What Christians Should Know



Intelligent faith provides clarity and meaningful answers about God, the Bible and your Christian life. Visit wcsk.org.


  • Shorts: How to Not Worry (Matthew 6:34)


    WCSK shorts equip you with practical wisdom based on a brief Bible passage. Today, Dr. Sadaphal explains to you how to stop worrying, how to not be anxious and how to not allow tomorrow's troubles to overwhelm you today. God knew His children would suffer from the disease of worry, so His Word provides the necessary prescription for a cure. Our Scripture focus will be Matthew 6:34.

  • Shorts: Why Calvinism Matters (I Chronicles 29:11-12)


    WCSK shorts equip you with practical wisdom based on a brief Bible passage. Today, Dr. Sadaphal explains why Calvinism matters: because it neatly clarifies that God is sovereign in salvation, therefore He is the One who determines how you get saved. Also, because it points directly to Christ, the only Mediator between God and man. Calvinism begets a right understanding of the Lord, which honors and maximally glorifies Him, while saturating a person with happiness, joy, delight, confidence, reassurance and comfort. Our Scripture focus will be I Chronicles 29:11-12.

  • Replay: Episode 0.0: What is the Big Story of the Bible?


    This episode is a replay of one of the most listened to and downloaded episodes in the history of the podcast. In this program (from April 2016), Dr. Sadaphal explains the grand "meta narrative" of the whole Bible. The Bible is a love story about a loving Father incessantly chasing after His children. It is a story that has lots of characters, ups and downs, and twists and turns, but ultimately is a story about redemption and the steps a loving God has taken to restore a broken relationship with the lost. Answered: Why would a God who is holy take steps to save sinful creatures? How can a God who cannot tolerate sin justly forgive sinners? This is not an episode that you want to miss. Get the grand story arc of the Bible in 15 minutes. You have never heard the Bible like this before.

  • Episode 6.33: The Book of Romans (2:4)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. Here, Dr. Sadaphal explains three attributes of God: His kindness, His tolerance and His patience. By design, the demonstration of these leads the elect to repentance, or a "change of mind" that begets turning away from sin. Yet for the Jew who is hostile to the gospel, he rejects God's kindness and remains unrepentant. This leaves him guilty and without excuse. It also leaves any modern person who rejects the gospel guilty and without excuse. Guilty people need a Redeemer, which is why the gospel is of first importance. Our Scripture focus will be Romans 2:4.

  • Episode 6.32: The Book of Romans (2:1-3)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. In this episode, Dr. Sadaphal begins to unpack the apostle Paul's foundation upon which he levies an accusation against the Jews: that God judges according to the truth. This means no person's sin will be treated in a special way; even more, the judgment that God renders is inescapable. Because divine justice is perfect, it leaves everyone without excuse, so argumentation is futile. This means all men are in desperate need of a Savior. Additionally, discussed as an aside: the reality of divine justice creates meaningful ethics now. Our Scripture focus will be Romans 2:1-3.

  • Episode 6.31: The Book of Romans (2:1)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal begins his explanation of the second chapter of Romans. While the apostle Paul speaks primarily to the Gentile in chapter one, he now turns his attention to the Jew. Ultimately, they are as guilty as the pagans because of their gap between profession and practice. Only Jesus saves which is why bloodlines, the Law and circumcision cannot save a man. Our Scripture focus will be Romans 2:1.

  • Replay: Israel is a People, Not a Place (Galatians 3:29)


    This episode is a replay of one of the most listened to and downloaded episodes in the history of the podcast: a short from November 2018. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal explains who biblical Israel really is. Equipped with this understanding, it will transform how you see yourself, others and the world at-large. Our Scripture focus will be Galatians 3:29.

  • Replay: What is the Point of Everything? (Romans 5:6-11)


    This episode is a replay of one of the most listened to and downloaded episodes in the history of the podcast: a short from November 12th, 2018. Here, Dr. Sadaphal answers many crucial questions: What is the end of the gospel? What is the point of your life? Why do you read your Bible and pray? Why do you listen to this podcast? Why do you get up in the morning? Why bother with anything at all? In other words, what is the point of everything? Our Scripture verse will be Romans 5:6-11.

  • Replay: Episode 1.5 (Jesus Christ)


    This episode is a replay of one of the most listened to and downloaded episodes in the history of the podcast: Episode 1.5 from July 5th, 2015. This episode is all about the Messiah. That is, if Christianity could be boiled down into two words it would be: Jesus Christ. Learn about what God has already done for us through His Son. Learn about the Messiah's miraculous birth, His life, His death, and His resurrection from the dead. Also unlock four of the five core doctrines of the Christian faith in this can't miss episode.

  • Episode 7.3: The Wisdom of Proverbs (1:20-33)


    WCSK series seven is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Proverbs. Here, Dr. Sadaphal exposits Lady Wisdom's first speech in the book. Indeed, wisdom is calling but can you recognize her voice when she speaks? How do you discern the voice of wisdom in a world filled with noise, opinions, deception and endless empty talk? Accordingly, this episode provides six ways of how to recognize wisdom. Being able to make this distinction is of utmost importance because wisdom leads to life and happiness, folly leads to calamity and sorrow. Our Scripture focus will be Proverbs 1:20-33.

  • Episode 6.30: The Book of Romans (1:28-32)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal ends his discussion of the first chapter of Romans. Here, the apostle Paul gives us a catalog of 21 vices that depict man at his worst. These vices characterize the man who has rejected God. They also give us clarity into why people are the way they are and why the world is the way that it is. In the end, the only One who can redeem man from such depravity is Jesus. Our Scripture focus will be Romans 1:28-32.

  • Episode 6.29: The Book of Romans (1:26-27)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal discusses further the effects of man's suppression of truth and God's subsequent expression of wrath. Accordingly, idolatry begets immorality, specifically manifested as homosexual acts of fornication. Dr. Sadaphal delivers a frank and sober analysis of modern culture which tends to champion sexual freedom. This is not freedom at all but rather a manifestation of God's wrath. Our Scripture focus will be Romans 1:26-27.

  • Episode 6.28: The Book of Romans (1:24-25)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal begins to discuss the effects of man's suppression of truth and God's expression of wrath. Accordingly, the main focus in this episode is on the idea of judicial abandonment. That is, how God's wrath is expressed is that He "gives over" a man to his own sin. Some men reject and don't want God, so in such cases, God gives them exactly what they want. The bad news is that what a sinner wants neither satisfies him nor gives him what he expects in the end. The argument being made here ultimately points to Christ, the only One who saves us from the wrath of God. Our Scripture focus will be Romans 1:24-25.

  • Episode 6.27: The Book of Romans (1:21-23)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal begins to unpack the effects of suppressing the truth about God: not honoring God as God, ingratitude, futile speculations and a darkened heart. In doing so, Dr. Sadaphal also explains what idolatry is, how it works and why it is so attractive. The apostle Paul's description of "exchanging" the glory of God for an idol essentially explains all religions since the beginning of time and why men flock to them. Our Scripture focus will be Romans 1:21-23.

  • Episode 6.26: The Book of Romans (1:19-20)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal talks about how God has made Himself evident within all human beings: through natural revelation. That is, everyone can appropriate a basic awareness of the invisible God through what is visible. This leaves all men without excuse, making their condemnation fair and just. This points forward to the the free offer of gospel grace, which is not fair. Our Scripture focus will be Romans 1:19-20.

  • Episode 7.2: The Wisdom of Proverbs (1:8-19)


    WCSK series seven is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Proverbs. Here, Dr. Sadaphal exposits Solomon's first wisdom lesson. The teacher of Proverbs tells his "son" not to be enticed by the wrong crowd and warns him that many of life's "seem-to-be-a-good-idea-right-nows" fail to deliver on their promises. In this lesson you will learn: (1) How wisdom teaches you how to teach; (2) How to live a life filled with honor and prosperity and (3) How to expose life's false promises for what they really are. Our Scripture focus will be Proverbs 1:8-19.

  • Episode 6.25: The Book of Romans (1:18)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal talks about the wrath of God that is revealed against sin. The holy God of the Bible is a God of wrath, so without wrath, you don't have God. So what is divine wrath? Whom is it revealed against? Why is it revealed? What is the chief sin that all people commit against which God reveals His wrath? Our Scripture focus will be Romans 1:18.

  • Shorts: The Facts of Faith (Psalm 10:12-18)


    WCSK shorts equip you with practical wisdom based on a brief Bible passage. This lesson is a verse-by-verse exposition of Psalm 10:12-18. Here, Dr. Sadaphal talks about the facts of faith: those ultimate, eternal, and heavenly truths that transcend our earthly reality. Praying the facts of faith not only reminds a believer of the ultimate reality (God) but also enables them to stand firm in the midst of adversity because they can see the beauty and majesty of the Lord.

  • Episode 6.24: The Book of Romans (1:16-17)


    WCSK series six is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. In this episode, Reverend Sadaphal explains the fourth reason why Paul is not ashamed of the gospel: because in it, the righteousness of God is appropriated by faith. If how God reveals His righteousness is by faith, what is faith and who do we have faith in? Dr. Sadaphal also expounds the "chief article" upon which the Church stands: justification by faith alone. Every other major doctrine of the Christian faith flows from this, so it is critically important to know. Our Scripture focus will be Romans 1:16-17.

  • Episode 7.1: The Wisdom of Proverbs (1:1-7)


    WCSK series seven is an expositional verse-by-verse study of the book of Proverbs. This episode serves as an introduction to the series. Here, Dr. Sadaphal explains what a proverb is, how to read Proverbs, and the benefits the Christian can expect from studying the book. The big theme of Proverbs is wisdom. So what is it, how do you get it, and how does it help you skillfully navigate life and make good choices? This introduction provides clarity and meaningful answers, including seven features of wisdom. Our Scripture focus will be Proverbs 1:1-7.

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