Mangala Shri Bhuti - The Link



Mangala Shri Bhuti is pleased to announce weekly teachings by web conference by Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Jampal Norbu Namgyel, Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, and senior students of Mangala Shri Bhuti.


  • Training In Tenderness: 2018 Book Tour (Link #692)

    28/01/2024 Duración: 55min

    Speaker: Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche. This is a previously-recorded talk given by Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche in Boston Massachusetts on May 19, 2018. The talk was part of his 2018 Book Tour for 'Training in Tenderness: Buddhist Teachings on "Tsewa", the Radical Openness of Heart That Can Change the World'.

  • The Meaning of the Words: A Personal Exploration (Link #691)

    21/01/2024 Duración: 01h08min

    Speaker: Joseph Waxman. Joey explains how to listen to the Dharma, how to interpret the words and integrate them into our lives. Language never expresses the absolute truth; language can only express the relative truth. In that way, understanding the context of the words is necessary so we can come as close to understanding the meaning as they are given. Joey talks about the three wisdoms as our path to understand the teachings completely so they become part of us, and not just words we hear. With hearing wisdom, he points out that hearing and understanding the words also require trusting where the words are coming from and the intention behind them. This allows one to move to the next step in contemplating what was received, bringing them deeply within to make the teachings a part of who we are through meditative wisdom. Joey illustrates this by examining each word of the Lojong slogan #21 from the Seven Points of Mind Training, "Always Maintain a Joyful Attitude".

  • Becoming a Disciple of the Longchen Nyingtik Lineage (Link #690)

    14/01/2024 Duración: 50min

    Speaker: Christopher Kreider. Christopher explores what it means to be a student of the Longchen Nyingtik Lineage. He begins by exploring the meaning of lineage and the line of transmission from teacher to student. Christopher reflects on the ways he has assumed personal responsibility for the Lineage through his relationship to Phuntsok Choling, seeing the Center as if it was his own. He contrasts this definition of "ownership" to the dominant capitalist model in which self worth is equated with material wealth, which results in people becoming very hard on themselves. He recalled hearing Rinpoche say that being hard on oneself is not in accordance with the Buddha's teachings. Christopher adds that self deprecation is adventitious; it can be unlearned through kindness and gentleness towards the self and others, allowing one to turn towards our own inner wisdom guru. Only an unbroken lineage can provide a gateway towards enlightenment. This is not conceptual but must be deeply experiential.

  • Self Reflection, Renunciation and Appreciation to Bring in the New Year (Link #689)

    07/01/2024 Duración: 01h10min

    Speaker: Dungse Jampal Norbu. Dungse-la speaks about self reflection as the entry to Dharma practice, about disillusionment, and appreciation for our present opportunity as practitioners, particularly as we enter the new year. Topics include a profound appreciation for this precious human life, reflections on the past year to motivate us to make changes when we see how they contribute to our suffering and disillusionment, and the power of aspiration for the future. In order to rise above our circumstances, we can start by asking ourselves if we are still looking for short term benefit or if we truly appreciate this poignant gift of the Three Jewels as an opportunity for growth. Dungse-la also discusses the benefits of being uncomfortable to shake ourselves out of complacency, and to appreciate these moments as opportunities to expand the heart and realize Buddhanature.

  • Showing Up in Life and Death (Link #688)

    31/12/2023 Duración: 55min

    Speaker: Stephanie Kindberg-Velasco. Stephanie reflects on the past year focusing on several Sangha members who've died and also on Rabjam Rinpoche's visit to Boulder, Colorado. Her contemplation of these events is guided by by Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel's question: "When are we at our best?" Stephanie relates how the Sangha shows up for one another around sickness and death, and the opportunity it provides for directing our minds away from self clinging and towards tsewa, for example through the practice of tonglen. This applies not only to those who are dying but also to working with our own suffering.

  • Diligence, Introspection and Dependent Origination (Link #687)

    24/12/2023 Duración: 01h09min

    Speaker: Nicholas Carter. Nick shares his personal insights from many years of service, study, practice and retreat at Longchen Jigme Samten Ling Retreat Center in Crestone, Colorado where he resides. Nick defines these three aspects of Dharma- introspection, diligence and dependent origination, and how to apply them in life and practice. He is an example of someone who has turned his life towards the Dharma and is committed to fulfilling his bodhisattva vow under all circumstances, especially in the light of the recent challenges he has had to overcome.

  • Appreciation of the Three Jewels (Link #686)

    17/12/2023 Duración: 01h04min

    Speaker: Hillary Campbell. Hillary uses the metaphor of a three-tiered torma to outline the qualities of the Three Jewels: the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. Her analogy is based upon Rinpoche's book, "Like A Diamond". She shares personal examples of how being challenged and by study and service has served to deepen her appreciation of the Three Jewels and what they have come to mean for her. The question and answer in Hillary's LINK provides the listener with a glimpse into her unique upbringing in a Dharmic family, and offers advice for practitioners who would like to guide their children on the path.

  • Navigating Dharma and the Habits That Cause Trouble on the Way to the Next Life: Making My Way (Link #685)

    10/12/2023 Duración: 01h03min

    Speaker: Mary Newton. Mary talks about how Dharma helps her to engage with life and its vicissitudes. While dwelling on thoughts and feelings can mire us in a samsaric mindset, they are also a means of letting go when we are able to step back and analyze them. Mary gives the poignant example of being diagnosed with cancer, and feeling that she just wanted to give up and have it all be over with. But then she recalled what Rinpoche has taught us; that what we have not faced in this life will be carried over into the next. When she finds her mind mired in suffering, Mary remembers the four immeasurables. When she's in a state of mental turmoil she derives strength, confidence and grounding by having those four specific steps to redirect her mind towards the Dharma.

  • Creating a Simplified Life (Link #684)

    03/12/2023 Duración: 42min

    Speaker: Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche.This LINK was originally given by Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche on May 6, 2012 in Bir, India. Rinpoche talks about the importance of simplifying one's life and moving away from the eight worldly concerns. Simplifying one's life is a practical form of renunciation and should be done before one regrets it. He encourages us to prioritize our life's activities based on merit, and to examine our motivations before beginning the process. Creating a simplified life requires discernment, conviction, and resilience.

  • Habitual Obscurations (Link #683)

    26/11/2023 Duración: 01h13min

    Speaker: Bob Reid. Bob summarizes two talks given by Rinpoche at this year's Shedra. In these talks, Rinpoche discusses the topic of habitual obscurations, one of the four obscurations that hinders the progress of practitioners. Rinpoche tells us that the biggest habitual obscuration we face as practitioners is American culture conditioning. Bob sheds light on these talks with clear and concise examples, elaborating on the eight worldly dharmas, and providing a summary of the Rinpoche's teaching on four principles of Kadampa. With his humble sense of humor, insight and wisdom, Bob encourages us to review these precious teachings for ourselves in order to develop our own understanding of how habitual obscurations manifest in our personal lives, and how we can begin to overcome them.

  • Samten Ling History: Part 3 (Link #682)

    12/11/2023 Duración: 01h11min

    Speaker: Kelly Smith. This is Kelly's third talk on the history of Longchen Jigme Samten Ling, MSB's long-term retreat center. Kelly tells the origin story of long-term retreats commencing in 1995, when Rinpoche began imparting the Longchen Nyingtik lineage and its rituals to a handful of students. In 1997, Rinpoche's sister continued to demonstrate how ritual practices were conducted in the monastic tradition. Kelly shares what it was like to be among the first students to go into long-term retreat, including challenges with the physical environment, extended work periods, managing expectations and navigating uncertainty. These proved seminal in facing her ego attachment and self-clinging. In retrospect, she recognizes how these pioneering days were also filled with wonderment and joy, having shaped current retreat practices including work periods, being of service to others and seamlessly re-entering the quotidian world after retreat.

  • Devotion: For the Record (Link #681)

    05/11/2023 Duración: 45min

    Speaker: Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche. This Personal LINK was originally given by Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche on January 29, 2006 at Samten Ling in Crestone, Colorado. Rinpoche talks about how devotion is the fuel to excel on the Vajrayana path.

  • The Four Immeasurables (Link #680)

    29/10/2023 Duración: 01h07min

    Speaker: Suzy Greanias. Suzy gives us an explanation of how four immeasurables practice is a meaningful framework to cope with current world affairs. She walks us through a heartfelt journey of her thoughts using tonglen, the concept of impermanence, and equanimity in a practice of compassion. Suzy demonstrates the relevance of the practice for navigating the challenges of everyday life.

  • In Search of a Meaningful Life (Link #679)

    22/10/2023 Duración: 49min

    Speaker: Pontus Strömdahl. Pontus shares his story of how he was led to the Dharma, to the Sangha of Mangala Shri Bhuti and to his teacher, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche. Books and study groups were not enough; his search took him to Nepal, India and the U.S. where he encountered many enlightened teachers. His longing to make his life more meaningful and to devote himself to the Dharma is a wonderful reminder for anyone who wishes to step onto the path, but one must first find an authentic teacher.

  • Sangha and Serendipity: Inspiration to Stay on the Path (Link #678)

    15/10/2023 Duración: 48min

    Speaker: Samuel Gates. Sam shared his experiences where he allowed serendipity to guide him on the spiritual path. Attending this year's Nyingma Summer Seminar, being with Sangha and offering his service restored something in him. Being seen and heard by others on the same path inspired him to prioritize his spiritual practice more often. He acknowledged how the power of coming together with like-minded people provides motivation and inspiration for practice. Growing up in a Christian family, Sam heard his mother use the words "God Winks" to describe a sense of being called, which he experienced as serendipitous events that have guided him. Sam embodies these many experiences with a sense of adventure and gratitude, and shared that as he opens to them, over time, more and more is revealed.

  • Ease (Link #677)

    08/10/2023 Duración: 01h03min

    Speaker: Scott Gallagher. Reflecting on the 2023 Nyingma Summer Seminar, Scott was particularly struck by Rinpoche's encouraging students to approach practice with a state of ease. Scott differentiates the notion of ease from his habitual ways of relating to practice, characterized by a focus on challenges, dwelling on areas for improvement and fixating on whether or not he's doing "it" right. He investigates ease in practice through an example of a friend who looks forward to curling up and enjoying a good book. What would it take to shift one's practice from a problem-centered approach to one of such enjoyment and immersion? Scott presents various ways to let go of habitual, discursive thinking and direct our minds towards a more relaxed approach to practice: We can confidently rely on the lineage and deities as our supports. We are not in this alone. We can remind ourselves of the precious opportunity we have to become liberated. We can make genuine, heartfelt aspirations to benefit all beings, which allow

  • Self Awareness (Link #676)

    01/10/2023 Duración: 56min

    Speaker: Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche. This previously recorded LINK talk was given by Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche on March 29, 2015 at Phuntsok Choling in Ward, CO. Rinpoche illustrates the necessity of self-awareness to cleanse one's mind and reduce suffering. With practice, we develop the wisdom and skillful means to free ourselves from ego's drives.

  • Mind's Health (Link #675)

    24/09/2023 Duración: 01h10min

    Speaker: Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche. This previously recorded LINK talk was given by Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche on March 29, 2015 at Phuntsok Choling in Ward, CO. Rinpoche illustrates the necessity of self-awareness to cleanse one's mind and reduce suffering. With practice, we develop the wisdom and skillful means to free ourselves from ego's drives. He describes the practice as our capacity to turn a "junk pot into a flower garden".

  • The Guru Principle (Link #674)

    17/09/2023 Duración: 56min

    Speaker: Markus Stobbs. Markus reflects on how the guru principle has acted as a guide on his ever-unfolding path both within the Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Markus describes how the guru can accelerate our awakening through their teachings and their physical presence. He gives examples of the different aspects of the guru principle, weaving a thread through his journey starting with his first "guru" being his mother, many years as a student of Hinduism, to his current guru, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche. Markus's devotion to the guru shines bright throughout the talk.

  • Undertsanding the Bone in My Heart (Link #673)

    10/09/2023 Duración: 22min

    Speaker: Diane de Ford. Diane contemplates how the meaning of the phrase "having a bone in one's heart" expresses the essence of bodhicitta. To have a bone in one's heart is to have both the courage and the compassion that are required to gather insight into the nature of our own afflictive emotions, to overcome self-cherishing, and to create the conditions that allow us to put others before ourselves.

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