming appearance this June at the Universal Lightworkers Conference in South Florida, where Gene and Helen will also be performing music once again this year (as they have, many times previously) - and Gary kindly throws in a plug for Gene's original tune, "Ease in the Keys." Gary talks about his recent trip to Salt Lake City; and then segues into a chat about his much anticipated new third book, "Love Has Forgotten No One", due to be released this Fall. Gary then talks about his trip to Europe for 2008, and also discusses how the Holy Spirit seems to "take over" when he's addressing large groups at events. Gene starts off the "Questions for Gary" segment with a question posed by a number of folks at the "DU" group, regarding the possible significance of the change in the release date of Gary's upcoming new book (as well as Gary noting the new book's 'revealing' of the current-lifetime identit

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep017

    11/04/2008 Duración: 47min

    Episode 17: Gary and Gene record this episode while Gary is on the road in Cleveland; more about that in a moment. Gary talks about his recent "warm weather tour" of hot-spots such as Acapulco, Hawaii, Savannah, and Arizona. (He says this has been the first Winter in his life that he's never seen any snow!) Back to Cleveland; Gary tells of his first ever visit to the world famous "Rock & Roll Hall of Fame". The discussion moves into the links between spirituality and art, in particular how creative artists such as the Moody Blues seem to naturally "tap into" higher realities in their lyrics. Gary speaks of how the experience of attending a great concert can really become an enjoyable part of the "happy dream". Gary then brings up some interesting new evidence of the intelligence and spiritual nature that our animal brothers share with us, and tells of his own remarkable experiences while swimming with the dolphins in Hawaii. Gary speaks about his dog Nupey (who wa

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