Brother Priest Preaching Podcast



Sunday Sermons that reveal the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and challenge the Christian people


  • All He Wants for Christmas is You | #1004

    23/12/2019 Duración: 15min

    Advent 4 - God offers the gift of a relationship with Himself. Joseph welcomes the Christ Child even though it totally changes his plans. Are you willing to let friendship with God be the most important thing in your life?

  • What is the Reason for the Season? The Answer Will Surprise You | #1003

    16/12/2019 Duración: 12min

    Advent 3 - Jesus comes to rescue us from lies of the Enemy. God has not abandoned you. Your sinfulness is the reason for the season. We can trust God. If your Advent season has proven your need for a savior, then Rejoice, because the Lord is near.

  • Are You a Victim of Identity Theft? | #1002

    08/12/2019 Duración: 12min

    Advent 2 - The Devil is a creature made by God. He became evil when he rebelled against God. His lies cause the human race to mistrust God and disobey Him. We have become enslaved by forces of Sin and Death. And we can do nothing to free ourselves.

  • Searching in the Darkness for Your True Identity | #1001

    01/12/2019 Duración: 12min

    Advent 1 — We searched for an hour to find a dead deer in the dark woods. Eventually the blood trail led us to the deer. Not only do we live in God’s creation, but we are God’s creation! Follow the Blood of Jesus to find your true identity.

  • This Is Why Catholics Genuflect at Mass | #954

    24/11/2019 Duración: 16min

    Ordinary 34 (Christ the King) Everything was created by God. But the Enemy tricked us into refusing to serve God. Jesus comes to set us free from sin and death. When we genuflect at Mass, we are saying: I put my life at the service of the true King.

  • The Fire of Judgement Day: Purifying or Terrifying? | #953

    18/11/2019 Duración: 10min

    Ordinary 33 - God's fire is already burning in our lives. Avoid the cross and you build up fuel for a terrifying judgement. Embrace the cross and His fires will heal and purify you. Every day is judgement day. Stick close to Jesus and you will be fine.

  • Don’t Trample the Image of God | #952

    11/11/2019 Duración: 15min

    Ordinary 32 - Do you believe in the Resurrection? This belief gave the Jews courage in persecution. It strengthened Christians in Rome and Japan. It changed Fr. John Tourangeau’s life. Belief in the resurrection helps us serve God faithfully today.

  • Jesus Who? | #951

    03/11/2019 Duración: 11min

    Ordinary 31 - Jesus desires friendship with you. Sometimes we feel unworthy or simply uninterested in being a friend and follower of Jesus. Jesus will welcome anyone willing to open their heart to him. Knock knock…

  • No One Walks Alone On the Pilgrimage to Eternal Life | #950

    02/11/2019 Duración: 14min

    All Souls - We live in a beautiful world created by our Heavenly Father. Though sin has made it a wilderness of death, Jesus comes to suffer and die for us. We walk with each other and Jesus walks with us. Take his hand and he will lead you home!

  • Only Saints Go to Heaven | #949

    01/11/2019 Duración: 10min

    All Saints - We all want to go to Heaven. There’s no sin, death, or bullies. And that’s the problem: We can’t track any sins into heaven: no lies, gossip, or bullying. How will any of us get in?!! The blood of Jesus can clean anything!

  • O God, I Thank You That I Am Not Like This Pharisee | #948

    28/10/2019 Duración: 13min

    Ordinary Time, 30th Sunday (C) The Pharisee is not a bad dude. He probably does more good things than you and me put together. So what is he missing? Just one little thing: Love. And getting his motive wrong makes a mess of his whole life. You know who was a really good Pharisee? The author of our second reading: ... Read More

  • Jesus Carries the Broken | #947

    20/10/2019 Duración: 12min

    Ordinary 29 - Do you sometimes feel broken? Whatever you are struggling with, God sees you, and knows you, and loves you. Sometimes we need to carry Broken Mary to realize who is carrying us. Have faith in God's love for you!

  • Grateful for Miracles | #946

    14/10/2019 Duración: 16min

    Ordinary 28 - Yes, God still works miracles. But often times the healing we need is for problems we didn’t know we had. Hardships are opportunities to grow in love and relationship, and to become more grateful. St. John Henry Newman, Pray for us!

  • No Homily This Weekend

    23/02/2019 Duración: 38s

    Ordinary Time, 7th Sunday (C) Apparently I have never recorded a homily on this particular set or readings. If I had preached, I would have talked about how we tend to make ourselves the standard. Everyone who drives faster than me is a maniac; all the slower drivers are "little old ladies." Everyone older than me is "old", everyone younger than me is young. But the true line is Jesus. I'd suggest this homily, in spite of it being from Advent:

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