Prosperous Pet Business



Pet Business Coach Kristin Morrison


  • Episode 125. Post-Pandemic Pet Business Challenges


    Today’s coaching session is with Jenn, a dog trainer, pet sitter and dog walker in Brooklyn, New York.  Like a lot of pet care providers, Jenn has been through so much in her business because of the pandemic. If you can also relate to going through the ringer because of the pandemic too, this episode is […]

  • Episode 124. How to Cultivate Friendships to Create a Well-Rounded Life


    Today’s episode is an interview Alex Anderson recently did with me on her podcast, Friendship IRL. Originally, our idea was to talk about how to make business friends, but our conversation quickly became so much more. We focused especially on intentional everyday actions we need to take to build the kinds of connections we want […]

  • Episode 123. Creating a Product for Pets


    Nadine lives in Australia and she’s created a vitamin for dogs and wants to bring her product to market first in Australia and eventually to the United States and other countries. She has a lot of questions about beta testing and marketing her product. In this session we discuss the answers to these challenges and […]

  • Episode 122. 13-Year-Old Wants to Grow His Pet Product Business


    Ari is the youngest entrepreneur I’ve coached. He’s 13 years old and has created a Marin County, California product business that is gift baskets for dogs. He sells his baskets to neighbors, by word of mouth from those who share about his creative venture with their friends and family. He ships his baskets to those […]

  • Introducing: Business Pathfinder

    01/02/2023 Duración: 09min

    I’ve got a new brand-new podcast coming and it’s for all types of business owners. In this episode, you’ll hear a bit about the new podcast as well as an audio appetizer of what’s to come with this new podcast. Don’t worry, the Prosperous Pet Business podcast isn’t going anywhere! You’ll hear more about that and the new pod […]

  • Special Announcement from Kristin Morrison

    16/01/2023 Duración: 07min

    Hi pet business owner! I’m popping in with a special announcement today. Click play to hear what I have to share.  ~Kristin  Visit the show notes page: Find out more about the 30 Day LIVE Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business Challenge. Connect with Kristin Morrison on Instagram. Copyright © Prosperous Pet Business and Kristin Morrison […]

  • Episode 121. Calm Your Mind, Change Your Business, Part Two

    28/12/2022 Duración: 52min

    This is part two, so if you haven’t yet listened to part one, I encourage you to listen to the prior episode before listening to this episode. Lois started her dog walking and dog training business while still working her corporate job. She walked and trained dogs on her lunch break and before and after […]

  • Episode 120. Calm Your Mind, Change Your Business, Part One

    28/12/2022 Duración: 38min

    This is part one of my session with Lois. You can listen to the next episode to hear part two. Lois started her dog walking and dog training business while still working her corporate job. She walked and trained dogs on her lunch break and before and after her corporate job! After a while, she […]

  • Episode 119. Grow Your Pet Business and Create Client Accountability

    22/11/2022 Duración: 54min

    Jodi is a dog trainer who wants to expand her dog training business. She is having a hard time having her clients follow through on the homework she gives them. Like a lot of business owners, Jodi is an idea generator and a visionary! These are great qualities to have as a business owner, but […]

  • Episode 118. Big Life Changes Require Business Changes

    09/11/2022 Duración: 01h01min

    My podcast coaching client today is Kristen. She boards dogs in her home and offers dog walking and has had her part-time pet business for nearly a decade. She recently made some courageous life changes, and she now needs to turn her business into a full-time venture to financially support her and her kids.  You’ll […]

  • Episode 117. Discover What’s Not Working When it Comes to Hiring Staff

    11/10/2022 Duración: 52min

    Heidi is an experienced pet sitter and dog walker in Naples, Florida. Lately she has been feeling frustrated about hiring staff. She’s been interviewing not-right people and also hiring flaky people who seem very interested in the beginning of the hiring process, but they back out before they are already hired or shortly after being […]

  • Episode 116. Use Mindfulness to Recover from Burnout

    20/09/2022 Duración: 51min

    In today’s episode I get more personal than I have in a long time on this podcast – you’ll hear me share what I’ve been experiencing lately and how it’s affected me, and also how it relates to today’s episode. Mimi is a pet pro who is struggling with personal and professional burnout. She has […]

  • Episode 115. How to Hire in Your Pet Business

    06/09/2022 Duración: 42min

    In the last podcast episode, I worked with a coaching client on hiring and we’ll dive a bit more in depth on that topic today with a different coaching client.  My coaching client today is Shannon, a pet sitter and dog walker from Pennsylvania. Her business has grown so quickly that she’s had to scramble […]

  • Episode 114. How to Hire and Expand Your Pet Business

    23/08/2022 Duración: 53min

    Mallorie is a pet sitter and dog walker in Dallas, Texas. Her business has grown quickly, and she’d like to expand even more without compromising the quality of care she’s committed to providing her clients.  She asks me the chicken-or-the-egg question that so many pet business owners ask me: “Should I hire first or advertise to […]

  • Episode 113. How to Create Company Culture in Your Pet Business

    09/08/2022 Duración: 54min

    Susan Kaplan from BeLoved Pet Sitting is a pet sitter in San Diego. In her coaching session today, she is bringing up a question that I’ve never been asked before on the podcast: How to create positive company culture.  Company culture is something that is often discussed in a lot in tech companies but rarely […]

  • Episode 112. Create Policies and Procedures to Save Time, Money and Energy

    26/07/2022 Duración: 46min

    In today’s coaching session, I’m working with Tina, a pet business owner who feels like she’s constantly putting fires in her business. She has 5 part-time staff to help her, but she gets a lot of last-minute calls from them asking for time off which causes her to have to jump in and be the […]

  • Episode 111. Dealing with Depression and Anxiety as a Pet Business Owner

    12/07/2022 Duración: 57min

    In today’s coaching session, I’m working with Cora, a pet business owner who sometimes struggles with occasional bouts of depression and anxiety. When it hits her, it causes her to suffer – and her business to suffer. When she’s not experiencing depression and anxiety her energy level is high, her response time to clients is […]

  • Episode 110. Create a Business Schedule You Love

    28/06/2022 Duración: 54min

    Today’s coaching session is with Donna, a pet sitter and dog walker in Tennessee.  She has owned her business for a few years and she’s struggling with creating a schedule that works for her and her full personal life with family and many pets. (Donna wins the award for the pet business owner I’ve coached […]

  • Episode 109. How to Deal with Pet Sit & Dog Walk Client Keys

    14/06/2022 Duración: 42min

    Val Goren is an Atlanta-based pet sitter and dog walker who has a quickly growing pet sitting and dog walking business. Like many pet pros who provide home-based pet services, Val is having challenges managing the vast amount of client keys she and her staff are responsible for.  In this episode you’ll hear how she […]

  • Episode 108. Get Over Your Fear Of Hiring

    31/05/2022 Duración: 51min

    Do you have a fear of your employees taking your clients? Do you struggling to keep employees for as long as possible, but they often leave within a few weeks or months?  The dog walker and pet sitter I coach on this episode was struggling with those questions and other challenges, most of which involve changing her […]

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