Manager Mojo with Steve Caldwell

  • Autor: Podcast
  • Narrador: Podcast
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 5:31:16
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We discuss common sense solutions to management and leadership issues. We believe leaders are made not born. We help you learn how to leverage your strengths to be a great leader.


  • Change is Necessary and Good – Announcement of New Podcast Schedule


                  Change is Necessary and Good – Announcement of New Podcast Schedule It is human nature to struggle with change, because we like to hold on to the familiar. Yet, most times it can be good. Business must change based on circumstances and needs of customers. That’s why Steve is making a change in the Manager Mojo podcast schedule, and in this short announcement he will provide further explanation and let you know what to expect in the future. Check it out to learn what’s up.   Click here to check out our newest leadership development tool – LEAD – Leadership Education and Development               Steve Caldwell is an executive mentor and coach to managers and leaders who desire to excel in their career and become the leader others want to follow. Steve is a leadership expert, host of the Manager Mojo podcast and author of the book Manager Mojo – Be the Leader Others Want to Follow. ( Steve also coaches his followers not only on how to become great leaders, b

  • We are All Risk Averse – Get Over it and Be Successful – a conversation with Matthew Turner, who unearthed how successful people overcome failure and adversity


    Matthew Turner                 We are All Risk Averse – Get Over it and Be Successful  It’s a struggle from birth. Our DNA hard-wires us to avoid risk. We are told ‘no’ thousands of times as a child and the educational system punishes mistakes. Are you going to let that stop you, or are you willing to learn how to get over the fear of taking risks and making mistakes? Success in life doesn’t come without it. Matthew Turner, author of The Successful Mistake: Tips, Tricks & Tales From 163 Successful Entrepreneurs, interviewed some of the world’s finest business minds to learn how they bounced back from mistakes and how mistakes were stepping-stones in their career. Be willing to give up being perfect (that’s exhausting) and to risk taking a step forward. You don’t need to be confident, brave or skillful. You simply need to be willing to take the first step. Here it is….   To learn more about Matthew Turner and the books he has authored, click here and here   Click here to check out our newest lead

  • How Will You be Known? A conversation for leaders who want to stand out and be the leader others want to follow


                  How Will You be Known? Are you willing to set the standard? Are you willing to stop following the crowd and begin doing the right thing (even if no one else is doing it) and not do the wrong thing (even if everyone else is)? You are a leader and you have before you great opportunity to make change and affect others. But you can’t make that happen if you’re not dependable, reliable, and consistent. Are you a serious business person? Then you need to stop the excuses, make a practice of always being on time and take control of your schedule. Think all of that isn’t possible and you’d have to be perfect to accomplish it? It is and you don’t. What you do need to do is be in charge – of you. Take charge of your reputation. Become known as someone who is dependable, reliable and consistent. Those are the traits of leaders who others want to follow. Set the standard and become that person.   Click here to check out our newest leadership development tool – LEAD – Leadership Education and Devel

  • You Have Immense Personal Power — Tap into It – Words of wisdom from a businessman who turned $1,200 into $45 Million while (literally) dodging bullets


    Tom Nix                 You Have Immense Personal Power -- Tap into It Who would have thought it possible for a lowrider from San Pedro, who overcame armed robbery, the L.A. riots and an assassination threat by the Chicago mob to become a successful businessman and philanthropist? In fact, he turned $1,200 in life savings into $45 Million through 40 years of ingenious hard work and helping others. How did he do it? By having a desire to change and making positive choices to tap into his immense personal power. He is an exception only in his willingness to make right choices, but he only utilized what every one of us has available to us right now. Tune in to hear from Tom Nix, the creator of the biggest check-cashing chain in southern California who explains his wild ride to success and how you can follow his example – though possibly doing it through calmer waters.   Learn more about Tom Nix, download Life's Key Concepts and check out his book Nixland – My Wild Ride in the Inner City Check Cashing I

  • Quit Looking for Someone to Blame – a bad habit for leaders to develop that undermines their leadership and authority


                    Quit Looking for Someone to Blame How easy is it for you to say, “It’s my fault”? Of course, it’s never easy, but it must be done when the team makes a mistake and fails in some way. Blaming others is a waste of time, and unfortunately it is far too common to see leaders point fingers in other directions. Having a solution-finding mentality is good, but ultimately it is looking for someone or something to blame. That can become a bad habit. So, let’s start now. Repeat after me – “It’s my fault.” One more time, “It’s my fault.” The more you say it the easier it will become, and you will become the trusted leader who others want to follow.   Click here to check out our newest leadership development tool – LEAD – Leadership Education and Development               Steve Caldwell is an executive mentor and coach to managers and leaders who desire to excel in their career and become the leader others want to follow. Steve is a leadership expert, host of the Manager Mojo podcast an

  • What Do You Stand for in Your Business Besides Making a Profit? A discussion with Brooke Erol of Purposeful Business who believes in the power of humanizing the workplace.


    Brooke Erol                 What Do You Stand for in Your Business Besides Making a Profit?  We are operating in a business climate that includes three generations in the workforce. That can be daunting and challenging when trying to mesh the differing values, beliefs and behaviors of each generation. While older workers seem comfortable with a set start/stop time, younger workers may want to mosey in at 10:00 after having worked into the wee hours of the morning. Both approaches can be successful with flexibility in the workplace and accountability for the job at hand. How can common ground and viable teamwork occur? Leaders who are willing and able to develop a culture of trust and transparency allowing team members to bond and be themselves is a good place to start. Having clarity around the organization’s purpose, mission and vision are also critical so that every worker can find a connection to their personal motivations and the job they perform. Start melding the divergent generations in your wo

  • Do You Need a 100 Day Report Card? – a discussion of why 90 to 100 days may not be long enough to evaluate talent and success


                  Do You Need a 100 Day Report Card?  There is a current business practice to have employees sign a 90 day opt-out if they don’t live up to expectations. But is 90 or 100 days enough time to evaluate someone’s performance? Being new in a position does not signify immediate success or a turnaround. Depending on the position, the complexity of change and preparing to turn a ship around can take time. In fact, so often I see where a business can’t even define what success in each position looks like. Employees aren’t provided specific and direct criteria of performance levels and standards. Rather than setting short-term windows to determine success or failure, as a leader you should be setting people up for success from the start. People who enter each work day clear on their direction and where to focus their time are motivated employees with a mission. Master the art of arriving at successful destinations in your business. This podcast will get you started.   Click here to check out our

  • What Navy SEALS Know About Peak Performance Can be Used in Your Business – a conversation with best-selling author Steven Kotler on the current science of peak performance


    Steven Kotler                 What Navy SEALS Know About Peak Performance Can be Used in Your Business Do you remember being “in the zone,” that moment when things seemed effortless, simple and done in record speed? Likely we all have been there at one time or another, but the moments are rare and fleeting. What if you could tap into those moments whenever you wanted to achieve a state of heightened performance? It’s possible and is currently happening. From Navy SEALS, to athletes and top performers in all genres, science is uncovering how maintaining states of peak, super performance can be achieved by hacking into the brains natural flow and coming to a greater understanding of your nervous system. Best-selling author Steven Kotler joined the Manager Mojo podcast to help all of us step up our game.   To connect with Steven and learn more about the current science of peak performance check out these websites -;;   Click here to c

  • Beware of Complacency – Don’t allow your stellar discipline and spot-on habits to get in the way of success


                    Beware of Complacency You are a dedicated and determined person, ready and willing to work hard to achieve the success you desire. No one would call you complacent, yet it’s easy for complacency to strike even the most focused and determined. Your good habits are pushing you forward; yet those same habits could be holding you back. We get set in our ways, can’t ‘see the forest for the trees,’ and we don’t realize that what got us here won’t get us there. Only fresh eyes and a renewed focus can do that. If you are a proactive, get-it-done person, be sure to listen to this podcast and contemplate why even those who are at the top of their game need a reboot and kickstart every now and then. In fact, the best do it all the time. Don’t fall into the complacency trap. Reach a new gear today.   Click here to check out our newest leadership development tool – LEAD – Leadership Education and Development             Steve Caldwell is an executive mentor and coach to managers and leade

  • Is What You Fear Becoming Reality? You are Probably to Blame… –a conversation with Isaac Lidsky, child actor, Harvard grad and clerk to two Supreme Court Justices, who was born with Retinitis Pigmentosa that gradually caused him to lose his sight


    Isaac Lidsky             Is What You Fear Becoming Reality?  You are Probably to Blame…  Can you imagine being born with sight, but going blind by your early 20’s? Would your life change? For the better or worse? What if one day you would say it was the best thing to ever happen and that it actually allowed you to live life to its fullest? Isaac Lidsky is just that person. While he was losing his sight, he thought life was over. No woman would love him. He’d never have children. Yet somewhere along the line he learned how wrong he was. Going blind was a gift. All the ways he thought that a worthwhile and valuable life was coming to an end never happened. Those ideas were simply his perception of a future reality that was far from the truth. His fears were getting in the way of living a wonderful life and fulfilling his gifts. He’s now CEO of a $150M industry-leading concrete subcontractor. How are your fears controlling your reality of what is possible? Tune in to this enlightening conversation discussi

  • The Leadership Breakdown in the United Airlines Fiasco – Don’t think this could never happen to you!


                  The Leadership Breakdown in the United Airlines Fiasco  Do you think the leadership breakdown at United Airlines would never happen at your company under your watch? Think again – it probably already has. By now we all know of the horrific actions toward a customer to accommodate United’s own employees. The fact that the first press release expressed nothing being out of line trying to accommodate their own people, provides an obvious clue as to the stature of customers in that organization. Yet, how often are your employees’ priorities placed in front of your customers, and likely with a good excuse as to why? While United deserves to have all fingers pointing at them, we all should make sure that we aren’t looking in the mirror and having those fingers pointing right back at ourselves. Consider that when you listen to this podcast about the forgotten customer.   Click here to check out our newest leadership development tool – LEAD – Leadership Education and Development         

  • How Much Time & Talent are You Wasting? – a discussion with Michael C. Mankins, partner at Bain & Company and an expert on unleashing three critical assets – time, talent & energy


    Michael C. Mankins                 How Much Time & Talent are You Wasting? Time goes largely unmanaged in business. So are talent and energy. Would you allow an employee to walk off with a big piece of equipment? Then why are you allowing them to steal the time of team members and fellow employees? The average front-line supervisor spends 23 hours/week in meetings of 4 people or more and 8 hours sending/responding to email. After all of that largely wasted time, research shows there are only 6.5 hours to do the work, and that is a big contributor to why managers are taking work home in the evenings and on weekends. Engaged employees are 25% more productive, yet inspired employees are 125% more productive! Inspired leaders in a culture of responsibility and accountability produce more. When you pair that with deploying the talent of star players to your business-critical endeavors you have a combination for a high-performance team. Where are you wasting time and the talent of your best people? This pod

  • Is it Just About the Money? – an explanation of why getting priorities straight can enhance joy and happiness in life and career


                  Is it Just About the Money? For most people, money as a long-term motivator comes up short. It is quite common for individuals to get promoted into management because they are excellent individual contributors. That’s when they realize there are financial benefits from being a successful leader. However, statistics show that 52% of those people will fail. Why? Their focus is in the wrong place. The money motivator only goes so far as the challenges of leadership start tugging and pulling. It can be difficult to lead others, and some become so frustrated they resort to micro-managing or ordering rather than leading. Watch out! Rather than push your way to success, a focus on increasing your management and leadership skills is likely the route to an ever-increasing paycheck. If you don’t seek the training needed, you may be promoted to your level of incompetence and become one of those statistics. Start making career choices that produce results that sincerely contribute to your joy and happ

  • Spend Your Time Where It is Most Valuable – a conversation with Victor Prince, trainer, speaker and author of Lead Inside the Box: How Smart Leaders Guide their Teams to Exceptional Results


      Victor Prince                 Spend Your Time Where It is Most Valuable  Managers must not be all things to all people. In fact, successful leaders are making deliberate choices each day about who needs to be on their team and who they should be investing time in. While it’s not uncommon for a manager to want to spend equal time with all team members, that isn’t a wise choice. Think of your time as an investment toward the result of achieving goals. While it seems natural to want to spend more time with those who are struggling and allow those who are having success to go off and do it, that thinking is backwards. By spending time with the ones who are producing the greatest results, a leader can expand success exponentially and achieve even greater results. If you are struggling with the many demands on your time, this conversation can be helpful toward making choices to invest your time wisely.   To learn more about Victor Prince and his work, check out the free tools at

  • Be a Tenacious Leader – a frank conversation of the desperate need for tenacious, persistent leaders


                  Be a Tenacious Leader  Are you a tenacious leader? Leaders must be persistent and determined to succeed, because it is a sure thing there will be tests and trials along the way. When you are leading a group of unique individuals toward a vision and goals, achieving crystal-clear clarity is a challenge onto itself. People are desperate for real leaders who have a vision and are carving a path they want to follow. They find this type of leader inspirational and motivational. On the other hand, political correctness has created a society of wimpy, ineffectual leaders who don’t bravely approach risk. They back away, like the cowardly lion. If you desire to be a strong, tenacious, successful leader, be sure to listen to this podcast for a candid conversation and the inspiration to succeed.   Click here to check out our newest leadership development tool – LEAD – Leadership Education and Development               Steve Caldwell is an executive mentor and coach to managers and leaders

  • 3 Critical Components of the Successful Leader – a conversation with Jim Vaselopulos, a C-level executive with a proven record as a rainmaker and new business development expert


    Jim Vaselopulos                 3 Critical Components of the Successful Leader  Do you consider yourself a passionate leader? The actions taken to show you care about people bring a level of authenticity and passion that make others want to follow you. That is critical to successful leadership. What if passion isn’t natural to you? Can you fake it until you make it? Maybe, but maybe not. If you have ever struggled with the saying, “Fake it until you make it,” you’ll want to listen to the energized conversation Steve had with Jim Vaselopulos. You’ll hear about passion plus the two other components that successful leaders must have or develop. Can you fake it until you make it? Find out here.   Learn more about Jim Vaselopulos by checking out, and     Click here to check out our newest leadership development tool – LEAD – Leadership Education and Development             Steve Caldwell is an executive mentor and coach to man

  • How to Create Inspired Workers – a podcast about competing and winning in today’s marketplace


                  How to Create Inspired Workers  What are you doing to create inspired workers on your team? Inspiration is a necessity in today’s marketplace, yet too many leaders find themselves distracted from the very essence of what leadership is about and it prevents them from competing and winning. Do you wake up each morning excited to just be average? Of course not! The desire to be your best and excel stems from the motivation we have for our job as well as the encouragement we receive from others. Be the leader who establishes valuable dialogue, challenges one another to achieve greatness and you will have a team of energized and inspired people. Start each day with an excitement and expectation to win in the marketplace. Develop inspired leaders and workers and you will have the foundation for competing and winning with excellence.   Click here to check out our newest leadership development tool – LEAD – Leadership Education and Development             Steve Caldwell is an executive

  • Should You Be Doing That? – an idea-filled conversation with R. Shawn McBride, attorney, CPA and business owner who helps successful private business owners build companies that stand the test of time


    R. Shawn McBride                 Should You Be Doing That?  How well have you prepared for the next step in your career or business? Although many people cringe at the word ‘planning,’ if you consider it as preparing for your future, you might want to think about how you have equipped yourself and protected your dreams.  By placing deliberate thought on what you’d like to achieve, you determine a specific end goal which allows you to take detailed steps.  It also allows you to take a step back and imagine if that dream were even bigger.  What could you do IF……    Be willing to allow dreams to be challenged, be receptive to new ideas, and you may find multiple paths to the same desired (or BIGGER) dream.    Don’t look back with an ‘I could have’ or ‘I should have,‘ take the time to think about your future now and begin moving forward with excitement.  The ideas in this podcast are a good place to start.   Learn more about Shawn's speaking opportunities at   You can also lear

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