CJ Liu

  • Autor: Podcast
  • Narrador: Podcast
  • Editor: Podcast
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The Fire it UP with CJ show offers busy people a place to come to help improve their own well-being while living in healthy harmony with the planet. The show is based on the coaching model that many small, simple steps in a positive direction can lead to enormous personal and societal impact. The show focuses on what CJ a life coach believes are the key levers of personal happiness spirituality developing wholeness, authenticity, wisdom, compassion, peace, wellness, and connection to the wor ...


  • Discover the sublime possibilities of music for self discovery-Father of Vibrational Sound healing Fabien Maman


    As a musician/composer, Fabien Maman performed his original compositions in the great concert halls of the world, including Carnegie Hall, the Tokyo Opera, the Paris Olympia and the Berlin Philharmonic. It is as a musician where, Fabien Maman began to actually feel the Souls of the people responding to the music. Founding father of vibrational sound healing, Fabien Mama, has researched and developed acoustic sound healing for the 21st century that creates a resonance between the higher self and the body. Discover the most uplifting possibilities of resonance and feel how it initiates your own personal recognition, understanding, knowledge, restoration, re-centering and healing.

  • Ho'oponopono - what what? The Mystery and Secrets of Aloha - Call Harry Uhane Jim 800-930-2819


    You deserve a vacation to Hawaii. Get the next best thing and join our guest Harry Uhane Jim. Imagine the soothing ocean sounds, a Pina Colada in hand, and then a warm Aloha embrace by Harry Uhane Jim. Harry Uhane Jim shares the forgotten Hawaiian ways of thinking and feeling so that you can get back to profound peace and abundance.

  • Find alternatives to a big expensive medical procedure- Marie Manuchehri, RN. Get an intuitive health reading 800930-2819. Plus - Your best possible you is in the Stars - Astrology with Mary Valby during the first part of the show.


    Even doctors and the most sophisticated tests can't always find the source of a health issue, but there is one authority that always knows. Marie Manucheri will help you find the expert you can rely on next time you have a health scare or even a minor health issue. Everyone is blessed with inherent gifts. During the first part of the show, Mary Valby our resident brainiac, who wrote her Princeton thesis on medieval zodiac signs, shares her wisdom and creed on astrology. Learn about the difference between your sun and full birth chart.

  • Making the move into the Art World from the Business World


    Ellen Brook made the leap from a secure and prestigious job in the Bay Area in a public relations agency to follow her dreams. Her dream started initially with a class in silk. Now she has emerged as an award-winning artist with a brand new designer line of clothing.

  • Unbelievable Cinderella story: Stay at Home Mom Turns Superstar - Sue London


    Sue London shares her incredible personal journey from moving from a stay at home mom and return back to the workforce. Sue's life is a story of triumph over illness, abuse, Crohns disease, near death and divorce. Being given just 30 minutes to live, Sue made a right turn in life and went on to soar above it all. Through her radio show, speaking events, coaching programs, and books Sue helps people move forward in their lives, heal, and become successful survivors of life's many challenges. Today seh will share tools and techniques that will help you soar beyond your adversities.

  • Fire It Up with CJ - The healing power of your own voice.


    Learn about the transformative power of sound and some of the many ways to discover the healing power of your own voice. Learn how to honor your own sound, to realize that there's no such thing as a bad voice, to break 'sound barriers,' to explore the power of healing within and to discover the alchemical wonders of singing/sounding in community with others.

  • Learn to love your wrinkles--the wisdom of your face with Jean Haner. Call 800930-2819 with questions


    Chinese face reading is an ancient branch of Chinese medicine, which teaches that you are born with a personal blueprint that is yours and yours alone, and that this inner architecture can be read in your outer design - the features of your face. Join us as we show you how you can use this ancient art to excel at work, parenting, and in love.

  • Learning to suffer less during life's most challenging times with Lama Surya Das. Call 800930-2819


    Learn to treasure and savor moments in life even the hard ones. Pain is inevitable in life, suffering is not. Learn to suffer less even during the most difficult transitions in life. The art of flowing through life and seeing it's perfection as it unfolds is a great gift. Learn how to gain perspective and insight and move through these periods with more peace, presence, and clarity.

  • Living the Life your Soul Intended with Ainslie MacLeod


    Many of us yearn to live out our highest potential but can't seem to make it happen. External circumstances such as money, the right job, or family demands seem to get in the way. But what if our greatest challenge to fulfillment wasn't an external obstacle but rather an internal one? And what if it didn't have anything to do with this lifetime, but a previous incarnation? This is the radical message Ainslie MacLeod shares in The Transformation and in our show.

  • Veganonomics - The science and art of living Vegan


    Want to lose weight, have more energy, and protect the planet? Bring it on. Discover why being vegan is good for your mind, body, and spirit. Learn how you can survive even without dairy, eggs, and meat. Get some tips on how you can live a solo-vegan lifestyle without tormenting your family and friends at meals. Gotta a question? Make sure to call in at 1:45PST at 800930-2819

  • Soul Academy with James Van Praagh. Call 800930-2819 to get a reading


    James Van Praagh is a medium who can communicate to loved ones who have passed to the other side. He will share key concepts from his new book "Growing Up in Heaven" on our purpose and journey here on earth, and where loved ones and we go after we die. If you are still suffering from a loved ones passing or suffering with your own path, then join us go gain more clarity and peace. Show Highlights Part 1 1:00-1:15 PST: Words from children that have passed that will help parents gain inner peace and deal with any unattended to grief, guilt, shame, or worry. Part 2 1:15-1:30PST: James Van Praagh accumulated information about death and what happens when we die will allow you to appreciate your life here on earth and peacefully accept death as just a transition point.. Part 3 1:30-1:45 PST: A quick look at the soul, soul families, soul mates will help you see your friends and foes in a different light. Part 41:45-1:55 PST: Listeners make sure to call-in at 800930-2819 to listen to James Van Praagh at his bes

  • The Masks we wear and our attachments with special guest don Miguel Ruiz Jr.


    The deepest love of ourselves and others is effected by our attachments and the masks we wear. Both create distortion in our perceptions and prevent us from seeing ourselves and others clearly. Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. shares a quick reference guide to help us become more aware of our attachments in the moment and discusses how to turn down the noise on the drama in our lives. Learn more about the Toltec Tradition of "Masks" that we project on to the world and how they prevent us from exposing us to our true authentic selves.

  • Bodywork to set you straight


    Do you have a chronic problem with your body funny hip, knee, back, etc? The fix can be simple and pragmatic. Leave it to Burhan who has developed a process that relies on the basics, balancing, grounding, and a dowser. Learn how body issues can sometimes be about our emotions.

  • Buddha Standard Time with Lama Surya Das


    We're all given the same twenty-four hours a day. We can spend our time feeling hurried and harried, overwhelmed by chores and demands, distracted and burned out - or we can awaken to Buddha Standard Time, the realm of timelessness where every choice, every action, and every breath can be one of renewal and infinite possibilities. By learning to live in this dimensionBuddha Standard Timewe reduce the amount of stress in our lives and find greater focus, fulfillment, creativity, and even wisdom

  • Protecting your most valuable investments - your people


    Remember your first few weeks on the job? The ceremonial passing of manila folders and the complete data overload during the transition can be overwhelming. Sure, there was training, knowledge bases, and the 5 days of training on the systems and process with the previous person in the job, but it's usually insufficient. At best, you were not up and running at full speed for 3-6 months. Steve Trautman has a proven 3 step process used with Fortune 500 companies that will result in about a 50% reduction in your employee's learning curve irrespective of your company's size.

  • Encore: Mysteries of Motivating Workers of all Ages with Michael Lee


    Figuring out how to motivate the modern workforce comprised of Millennials, GenX, and Baby Boomers is becoming a challenge. Learn the secrets of keeping your employees engaged and motivated with expert Michael Lee.

  • Are you more like Gandhi or the Grinch?


    Sometimes it's hard to have gratitude in times like these when the only thing occupying your wallet are maxed out credit cards. There is both a practical and spiritual aspect to generosity. How can you develop a healthy balance of the two during the holidays?

  • Collective Impact in Education with Jeff Edmondson


    Educational expert Jeff Edmondson describes a national initiative that brings together leaders in Pre-K-12 schools, higher education, business and industry, community organizations, government leaders, parents and other stakeholders. All committed to helping children succeed.

  • Mysteries of Motivating Workers of all Ages with Michael Lee


    Figuring out how to motivate the modern workforce comprised of Millennials, GenX, and Baby Boomers is becoming a challenge. Learn the secrets of keeping your employees engaged and motivated with expert Michael Lee.

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