Calvary Chapel Tyler



Join Calvary Chapel Tyler and Pastor Tim Burns as they walk through the Bible, verse-by-verse.


  • Woe to the Pharisees, pt. 3: False Faith


    As Jesus continues His confrontation with the Pharisees, He shows them that their outward supposed faith is false. It's deceptive, decaing, and dead. What was needed was true faith. How do we know that? By looking to Jesus Himself.

  • Woe to the Pharisees, pt 2: False Teachers


    Jesus turns His attention to the Pharisees, and He exposes them for the false teachers that they are. God's people need to be warned about false teachers, and the false teachers themselves need to be warned so that they would repent.

  • Woe to the Pharisees, pt 1: Humility vs. Hypocrisy


    Jesus has some tough words for the Pharisees, but before He gets to them, He speaks to the crowd. The Pharisees were good examples of what not to do. They were hypocritical, when they should have been humble.

  • What Do You Think About the Christ?


    Who's Son is the Christ? The answer surprised the Pharisees, and it might just surprise us as well. He's not only the Son of David, but He's the Son of God.

  • The Greatest Commandment


    What is God's priority for our lives? What is most important to Him in the lives of His children? Jesus answers that question as He tells us to love God and love others.

  • Testing Jesus


    The Pharisees and Sadducees both attempted to trap Jesus in theological dilemmas, but it couldn't be done. Jesus teaches the truth and it is impossible to trap the all-wise God.

  • Sending the Son


    In responding to the chief priests and Pharisees, Jesus told them two parables: the disobedient sons and the wicked vinedressers. God had sent His Son to Israel and had given them opportunity after opportunity to repent...but they rejected Him. Jesus commands our attention, and cannot be ignored.

  • What is Love?


    What is love, and what should it look like in the life of a believer? Join Calvary Chapel Tyler for this study of 1 John 3:16-23.

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