Consciousshift With Julie Ann Turner

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 178:32:53
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We are crossing the threshold of a fundamental shift in our WorldView, which carries the potential to positively transform our lives beyond any shift we as humans have ever before experienced.Much more than a fad or a trend, this creative shift of thought - into our power as creators of our lives, work and world - is massive in scope and unlimited in potential -It will alter all we know or believe we have known.



    20/01/2016 Duración: 55min

    We are all, every single one of us, heroes. We are all on what Joseph Campbell calls “a hero’s journey;” we are all on a mission to step into our true nature and fulfill the assignment our souls were sent to Earth to fulfill. This is the message Dr. Lissa Rankin - 3-time ConsciousSHIFT guest, NYTimes-bestselling author (Mind Over Medicine), and author of her latest book THE ANATOMY OF A CALLING: A Doctor's Journey from the Head to the Heart and a Prescription for Finding Your Life's Purpose,brings to us this time ...... that navigating the hero’s journey is one of the cornerstones of living a meaningful, authentic, healthy life.In our interview, Lissa traces her spiritual journey -beginning with what she calls her “perfect storm” of events that changed her life's course (her father’s death, her daughter’s birth, career victories and failures)- and recounts pivotal transformative experiences that led to her own discovery of her calling - and a profound awakening of her soul. You'll hear how, through all the st


    07/01/2016 Duración: 51min

    Across the ages, there have been notable hotbedsof creativity - from ancient Athens, to the Song Dynasty in China, to the Renaissance in Italy, to today’s Silicon Valley.As Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Eric Weiner - author of THE GEOGRAPHY OF GENIUS: A Search for the World’s Most Creative Places, from Ancient Athens to Silicon Valley - discovered, there is a pivotal connection between our cultural surroundings, and the emergence of our most innovative ideas.An acclaimed travel writer, Eric walked the same paths as the geniuses who flourished in these settings to see if the spirit of what inspired figures like Socrates, Michelangelo, and Leonardo remains. Weiner asks, "What was in the air, and can we bottle it?"“The toddler steps of incremental innovation don’t earn you a patent, or the title of genius. Only a leap does. The question that intrigues someone such as myself, a creature of geography and a student of history, is not simply what these leaps look like but where, and when, they take place… cert


    30/12/2015 Duración: 50min

    WHAT IF ...there was A WAYto walk with intentand radiate inner joyevery day, not based on circumstances, but from within?As Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Derek Lin, author of "THE TAO OF HAPPINESS: Stories from Chuang Tzu for Your Spiritual Journey,"explains - from the Taoist sense, real happiness is a “process” and a lifelong journey that doesn't rely on external factors. The key to true happiness is within us, Lin says, paraphrasing Tzu's philosophy. Lin continued: "We should journey through life with a carefree heart no matter how bumpy that journey may be."In the simplest sense, Tao is a Chinese character which means "the way" or "the path."Chuang Tzu was the sage who stood apart from all others in Chinese history. His mastery was such that he could explain the Tao with simple stories, and his humor was such that he could see the joy in ordinary things. He taught his students about “carefree wandering” — the path of moving through life with a free and happy heart, regardless of how turbulent the jour


    16/12/2015 Duración: 58min

    There is a major shift emerging in our global economy that is radically changing the criteria for business and economic success in the 21st century.Today's top companies are creating and recreating their businesses from the 'inside out' to create more impact, more meaning, and more happiness for everyone involved.There’s no doubt, business is poised to bethe ultimate lever for making a difference in the world. Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, accomplished entrepreneur Yanik Silver - author of EVOLVED ENTERPRISE: How to Re-think, Re-imagine, and Re-invent Your Business to Deliver Meaningful Impact & Even Greater Profits -shares guidance for 21st century entrepreneurs ready to explore how greater purpose, joy and impact create fierce brand loyalty, marketplace leadership and deliver exceptional profits.Yanik shares how he discovered a way to create a company that "truly connects my head (business sense), heart (impact), and 'North Star' (purpose)" ... what he refers to as an Evolved Enterprise™.As we share


    03/12/2015 Duración: 54min

    War. Famine. Politics. Religion. With all of the global challenges we face today, how can any one person feel like they are making a difference? We are all connected. We are a global village. Be the change you want to see in the world. Anyone attuned to the various humanitarian and environmental movements in today’s world has heard these and similar phrases … But what do they really mean - and how can we begin to unite such powerful yet disparate efforts under one global banner?Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, attorney Karin Miller - author of "GLOBAL VALUES: A New Paradigm for a New World" - shares her experience reaching national and global markets with truths from her personal journey. With all of the global challenges that society faces today, Karin believes we can begin to transform ourselves - and thereby transform the world - through adoptingand activating 10 Global Values that people of any race, religion or culture anywhere in the world can align with,for creating, nurturing and growing global conne


    19/11/2015 Duración: 55min

    Perhaps one of the most surprising - and promising - trends in business today is the rise of mindfulness in the workplace. From small companies to multinational corporations, more and more people are meditating on the job, and with good reason: mindfulness can make us more focused, more effective, and happier. At first, the notion of yoga and meditation in the office seems like the province of Silicon Valley start-ups where employees bring their dogs to work and play football in the lobby. But in recent years, mindfulness has gone mainstream - as New York Times staff writer David Gelles sharesin MINDFUL WORK: How Meditation is Changing Business from the Inside out.As David shares, many of America’s largest companies, such as General Mills, Target, Google, and Aetna, have built extensive programs to foster mindful practices among their workers. This is because — as employees and employers are discovering, and psychologists and cognitive scientists have confirmed — mindfulness has tangible benefits. For workers


    19/11/2015 Duración: 50min

    WHAT IF ...there was A WAYto walk with intentand radiate inner joyevery day, not based on circumstances, but from within?As Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Derek Lin, author of "THE TAO OF HAPPINESS: Stories from Chuang Tzu for Your Spiritual Journey,"explains - from the Taoist sense, real happiness is a “process” and a lifelong journey that doesn't rely on external factors. The key to true happiness is within us, Lin says, paraphrasing Tzu's philosophy. Lin continued: "We should journey through life with a carefree heart no matter how bumpy that journey may be."In the simplest sense, Tao is a Chinese character which means "the way" or "the path."Chuang Tzu was the sage who stood apart from all others in Chinese history. His mastery was such that he could explain the Tao with simple stories, and his humor was such that he could see the joy in ordinary things. He taught his students about “carefree wandering” — the path of moving through life with a free and happy heart, regardless of how turbulent the jour


    21/10/2015 Duración: 55min

    If you've ever turned down the volume on your dream ... cared so much for eveybody elsethat you've caught yourself living someone else's life ... or even secretly yearned for a second chance, a second act, a second wave ...... here's your invitation to transform loss into living your true legacy.Blending just the right balance of inspiration and irreverence, Jennifer Boykin, founder of Life After Tampons, says "the thing I most want to do is help other women at MidLife implement the answer to this question:What would you doif you KNEW you COULD NOT FAIL?"If you're looking for Mid-Life Mojo and Moxie - or just to renew your trajectory toward Legendary Living ...join Julie Ann and Jennifer for thisConsciousSHIFT Show!


    08/10/2015 Duración: 56min

    ConsciousSHIFT with Julie Ann Turner featuringJENNIFER BOYKIN / TRANSFORMING LOSS INTO LEGACYIf you've ever turned down the volume on your dream ... cared so much for eveybody elsethat you've caught yourself living someone else's life ... or even secretly yearned for a second chance, a second act, a second wave ...... here's your invitation to transform loss into living your true legacy.Blending just the right balance of inspiration and irreverence, Jennifer Boykin, founder of Life After Tampons, says "the thing I most want to do is help other women at MidLife implement the answer to this question:What would you doif you KNEW you COULD NOT FAIL?"If you're looking for Mid-Life Mojo and Moxie - or just to renew your trajectory toward Legendary Living ...join Julie Ann and Jennifer for thisConsciousSHIFT Show!


    30/09/2015 Duración: 56min

    ConsciousSHIFT with Julie Ann Turner featuringSELF-TRANSFORMATION THROUGH STORY / BARBARA MAINGUY & LEWIS MEHL-MADRONAStory shapes our world - and reshaping our stories can positively transform how we experience our livesStories are the units of meaning-making that help us make sense of our world.And, as Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guests Barbara Mainguy and Lewis Mehl-Madrona - co-authors of REMAPPING YOUR MIND: The Neuroscience of Self-Transformation through Story - share with us, retelling your personal, family, and cultural stories can transform your life, your relationships, and your world.Where we may have been thrown into an unhappy or even hostile story, we have ways to remap and re-story our lives ... and through conscious story-telling, we may transform the inner and outer landscapes of our lives. We'll discover a road map - traced by neuroscience - through which we may view the inner landscape of our collective minds as the territory of stories we live by. We tell ourselves and others who we ar


    29/07/2015 Duración: 52min

    Patty will share practical exercises to assist usin finding a more balanced sense of ourselves in the midst of outer activity. As Patty reminds us, the old Shaker song says “It’s a gift to be simple” - and tells us that the solution is in the turning, until “by turning, turning, turning we come ‘round right.” When we turn away for a short time from activities, goals and commitments — and toward the inner self — we discover a world that’s just as active and full of surprises as the outer one. Turning our attention to the world within allows us to reconnect with that person who we essentially are, in the depths of our being.Join Julie Ann and Patty, as they explore some of the 52 reflections on familiar life situations from FINDING TIME, that you may use to stay inwardly alive and present to meet life’s many challenges — to pause and reflect at any moment of the day.

  • GLENN APARICIO PARRY / ORIGINAL THINKING:A Radical Revisioning of Time, Humanity & Nature 7/15/15

    15/07/2015 Duración: 59min

    Today we see the emergence of a liberating new way of being in the world -one that weaves together the deep Nature wisdom of Indigenous traditions, the spiritual insights of Eastern philosophy, and the quantum breakthroughs of modern science. By making this worldview part of our daily lives, we usher in an era of greater health and awareness, for ourselves and for society.For all of the achievements of modern "progress," the Western way of thinking has led us - personally and collectively - to a crisis. We experience ourselves as fragmented beings, separated from one another and Nature, and this alienation has led to destructive behavior that endangers the future of life on this planet. But each of us has the potential to transcend this crisis, and leave the era of separation behind.Glenn Aparicio Parry calls this new world view ORIGINAL THINKING. Through Original Thinking, we can strip away the destructive practices of rationalist Western thought, and reconnect with the Source that brings us health and the e

  • STEVEN KOTLER / TOMORROWLAND: Our Journey from Science Fiction to Science Fact 6/17/15

    17/06/2015 Duración: 53min

    Ready or not - our world is hurtling into a deep dive of accelerating creationof those once-future technologies long-considered science fiction,into tangible realities happening now ...And it is prime time to explore - not onlywhat these new creations are, and whatTOMORROWLAND will look like ... but alsowhat it means to be a part of this BRAVE NEW WORLD.Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest NYTimes bestselling author Steven Kotler - author of TOMORROWLAND: Our Journey from Science Fiction to Science Fact - has written extensively about these pivotal moments when science and technology have disrupted - and fundamentally reshaped - our world. He joins us to share the best of his best, to guide uson a mind-bending tour of the far frontier, and how these advances are radically transforming our lives. From the ways science and technology are fundamentally altering our bodies and our world (the world’s first bionic soldier, the future of evolution) to those explosive collisions between science and culture (life extensio

  • MALLIKA CHOPRA / LIVING WITH INTENT: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace & Joy 6/03/15

    04/06/2015 Duración: 53min

    Intent means "purpose." No one understands this better than Mallika Chopra. Taught how to meditate at the age of nine by her world-renowned father Deepak Chopra, an authority in the practice of mind-body medicine and spiritual healing, Mallika is well-versed on how to harness the power of intention. The 40-year-old mother of two daughters, author, and former MTV executive is now looking to help others do the same. As the founder and CEO of, Mallika offers people a place to set an intention and have a community-at-large offer support and help spur accomplishment. Mallika Chopra found herself consistently overwhelmed with the stress of trying to balance being a mother, wife, and successful entrepreneur. Even though she speaks to audiences around the world about bringing balance into their lives, Mallika realized that she had lost her own purpose, balance, and peace.Being the daughter of famous healer Deepak Chopra doesn’t mean you are immune to the chaos, exhaustion, and stress that so many people ex

  • BRIGID SCHULTE / OVERWHELMED: Work, Love & Play When No One Has The Time 5/20/15

    20/05/2015 Duración: 55min

    In the midst of our fast-fast world,filled with time pressure and stress -it's no wonder nearly every one of usfeels OVERWHELMED.Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest Brigid Schulte -author of OVERWHELMED: Work, Love, And Play When No One Has The Time - as a harriedmother of two, was stunned by a report that insisted American women had 30 hours of leisure each week ... and set out to discover the roots that give riseto overwhelm in our modern life.It's no wonder so many feel time is like a “rabid lunatic” running naked and screaming as your life flies past you - as we worry about all there is to do and the pressure of feeling like we’re never have enough time to do it all, or do it well.Brigid, an award-winning journalist for the Washington Post,set out to understand the historical and cultural roots of overwhelm, and will share how it is “contaminating” our experience of time, how time pressure and stress is resculpting our brains and shaping our workplaces, our relationships and squeezing the space that the Gree

  • STEVEN KOTLER / BOLD: Go Big, Create Wealth & Impact the World 5/6/15

    06/05/2015 Duración: 53min

    Larry Page, Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos - there’s a reason they’re not like entrepreneurs of any previous era. They’re examples of a new and fast growing breed of “exponential entrepreneur” — those visionaries able to tap the incredible potential of exponentially accelerating technologies (infinite computing, robotics, artificial intelligence, and 3D printing, to name but a few). These technologies are democratizing the power to change the world, both driving us towards an age of Abundance - and allowing those in the know to create extraordinary wealth along the way.Who are today’s “exponential entrepreneurs” and how can you join their ranks? What strategies do they employ? How can you emulate their ability think at scale? How can you harness the same technologies, tools and techniques they use for having a global impact? Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest, Steven Kotler, co-author with Peter Diamandis, of the New York Times bestseller Abundance - joins us for a conversation around the duo's new b

  • KATHY EISENHARDT / SIMPLE RULES: How to Thrive in a Complex World 4/29/15

    29/04/2015 Duración: 52min

    WHAT IF ... there’s a better way to make decisions every day? WHAT IF, just by developing a few simple yet effective rules, you can tackle even the most complex problems? Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest Kathy Eisenhardt, co-author with Don Sull, of SIMPLE RULES: How to Thrive in a Complex World - discovers theseguiding insights in unexpected places, from the way Tina Fey codified her experience working at Saturday Night Live into rules for producing 30 Rock (rule five: never tell a crazy person he’s crazy) to burglars’ rules to choose a house to rob (“avoid houses with a car parked outside”) to Japanese engineers using the foraging rules of slime molds to optimize Tokyo’s rail system. Whether you’re working to be a better manager or investor, trying to get your start-up off the ground, or get in shape, or get a date, SIMPLE RULES can serve as powerful tools to tame complexity. Join Julie Ann and Kathy to discover how youcan craft clear framework for developing quick and easy rules for solving personal and pr


    02/04/2015 Duración: 54min

    ConsciousSHIFT with Julie Ann Turner featuringSCOTT SAMPSON / HOW TO RAISE A WILD CHILDConnecting people, and especially children, with nature is one of the most pressing issues of our time: in the age of Google and iPhones, how are we to find a balance between technology and the natural world? Luckily, Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guestScott Sampson - author of "HOW TO RAISE A WILD CHILD" - shows, the very best place to connect with nature is - wherever you happen to live ... as he joins Julie Annto explore how to hook kids on nature (even in urban environments!) and help grown-ups become highly successful nature mentors, as well. American children spend just 4 to 7 minutes a day playing outdoors — 90 percent less time than their parents did. Yet recent research shows that experiences in nature are essential for healthy growth. Regular exposure to nature can help relieve stress, depression, and attention deficits. It can reduce bullying, combat illness, and boost academic scores. Most critical of all, abundant


    19/03/2015 Duración: 55min

    Perhaps one of the most surprising - and promising - trends in business today is the rise of mindfulness in the workplace. From small companies to multinational corporations, more and more people are meditating on the job, and with good reason: mindfulness can make us more focused, more effective, and happier. At first, the notion of yoga and meditation in the office seems like the province of Silicon Valley start-ups where employees bring their dogs to work and play football in the lobby. But in recent years, mindfulness has gone mainstream - as New York Times staff writer David Gelles sharesin MINDFUL WORK: How Meditation is Changing Business from the Inside out.As David shares, many of America’s largest companies, such as General Mills, Target, Google, and Aetna, have built extensive programs to foster mindful practices among their workers. This is because — as employees and employers are discovering, and psychologists and cognitive scientists have confirmed — mindfulness has tangible benefits. For workers


    04/03/2015 Duración: 53min

    What does it take to activateconscious, positive changein the world?Julie Ann's ConsciousSHIFT guest James O'Dea, author of THE CONSCIOUS ACTIVIST: Where Activism Meets Mysticism - and former head of Amnesty International and the Institute of Noetic Sciences, says only the integration of the two - both activism and mysticism - has the power to wake up humanity from its course of rapid self-destruction.In their ConsciousSHIFT conversation, Julie Ann and James will guide a deep reflection on the demands of mystical realization and effective activism.James will share his experience and training to become both a mystic and an activist. The mystic, he says, must move past petty ego concerns in order to experience oneness with each other and our divine source. The activist, on the other hand, explores the role of passion and conscience in activating social change. There is communion, though, between the activist and the mystic – both seek to bring abstract concepts into flesh-and-blood reality. James will also shar

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