Ascended Radio Hosted By Jessica Spencer



This show will provide intriguing and life transforming wisdom regarding the process of ascension or spiritual awakening in a simple and easily understood manner.


  • Optimum Health & Wellness: Interview w/Author Dante Spencer

    13/12/2012 Duración: 51min

    Balance of the mind, body and spirit is one of the most important achievements that few people have obtained.  When one has developed themselves to the level of optimum health and wellness, they have become the shining example of human potentiality. Here to speak about optimum health and wellness is one such being who has mastered the art of balancing his mind, body and spirit; Author Dante Spencer holds a Master's Degree in Spiritual Psychology, he is a successful Model, Actor, Nutritionist, Fitness Expert and recently published a sure to be best selling book entitled How to Lose Weight in Your Sleep.  

  • Soul centered relationships w/Jeff Ullman

    06/12/2012 Duración: 33min

    Because we are embarking on a spiritual path, it is important that we choose partners and friendships that are in alignment with our highest good. Today, we are shifitng the topic to soul connections in reference to relationship.    We will be speaking with “the world’s greatest matchmaker” and relationship expert, Jeff Ullman, who has helped more singles meet, date and marry in the 20th Century with his company Great Expectations. Jeff is now helping millions of couples stay happily married in the 21st with, a free service for any couple who wants to bring out the best in their relationship by bringing out the best in each other.

  • Tune into your higher frequency

    29/11/2012 Duración: 01h00s

    With the inner journey of awakening comes the realization that creation occurs in the heart first. A way to enter into the heart is through tuning into our higher frequencies which exist in dimensions beyond this 3rd dimensional projection. Here again to spea quieting our minds and tuning into our hearts is Medium Joey Parker, who states that all of us are naturally intuitive, some of us are just more tuned in. Join us for anothe amazing show!

  • End Your Story, Begin Your Life: With Jim Dreaver

    22/11/2012 Duración: 35min

    Our special guest is the Author of the new book End Your Story, Begin Your Life. Jim, a native of New Zealand, was on a spiritual journey for twenty years, beginning in 1975 with the teachings of J. Krishnamurti. Then in 1984 he met Jean Klein, a European and a master of Advaita Vedanta, the nondual path. Under his guidance finally awakened to freedom—freedom from the “I,” the “me,” and all its stories—in the spring of 1995. His mission now is to guide others to the same realization, but in a much shorter time. He teaches at Esalen Institute, in Los Angeles, and elsewhere and also offers private sessions.

  • Shift into 5th Dimensional gear

    15/11/2012 Duración: 28min

    We are at a pinnacle time in human, planetary and collective evolution and you are at the forefront of it all. It is absolutely imperative that we make a committed surrender to this process of awakening, to shift our consciousness into a high 5th dimensional gear. This show will discuss this necessity of which all of mankind is being called forth to consciously participate in. Join us for this powerful discussion that you won't want to miss. 

  • Shift into 5th dimensional gear

    14/11/2012 Duración: 28min

    We are at a pinnacle time in human, planetary and collective evolution and you are at the forefront of it all. It is absolutely imperative that we make a committed surrender to this process of awakening, to shift our consciousness into a high 5th dimensional gear. This show will discuss this necessity of which all of mankind is being called forth to consciously participate in. Join us for this powerful discussion that you won't want to miss. 

  • Spirituality and Ascension with Matt Kahn

    08/11/2012 Duración: 01h02min

    Whether you are conscious of it or not, a shift is occurring on the planet and within every being within it. The possibilities are infinite and freedom is eminent. Here to discuss this shift in consciousness and all things spiritual is Matt Kahn who is a spiritual teacher, mystic, intuitive healer and is the author of the forthcoming book, "Effortless Freedom - A Timeless Dialogue of Life's Deepest Teachings." Many spiritual seekers have experienced amazing, unexplainable healings, and have awakened to their true nature through Matt's profound and loving teachings and his transmission of sacred heart wisdom. You won't want to miss this show!   

  • The Next Human: Interview with Jason Lincoln Jeffers

    01/11/2012 Duración: 01h04min

    What or who is it that we are seeking to embody through this process of ascension or awakening and how do we get there? Here to discuss this topic, which he outlines in his sure to be best selling book The Next Human is Mr. Jason Lincoln Jeffers. Jason Lincoln Jeffers is a spiritual teacher, life and wellness coach, author, mystical expressionist fine artist, evolutionary astrologer, philosopher, entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, and self-taught authority on metaphysics,  transpersonal psychology, and alternative medicine.  In September, 2012 Jason published his first book: The Next Human –– A Guide to Personal and Collective Evolution. He can be heard every Sunday at noon PST when he broadcasts his show, The Next Human, on the largest Life Changing radio network in the world: News for the Soul.    

  • Being in the Flow

    25/10/2012 Duración: 30min

    Once you have released old fears,  belief systems, illusions,  obtained clairty and committed to the path of Awakening, your surrender to this process allows you to remain in the flow of the Divine.  On this show we will discuss how being in the flow allows you to be in creative control of your life and the world you are choosing to live in.  Miracles become the norm, challenge becomes opportunity and suffering becomes obsolete.

  • Empowered Healing with Dr. Susan Allison

    18/10/2012 Duración: 51min

    Have you ever wanted to tap into the Powerful Healer within you? On this remarkable show we will learn what it takes to become the healer that we all are but have forgotten how to be. Our special guest Dr. Susan Allison is the Host of the successful radio show Emopowered Healer and author of three books:Conscious Divorce, Ending a Marriage with Integrity (Three Rivers Press), Breathing Room: The Leaving of a Marriage (Park Place) and Empowered Healer (Balboa), she has received many awards for her writing, and has been published hundreds of times for her non-fiction and poetry. Her passion for service is reflected in her new book, Empowered Healer: Gain the Confidence, Power, and Ability to Heal Yourself, in which she inspires readers to become involved in their own recovery process. Join us for this life changing discussion!

  • Awakening Inuition Part II: With Inuitive Joey Parker

    11/10/2012 Duración: 01h09min

    Join us for another in depth discussion with Inuitive Joey Parker on Ascension, the Universe, energy, light, intution, the Angelic Realm, Spirit Guides, how to be your gift to the world and much more.  If you are ready to go deeper and get answers to questions that inspire growth, you won't want to miss this show!

  • From Thought to Manifestation: with Allen Sovory

    04/10/2012 Duración: 33min

    In this process of waking up, we are inundated with creative thoughts and impulses that would have previously remained dormant. As a result of moving from personality to authenticity and then from authenticity to divinity, we are open doorways through which creative energy will flows when guides and directed by an open heart. Tune in as we discuss this process of moving from thought to manifestation with successful musician, and Co-Creator of the much anticipated Knowphest Festival. We will discuss how such a miraculous idea became a huge ground breaking event! Learn how you too can learn to move your creative impulses from thought to manifestation!

  • Awakening Intution: With Intuitive Joey Parker

    27/09/2012 Duración: 01h03min

    We are all like children uncovering and expressing our gifts,  like innocence that has realized its power. We are here playing with the truth that we are and trusting our expression of it as intuitives, channels, bridges, writers, etc. we are all conduits and sources of energy as conscious or awake participants in this reality and Multi realities. Join us as we discuss Ascension, the angelic realm, spirit guides, dimensions, the construct of time and what it means to wake up from the perspective of phenomenal Intuitive Joey Parker. This is one show you definitely don't want to miss! To ask any questions of Joey or to add to this important discussion call 347-996-3263

  • Being Divine Joy with guest Dr. Jo Anne White

    20/09/2012 Duración: 36min

      DIVINE JOY: By Dr. Jo Anne White   When we recognize our own divinity and can truly celebrate our divine nature, we are filled with our  birthright of joy. Yes joy I all around us but most importantly joy is within us and we are JOY.   Activate the Divine Joy in you and you’ll not only feel better & healthier but will transform other areas of your life, your career, your relationships and you.     With that knowledge and with access tools I’ve created, you can:   ·         Change the Frequency/ Vibration of your Thoughts ·         Shift Cellular Memory ·         Resonate to the Frequency of Joy and Wealth ·         Become a Joy Magnet Activate your Joy Centers Within YOU  Connect more fully to your own DIVINE JOY. When you do, you not only shift You, you have the capacity to affect others and affect our world! :

  • Divine Co-creation

    13/09/2012 Duración: 30min

    As a result of your commitment to awakening it begins to begings to become clear that you are the Co-creator of your life and essentially everything occurring within it. This may be a challenging idea to grasp, but until you begin to become your power, to take responsibility for your creations, you will be unable to consciously participate in a life of your choosing. This show will discuss how your perceptions, beliefs, judgements, and thoughts lead to one of two things: either creations or miscreation. Are you creating a works worthy of your living?

  • Ascension: The Awakening

    06/09/2012 Duración: 30min

    As you being to awaken to your highest self, your true self, you may find it difficult to balance this new awareness within the seemingly old paradigm of physicality. The key to awakening is to remain in gratitude for the opportunity and grounded in the truth. How does one achieve this? Through balance. We must learn to accept our choice to participate in this physical experience, while continuing in our path of becoming our Divine Selves. This show will discuss how we can achieve the balance that is needed to stay grounded while soaring through the multidimensional universes.

  • They know not what they do

    30/08/2012 Duración: 30min

    They know not what they do.What do you think that master teacher Jesus meant by this? In my awareness I would say that it means that they are asleep and therefore unaware of what they do.  The majority of mankind is led by the outer world rather than their inner guidance. This show will empower you to not only become clear on what you are doing here but to set you on the path of actually "doing" it.

  • The Multidimensional Universe

    16/08/2012 Duración: 45min

    On this show we will discuss the multidimensional universe, the illusion of time, energy and how it all relates to Ascension. This show will feature the incomparable Suzanne Lie. Through combining spiritual psychotherapy, multidimensional counseling, relationship counseling, meditation training, dream analysis, astrological counseling, and hypnotherapy, Dr. Suzanne Lie will guide you in integrating your multidimensional SELF.

  • "Being" in the world but not of the world

    09/08/2012 Duración: 30min

    We have heard the phrase or affirmation "be in the world but not of the world" many times and we may understand it on a 3rd dimensional intellectual level, but do we truly know what it means to live this phrase?  Through the process of Ascension or "waking up" we truly begin to live this phrase, for although we  are in a physical body, or earth vessel, we are spirit, literally the energy of God made manifest on the physical plane.  When on the path to awakening, we still live in a 3rd dimensional world, however, we are fully embodying our spirit.  We may dwell among those who have not yet awakened but we no longer participate in the thoughts or behaviors that keep them asleep.   This show will discuss ways in which we can honor or choice to be on on this earth as physical beings, while fully waking up to our infinite and divine spirit.  Join us or add to the discussion that helps us all to remain on the path that great beings of light have paved.  

  • Ascension: From study to demonstration

    02/08/2012 Duración: 30min

    Throughout our lives we've spent most of our time studying. Studying for school exams, employment purposes, religious intent and a multitude of other aspirations. We have studied those who have studied others who have studied those who have demonstrated that which we have chosen to achieve. If it sounds like a lot of studying, it's because it is. We have studied others' opinions of Master's such as Jesus and Buddha and read about the level of enlightenment they have acheived as a result, but now is the time that we walk the path co-created by us and create our own path in the direction paved by our intentions to become what we have studied. Now is the time that we begin to move from study to demonstration. What is it that your life is demonstrating to the world? This show will empower you to ask the questions that will lead to the demonstration of a life worthy of your living! Join us for this powerful discussion.

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