Northside Church - Sydney



Northside Community Church Podcast, preaching, music and more..


  • Living Hope: Week 1 – Reason for Hope


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Living Hope: Week 1 – Reason for Hope We begin by asking where the Christian hope is born? What is the source of our hope? Can the hope found in Jesus really transform our lives and the world in which we live? And, how can those who follow Christ bring his light to a hope-starved world? Reading: Colossians 1:15-29 (GNT)

  • About Jeremiah in About 20 Minutes


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – About Jeremiah in About 20 Minutes. Jeremiah was one prophet who was prepared to call a “spade a spade”. Despite being sensitive & sympathetic by nature, he was called by God to deliver some very hard messages to the people of Israel. A concentrated study of Jeremiah the man & the contents of his book, provide an opportunity for us to consider the themes of courage and trust in God, in the midst of challenging circumstances. Reading: Jeremiah 29:10-14 (GNT)

  • 3 Easter Questions: Week 3 – Where is He?


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Where is He? During the course of that first Easter drama, a number of probing questions were asked of various people. They are questions which come to us in 2011, demanding a response from everyone. The answers given will determine what we believe about Jesus Christ & the significant of His life, death & resurrection. Reading: John 20:11-18 (GNT)

  • 3 Easter Questions: Week 2 – Can't You Stay Awake?


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Can’t You Stay Awake? During the course of that first Easter drama, a number of probing questions were asked of various people. They are questions which come to us in 2011, demanding a response from everyone. The answers given will determine what we believe about Jesus Christ & the significant of His life, death & resurrection. Reading: Mark 14:32-42 (GNT)

  • Realigned to Freedom – The Book of Galatians Week 5: Living by the Gospel


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Realigned to Freedom – The Book of Galatians Week 5: Living by the Gospel At the heart of this series has been the premise that the Gospel is not just a set of beginner beliefs, but a message that has radical implications for every area of our lives. The key then, to Realigned freedom is a life-long, rediscovery of the Gospel. Are you doing this, how do you do this? Reading: Galatians 6.6-18 (NIV)

  • 3 Easter Questions: Week 1 – Who is He?


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Who is He? During the course of that first Easter drama, a number of probing questions were asked of various people. They are questions which come to us in 2011, demanding a response from everyone. The answers given will determine what we believe about Jesus Christ & the significant of His life, death & resurrection. Reading: Acts 21:1-11 (GNT)

  • Realigned to Freedom – The Book of Galatians Week 4: Freedom of the Gospel


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Realigned to Freedom – The Book of Galatians Week 4: Freedom of the Gospel Being Realigned to Freedom is not quite what we instinctively think… Gospel Freedom is not necessarily an absence of restrictions but it leads to something deeper and richer. Join us as we uncover a freedom FROM and a Freedom FOR. Reading: Galatians 5.1-15 (NIV)

  • Family Service


    Speakers: Sarah Anderson and Kristyn Haddon – Sunday Church at Northside involves more than the event in the auditorium – it includes the programmes for our youth and children. Family Services are a wonderful way to combine all church programmes together for a morning packed with celebration, drama, dance, teaching, communion and much more!

  • Realigned to Freedom – The Book of Galatians Week 3: Experience of the Gospel


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Realigned to Freedom – The Book of Galatians Week 3: Experience of the Gospel Is Christianity just a set of beliefs? In this message we’ll discover that it is something for more dramatic than that! The message of the Gospel is not just a whole new identity, but something you can actually experience. If so, then how does this happen? Reading: Galatians 3.26-4.7 (NIV)

  • Consistency Week 4: Awareness of God's Presence


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Consistency Week 4: Awareness of God’s Presence The prayers of many Christians revolve around the need for guidance: “What will you have me do in this situation God?” “How can I discern your will in relation to this problem?” What Biblical principles can we draw on in our quest to seek God’s guidance? Reading: Acts 15:22-29 (GNT)

  • Realigned to Freedom – The Book of Galatians Week 2: Aligning to the Gospel


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Realigned to Freedom – The Book of Galatians Week 2: Aligning to the Gospel Is the Gospel about doing whatever we want, knowing you are forgiven, or is Christianity about strictly obeying the laws of God? An early Christian theologian once said that “the Gospel is crucified between to opposing thieves”, legalism and relativism, or put simply religion and irreligion. Why is it so important then, to not only think out, but live out the implications of the Gospel in our lives?

  • Consistency Week 3: Dealing with Temptation


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Consistency Week 3: Dealing with Temptation It’s an are of struggle for most Christian, in one way or another. It was for a great man like the Apostle Paul who admitted he didn’t always behave in the way he knew (deep down) he should. (Rom 7:19) The question is: how do we strengthen our ability to resist temptation in its many forms? Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:12-17 (GNT)

  • Realigned to Freedom – The Book of Galatians Week 1: The Uniqueness of the Gospel


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – Realigned to Freedom – The Book of Galatians Week 1: The Uniqueness of the Gospel The Gospel… it’s a phrase that gets thrown around the world but often misunderstood. Sometimes we see it simply as one of the building blocks of Christian belief, instead of being the blueprint for Christian life. In this new series, we’ll uncover the core elements of the message of the Gospel. What is it? Why is it good news, and how does it change us, when we are “Realigned to Freedom”? Reading: Galatians 1.3-12 (NIV)

  • Consistency Week 2: Faith Sharing


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Consistency Week 2: Faith Sharing The old word was “witnessing”: talking to others about our faith in Christ. In today’s highly secularized, multi-cultured society, how can we be effective in sharing our life in Christ. Reading: John 1:35-42 (GNT)

  • Consistency Week 1: Our Prayer Devotional Lives


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Consistency Week 1: Our Prayer Devotional Lives. If Jesus communed with His Father in places of quietness & solitude, how much more important & necessary for us to do likewise. Reading: Luke 4:38-44 (GNT)

  • Kingdom of Heaven 2011 Week 4: Like Investing In A Precious Pearl


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Kingdom of Heaven 2011 Week 4: Like Investing In A Precious Pearl It makes sense to invest a precious commodity and go to extraordinary lengths to make that investment possible. In the parable, the merchant sells everything he has to ensure the acquisition of the fine pearl. This provides a perfect backdrop to the topic of our investment in the work and mission of the Kingdom.

  • The WHY Behind Church Week 4: For Christians Only?


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – The WHY Behind Church Week 4: For Christians Only? The church should not only be ATTRACTIVE to the World around it, but ATTRACTED to the world around it. What will it mean for you to be a part of a community that thinks globally and loves locally? Reading: Matthew 5:13-16

  • Kingdom of Heaven 2011 Week 3: Like Planting A Mustard Seed


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – Kingdom of Heaven 2011 Week 3: Like Planting A Mustard Seed. In God’s economy things invariably start in a small insignificant way. However, when our availability is matched with faith and trust in His ability, inspiring for Kingdom growth and expansion are realized. Reading: Matthew 13:31-32

  • The WHY Behind Church Week 3: A Religious Exercise?


    Speaker: Sam Haddon – The WHY Behind Church Week 3: A Religious Exercise? Faith in Jesus is never meant to be a solo experience. Loving God means a passionate commitment to His church – the place where he stretches us, grows us and uses us best! The key question is: “are we turning up for the right reasons?” Reading: Hebrews 10:19-25

  • The WHY Behind Church Week 2: Just Another Club?


    Speaker: Graham Agnew – The WHY Behind Church Week 2: Just Another Club? From gyms to yachts to special interest groups… how is the Church not just another one of society’s exclusive clubs? It’s subtle, yet unique difference is the very foundation stone of Christianity itself! Reading: Matthew 16:13-20, Romans 12:4-5

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