Dennis Gulley



Our purpose as a church is, simply, to "Walk intimately with God and to Invite others to journey with us".


  • The Practice of Forgiving


    Forgiving is one of the most important things we can do. If we want to understand the forgiveness that Jesus offers to us, we have to extend that forgiveness to others.

  • The Practice of Preparing


    God is leading us forward, and he is preparing us even as he is calling us. Are we stepping in to mission with the readiness of the presence of Jesus?

  • Penny's Retirement Celebration


    We want to thank Penny for everything she has done for our church family and for the kingdom, and pray blessings on her as she steps into retirement!

  • The Practice of Correcting


    Correcting is a dangerous part of following Jesus, but it's something that is important and that God has called us to do! Holding each other accountable is an important part of following Jesus!

  • The Practice of Growing


    Sharing the presence of Jesus means that we need to be growing in our knowledge and understanding of him. As we are made more and more like him, we can show others who he is!

  • The Practice of Giving


    Tithing is an act of radical submission and trust. God calls us to give not because he needs our resources but because we need him!

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