Instant Equity



A show that teaches you how to successfully invest in real estate with a proven system that really works. Mike has bought hundreds of profitable properties


  • Making Your Rental Property An Easier Sell #25

    10/08/2015 Duración: 16min

    Mike has bought and sold hundreds of properties. When you've got a rented out piece of property, the world is your oyster. Would be investors' eyes light up when they see a property advertised with an existing tenant that's currently generating a 15 percent or better return. Mike suggests buying properties in solid working class neighborhoods where you can earn above average returns. He advises staying away from warzones and ultra-luxury neighborhoods and stick with the middle. That's where the cash flow is at, it's not unusual for Mike to realize 20 plus percent returns on properties he buys at auction. He teaches you to do the same, because in today's market there's no monopoly on great deals! For More Info Go To

  • The Magic Of Instant Equity-Virtual Risk Elimination #24

    10/08/2015 Duración: 16min

    Mike shows you how to take the hope out of Real Estate Investing. Using the Instant Equity System enables you to find property that is undervalued and therefore you'll be able to purchase it and lock your profit in when you buy it. With Instant Equity you're already in the black. You're not left hoping that the market will improve, that the neighborhood will get better or that interest rates will go down. Instead, your only focus is getting the property ready for sale and getting it listed. Then it's just a question of how much your final profit will be, or you may just decide to hold on to the property and go for cash flow. Either way, you're in the driver's seat, which is what Instant Equity allows you to do.  For More Info Go To

  • Exclusive Money Making Tip On HOA Foreclosures And 2nd Mortgages #23

    10/08/2015 Duración: 14min

    Mike and I have studied thousands of foreclosure sales and real estate property records. We made an amazing discovery. Often, an HOA steps to foreclose on a proeprty long before the bank gets around to it. They do this to protect the HOA owner's property values. The result is that the property's title gets broken and only the most astute bidders will be able to follow the trail. As a result, there's often very little competition when the property goes up for bid. Low competition can be your ticket to high profits. And it's all there in Mike's real estate course.  For More Info Go To

  • To Flip Or To Hold, That Is The Question #22

    10/08/2015 Duración: 18min

    What type of investor are you? Are you looking for a quick profit or are you looking for steady reliable cash flow? Sometimes you'll find a property that could be appropriate for either purpose. You need to have your goal established up front. It's said that eventually all real estate investors become cash flow investors. Even flippers wind up holding some or all of their properties for steady reliable income. It's part of the natural course of events. So don't get locked into labels. Keep your mind open for the opportunities and let them take you where they will.  For More Info Go To

  • You Can Train With Mike Now #21

    10/08/2015 Duración: 18min

    There's a ton of real estate courses out there, but there's nothing quite like training with Mike Gazzola. Mike has done hundreds of transactions and made millions of dollars. You'll train with him for 6 months and you'll learn how it's done. Mike will be with you every step of the way. You'll attend a live event and watch people buy property at an auction in real time. It's an amazing experience that you don't want to miss. Mike can actually prove every statement he's made in every show. He's got two large bound volumes that document every deal he's ever made. They're proof positive that you can do it too. So get started today and build your real estate fortune now.  For More Info Go To

  • How You Can Do High Profit Probate Purchases #20

    10/08/2015 Duración: 14min

    Billions of dollars worth of real estate moves through the nation's probate courts annually. Locating those probate sales is the key. Every state and counties within those states handle these sales differently. Sometimes people die without a will or heirs, and then the State sells off the property and pockets the proceeds. Other times the heirs don't want the property and are desperate for cash. They are looking to quickly sell the property to the first willing purchaser. The key is getting the property for the right price. In states such as Florida, if the estate stops paying taxes, mortgage payments or HOA fees, the property goes into the foreclosure process. Remember, the government comes first and this can be your way to large profits. There's many avenues to success, but understanding how the probate process works is essential to any real estate investor looking for large profits.   For More Info Go To

  • Auction Won And Then Lost #19

    10/08/2015 Duración: 17min

    It was bound to happen. I was the successful bidder at an auction at St. Lucie County Florida. It was an amazing home in a gated community. It was on a corner lot, had a pool, lots of custom upgrades. I was all set to make a killing, at least $120k. I beat out half a dozen veteran pros. The auction was over and I was the high bidder, the winner. But then disaster struck, the owner had paid off the HOA judgment and I was left with nothing. That's just the way it goes when you're buying distressed real estate, you win some, you lose some. But you never-ever give up. It's a numbers game and as long as you use Mike's system, they work in your favor.  For More Info Go To

  • Instant Equity Is Your Cure To Risk In Real Estate #18

    10/08/2015 Duración: 15min

    Mike's system is one of the least risky programs for accumulating wealth that you will ever come across. The reason is quite simple. When you're buying greatly discounted real estate, you get what Mike calls instant equity. This gives you great flexibility. You can price your property for a quick sale and still make a substantial profit. Or, you can wholesale the property and still profit. In fact, when you're sitting on a pile of equity, you can rent the property and simply wait for the market to discover its true value. Instant equity means that the world truly is your oyster.  For More Info Go To

  • You Can Market Properties Online To A Worldwide Audience #17

    10/08/2015 Duración: 18min

    Buying highly discounted properties at auction and through the extremely effective techniques that Mike teaches you is only half the battle. Once you've got your property ready for sale, you've actually got to sell it. Using the traditional sales methods, like realtors is still the way to go for certain types of properties, however for others, you can bypass brokers and their hefty commissions and reach international markets yourself. You create the listing and post it on inexpesive sites and watch your property sell. Contrary to popular opinion, and for a variety of reasons, American real estate is still highly sought after the world over. Mike knows because he's sold hundreds of properties this way. It's easy and cheap if you know what you're doing, so let Mike teach you how @ And please send emails to For More Info Go To 

  • How To Get Focused On The Huge Opportunities #16

    10/08/2015 Duración: 17min

    In this episode Mike comes to my rescue. I'm suffering from Real Estate ADHD. There's so many amazing opportunities in the Florida foreclosure market that it's hard not to get sidetracked. Therefore, focus is the key. Find the sweet spot of the market that you can best capitalize upon and go after it. That means finding the geographical area(s) that you're most comfortable with, along with the price point that makes the most sense for you. Then you'll be able to filter all the rest of the noise and stick to your mission--oversized returns--which are amply available to anyone who invests the time and effort required to uncover them.  For More Info Go To

  • HOA Judgments A Little Known Way To Big Time Profits #15

    10/08/2015 Duración: 17min

    Mike recently picked a beautiful 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home in a gated community in Lee County Florida for just over $69,000. He put in new appliances, painted and made some other mostly cosmetic improvements, listed the house for sale and sold it in less than 3 days for $117,000, for a whopping $40,000 plus profit. Sounds impossible, but Mike tells you step-by-step how he did it. All it took was some research and a little creativity and presto it was done.  For More Info Go To

  • Avoiding Foreclosure Auction Pitfalls #11

    10/08/2015 Duración: 14min

    The first rule of buying distressed real estate at foreclosure is do your homework! Check your emotions at the door. First set your goals, are you in it for cash flow or are you looking to flip the property for a large gain? As our research has proven, buyers at a foreclosure auction seldom ever lose money. However, then it becomes a question of how much money you're going to make and here it all comes down to your plan. If you're looking to do exactly what Mike does, you buy the property as cheap as you can and then you sell it to a worldwide audience for the best possible price. Always make sure that you check the back taxes and other possible judgments and liens. Mike shows you how to evaluate a property in 5 minutes. Then it all comes down to your goals and aspirations. For More Info Go To

  • Mike's Latest Deal--40 Percent Cash-On-Cash In Buffalo NY! #14

    10/08/2015 Duración: 17min

    Mike is never one to rest on his laurels. His children are only 4 and 7 years old and already have a large portion on their college costs funded, tax free. At this rate, they'll be ready to retire before their 18th birthdays. Not that he's going to spoil them. But the point is that through strict adherence to the tax code and a little bit of creative intelligence, it's possible for anyone to start out investing in real estate and do it profitably. Mike's been doing it for over a decade and he's never lost money. He teaches you how to do it too and do it well. And remember, never self-manage your property, it will cost you more in the long run.  For More Info Go To

  • Finding Your Comfort Zone Means Finding Your Success In Real Estate #13

    10/08/2015 Duración: 16min

    There's a lot of different paths to success in real estate investing. Mike has travelled many of them. Whether you're looking to buy a pristine foreclosure for a quick flip, or a so-called handyman's dream for a big potential profit, Mike has been there and done it. The key is understanding your goals ahead of time, as well your potential limitations. Sometimes it's best to start off slowly and build your confidence. This is especially true if you've had some previous setbacks in your real estate career. Don't let the past be prologue. Follow Mike's system to success. He's done it himself and taught so many others, there's no reason that the next success story can't be yours! For More Info Go To

  • Real Estate Investors Run Wild--Don't Let Auction Fever Get The Best Of You #10

    10/08/2015 Duración: 17min

    When it comes to buying real estate at auction, discipline is the key. Keep your emotions under control. Always look at it as a business. Don't get attached to a property. Another opportunity will always come along, that's guaranteed. It's much more important to have a plan and stick to it. When you're working from a plan, you'll feel much more in control and less likely to make stupid mistakes. In addition, when you lose a close auction, you'll be able to shake it off and go on to the next one. You must always remember the tried and true cliche that in real estate the profit is made when you buy the property, not when you sell it.  For More Info Go To

  • Self-Directed IRA's Revisited--How To Turbo-Charge Your IRA #12

    10/08/2015 Duración: 17min

    Mike the Real Estate investing master revisits the subject of the self-directed IRA. Saving for retirement extremely is difficult in the era of zero percent interest rates. However, using Mike's techniques provides relief low interest rates and can help you realize returns far in excess of current market conditions. For example, Mike just acquired a $20,000 house in Buffalo, New York for his children's education fund. It's currently renting for $850 per month and will yield a cash-on-cash return of over 40%. And that's just one example of what's available. So listen carefully and see how your current 401k, old pension fund or IRA can be the key to a comfortable retirement. For More Info Go To

  • Be Very Careful Buying Condos At Florida Foreclosure Sales #9

    10/08/2015 Duración: 16min

    Buying real estate at foreclosure sales is one of the smartest ways to get properties way under market value. However, in Florida and other states, buying condominiums, properties governed by Homeowners Associations (HOA's) or Property Owners Associations (POA's) can be very risky. Under Florida Law, a non-bank- third party purchaser, takes the property subject to all outstanding liens and assessments. This could be an insignificant sum of money or it could be quite substantial. Some condominiums have high common charges, over $1000 per month ahd there could be substantial capital assessments for roof and elevator replacements. You need to do additional research by contacting the condo association's attorney to determine the exact amount owed. Otherwise, what seems like a major bargain could turn out to be a substantial liability. Banks of course play by a different set of rules. When they foreclose on a condo or HOA/POA unit, they are only responsible for one year's fees or one percent of the mortgage, which

  • You Can Make A Killing In Short Sales #8

    10/08/2015 Duración: 15min

    In this episode Mike Gazzola explains how to use the banks' inefficiency against them. Multiple offers is the key. Don't sit around waiting for the bank to respond to your offer, make 10 or 20 offers and put the realtors to work for you. In the process, most of your offers will fall upon deaf ears, but some will receive an audience and an acceptance, and you'll be on your way to buying a property for way below market. Mike's done it loads of times and he shows you the way. Even though the real estate market has gotten stronger, there are tons of short sales in every city. Start looking now and you can't help but find some of them. Mike also shows you how to deal with bank owned properties. The key is not to let them manipulate you into a bidding war. Stay disciplined and stay tough! That's your key to big profits. For More Info Go To

  • The Best Markets For You To Invest In #6

    10/08/2015 Duración: 16min

    Mike discusses what markets are best to invest in. The answer depends upon your goals, whether you're looking for appreciation or cash flow. If you're looking for appreciation then the more glamorous markets may be the place to go, after they've had a crash or a decline. If you're looking for cash flow then the less glamorous or blue collar markets can give you superior returns at a very low risk. We also discussed landlord friendly versus landlord unfriendly jurisdictions. Some states' laws and courts favor landlords and others favor tenants. This is something you need to research before you invest. The internet makes it very easy to figure out. How do you retain a good tenant? Well as always, Mike has a method for doing this. It's effective and it will keep your properties filled with the best tenants. It will also enable you to quickly get rid of the tenants you don't want, come renewal time. Finally, Mike talks about property managers and his experience with finding competent ones. As always there's a pro

  • Real Estate Investing And A Self-Directed IRA #5

    10/08/2015 Duración: 14min

    Mike Gazzola has funded his retirement tax free, using a self-directed IRA. This approach may not be for everyone and he highly recommends that you consult your accountant, attorney and investment advisor. However, if you determine that it is for you, amazing returns are possible using this device that is available under the Tax Code. Simply stated, you roll over your traditional IRA or old 401k-without penalty into a self-directed IRA. Then when you're ready to buy a piece of property for your retirement account, you notify the custodian of your new IRA. The custodian writes a check to the owner of the property and presto-your IRA now owns the property. When you go to sell the property, the process is the reverse, the buyer now makes payment directly to your IRA custodian and all profits go back into your IRA. If you're receiving monthly rental payments, they also go right back into your IRA allowing you to make even more investments. This strategy might not be for everyone and there are pitfalls that you mu

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