Ascended Radio Hosted By Jessica Spencer



This show will provide intriguing and life transforming wisdom regarding the process of ascension or spiritual awakening in a simple and easily understood manner.


  • Divine Communication

    05/11/2014 Duración: 30min

    Tune in weekly as we discuss and share powerful, yet practicial tools to keep you awake and aware. For some of us this may look like an "ah ha" moment, a reminder or a deeply powerful indication of ones purpose. Join us for a profound, enlightening all inclusive journey of sharing. 

  • Divine Arrangement

    29/10/2014 Duración: 26min

    Some people believe that you have to have a breakdown before you have a breakthrough. Some of these breakdowns have shown up as "challenges,"  "lessons" or as I like to say: "opportunities for growth." For those of use who've decided to wake up, we have experiences many such instances, stretching ourselves into expansion. The universe is literally rearranging itself for the benefit of our growth and expansion. Tune in to learn some of the ways in which the Universe may be a divinely rearranging our lives!

  • Trust the Divine Within

    22/10/2014 Duración: 27min

    I once heard Reverend Michael Beckwith at Agape international Spiritual Center say "everyone is called but few choose."   This is very indicative of the collective and individual opportunity to awaken, to free oneself from limited ways of thinking and being. On today's show we will discuss how to trust oneself on this path to waking up. 

  • A Return to the Source

    15/10/2014 Duración: 30min

    On this very special show, host Jessica Spencer will share with you her journey of retuning to the Source, where we begin again.... Join us for the return of Ascended Radio.

  • Letting Go

    24/07/2014 Duración: 24min

    We  hear often the importance of letting and we understand the concept on an intellectual level, but do we dare to understand it on an energetic level? When pondering this concept of letting go, I often envision a closed fist (which ironically I also envision when pondering the concept of greed). When our heart (Or for visual purposes)our fist is closed, we are not only hoarding our emotions or circumstances we are not opening our heart to receive more which, sends a signal to the universe that this is all my Hands or heart can carry. You've heard the saying "closed mouths don't get fed," the same applies. Tune in and reconnect on a heart felt level, the concept of letting go! Stay tuned for our new time. Previous shows are always available on or via ITunes podcasts, so no matter what time we air, you can always catch the show!   

  • Replay: "Being" in the World but not of the World

    17/07/2014 Duración: 30min

    This is a replay of one of my favorite and most popular shows...Injoi: We have heard the phrase or affirmation "be in the world but not of the world" many times and we may understand it on a 3rd dimensional intellectual level, but do we truly know what it means to live this phrase?  Through the process of Ascension or "waking up" we truly begin to live this phrase, for although we  are in a physical body, or earth vessel, we are spirit, literally the energy of God made manifest on the physical plane.  When on the path to awakening, we still live in a 3rd dimensional world, however, we are fully embodying our spirit.  We may dwell among those who have not yet awakened but we no longer participate in the thoughts or behaviors that keep them asleep.   This show will discuss ways in which we can honor or choice to be on on this earth as physical beings, while fully waking up to our infinite and divine spirit.  Join us or add to the discussion that helps us all to remain on the path that great beings of light ha

  • Rising Above Challenge

    03/07/2014 Duración: 30min

    Have you ever noticed the difference in energy that it takes to tread water versus to allow yourself to let go and release all of your worries, all of the density of your stress and heaviness of your doubts, tolet go of all of your fears and just simply be? On todays show we're going to talk about the importance of learning how to release, let go and float above the level of any seeming challenge. Because as Albert Einstein said, "problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them."  For more about the Host visit

  • The State of the World with Author Jason Lincoln Jeffers

    26/06/2014 Duración: 01h10min

    Everywhere one looks, it becomes ever apparent that the state of man, the state of the world is changing.  Some fear this trasformation, creating a life that mirrors this fear, while others welcome this transformation and create a new and exciting world of endless possibilities.  Today I welcome back Author, Healer, Astrologer, Artist, Entrepreneur and friend, Jason Lincoln Jeffers, who will engage in a riveting discussion with me about the current state of the world and our role in it.  You don't want to miss this thought provoking, heart centered show. For more information on Jason Lincoln Jeffers visit and you can contact him at For more information about the host visit Thank you so very much for not just listening, but for hearing.  

  • From Resistance to Allowance: A Shift in Consciousness

    19/06/2014 Duración: 30min

    As a species humanity has been caught in a cycle of evolution and digression but there have always been those few beings who exemplified the best in us all. Those of us who were able to balance karma, release lower level energy and understood the nature of Oneness were able to evolve beyond this cyclical pattern and arrive at a realization of love consciousness. We are at a pinnacle time in our own collective consciousness and the choice to either evolve or digress is become ever more present. How do we finally break free from this pattern, this cycle of robotic existence? We move from resistance (a fear based perspective) and into allowance (a trust based perspective). On this show we will be discussion tools for moving from resistance to allowance and into evolution. You won't want to miss this show! For more information about the host, visit

  • "Using Daily Action is The Key to Creativity"

    12/06/2014 Duración: 01h05min

    Success doesn't necessarily come to those who wait, it comes to those who raise their energy to the level that their creation exists on.  How do you bring your creation into physical manifestation? Through daily and consistent action.  Join my guest Michele Whittington and I as we speak about tools for staying in your creative energetic field and attract to your life aspects of that same frequency of joy, abundance, freedom,  love and much more. You won't want to miss this exhilarating and insightful show! To find out more about my guest go to or email her at For more information about the host visit

  • Repeat: The Secret Revealed

    05/06/2014 Duración: 01h06min

    The Secret Revealed was a very profound episode when it aired live, now you have the opportunity to hear it again!  You won't want to miss this show.

  • Power-fill

    29/05/2014 Duración: 30min

    How is it that as a collective, the human race has become so dominated by disconnection from one another and the earth in general when at one time we did recognize our oneness with all? One reason is that we have given our power away. We have given it away to our spouses, employers, doctors, friends, parents, politicians, the economy, one another, you name it, we've given our power away to it? How to we regain our power, listen to this show and find out how to becomes power-filled. To learn more about the host visit  

  • Attention to Intention

    22/05/2014 Duración: 31min

    You can utilize all of the tools known to man for spiritual growth and development but it's all about your intention. Whether it's in regards to a religious or spiritual perspective your intention must be aligned with the outcome you are trying to achieve. This show will illustrate the powerful benefits of beginning to paying attention to your intention.  You won't want to miss this show. To find out more about the Host, check out  

  • Dis-traction

    15/05/2014 Duración: 32min

    On today's show we will discuss the role that dis-traction or a loss of traction plays in our lives. Far too many of us have remained asleep due to these distractions that have kept us focused in a direction that creates stagnation or digression. On this show we will learn what some of these distractions are and ways in which we can transcend them. For more about the host, visit

  • Maintaining Your Light

    01/05/2014 Duración: 32min

    Game is on! For we who identity as Lightworkers, which to me just implies being committed to constant growth and expansion in the direction of love it is time that we begin to come out of the spiritual closet and shine as brightly as we can. The illusions of forgetfulness have fallen and we can now step into our whole and complete beingness as well as fully express it without fear. We must hold steadfast to our goal of raising the vibration on the planet to one of love and compassion. How can we do this in our every day lives and interactions? Tune in and find out how. For more on the host go to

  • Are You a Slave to Your Life? Interview w/Dr. Richard London

    24/04/2014 Duración: 36min

    On this show we will discuss how to release yourself from slavery and discuss what true human freedom looks like with Dr. Richard London. In his renowned workshop "Winning in the Divine Game of Life" Dr. London reveals how to know, use all 10 natural laws in your Life.  You will learn how to create a plan that suits your personal and professional lifestyle, release all negative energy, guilt, allegiance to others people's games and become an Authentic Human Being, living and being the person your "Soul" intended to be.  In our time together you will become a certified as a Wellnessaire --  living a life filled with Abundance and Balance in Wellness, Wealth, Love, Peace and Spirituality.  Dr. London will teach you to achieve "Ascension“ which is the movement of your soul to a higher dimension. In doing so, you will learn to live in your Divine Purpose, and ignite your Divinity.   For additional information on Dr. Richard London click on you can also email him at Richardalondon

  • The Storm Before the Calm

    17/04/2014 Duración: 30min

    Today's honest and truthful discussion will be one based on autheniticity and spontaneity. All of us participating in the experience of this show are seeking to become more balanced, expanded, spiritually mature and Divine Beings, but that noes not mean we do not ever feel defeated.  I entitled this show The Storm Before the Calm because no matter how life looks, we can always recenter, regroup, refocus and and re-emerge from the storm of life to arrive into the calm, which is our natural state of being.  When we are internally calm, the outside storm is one that we watch from the warmth of our home, through the window of observation and in gratitude for our peace.  This show will illustrate through direct experince how we can move without the storm and within our calm.  You won't want to miss this!  

  • Interview with Healer, Astrologer and Author Jason Lincoln Jeffers

    10/04/2014 Duración: 01h05min

    Today we welcome back to the show, Intuitive Counselor, Spiritual Teacher, Personal Health & Wellness Coach, Self Help Author, and Master Astrologer, Jason Lincoln Jeffers. The Art of Transformation Life Coaching Program is designed to help you end chronic suffering, access your untouched free will, realize your full potential as a divine being, and evolve into the Next Human, which is the basis for his new and extraordinary book The Next Human.  Jason has also just relaunched his incredible website and is also launching and new website Jason is committed to assisting humanity in its growth and evolution by using his gifts, talents, insight and ccreativity. You won't want to miss this show!

  • Divine Application (replay): Most Popular Episode

    03/04/2014 Duración: 33min

    Today I will be celebrating my beautiful Mother's Birthday but as a gift to all of you wonderful listeners, I will be replaying my most popular show: "Divine Application." Learn how to use Divine tools that can be applied in your every day life to create a life worth living.  If you missed it the first time or are listening again, you will find this information valuable and applicable to your spiritual growth and expansion.  It is my honor to present this show to you again, injoi. Lovingly, Jessica A. Spencer

  • Heart-Centered Healing with Rosemary Heyes

    27/03/2014 Duración: 01h03min

    My guest today Rosemary Lynn Heyes has lead an interesting life from Traditional to Transformational. She is an expert in transforming dark into light, befriending fear instead of running from or suppressing it and  working always from the unconditional love of the heart.  She is the epitome of the Heart centered Healer with many energetic and traditional healing methods. She is a Reiki Master Practitioner/Teacher; as well as healing she trained as a counselor/psychotherapist and so bridging the traditional way of working with her passion/love of working with energy and is an expert in transitions from birth to death and back again.  Rosemary has dedicated her life to helping others in living their greatest expression of their lives, which his is done from being in the moment and coming from oneness as a healer, coach mentor.  Truly she is a gift to the world. To connect with Rosemary, skype her at rosemary.heyeslynn or email me at

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