Zen Talks From The Windhorse Zen Community



Dharma Talks on Zen from the Windhorse Zen Community, near Asheville, NC. Sunya Kjolhede Sensei is a sanctioned Dharma heir of Roshi Philip Kapleau, the abbot of the Rochester Zen Center, and the author of Three Pillars of Zen.


  • Zen Monk Ryokan, Part II

    29/05/2018 Duración: 54min

      This unedited dharma talk (teisho) is the second of a three-part series on the life and poems of the wonderful 18th c. Japanese monk, Ryōkan Taigu. Sunya-roshi gave this talk during our Sunday program on April Fool’s Day and Easter; it includes more stories and poetry from the Zen’s most famous ‘Great Fool. Thanks for your continued interest in these podcasts. Send us an email at windhorsezen@windhorsezen.org.  Let us know who you are, ask questions and give feedback, just let us know you're listening. The Windhorse Zen Community has meditation open to the public, and a residential zen training program. To learn more, and to help support our podcasts and the work of the Windhorse Zen Community, see our website at www.windhorsezen.org  

  • Zen Monk Ryōkan, 'Great Fool' Part I

    26/04/2018 Duración: 34min

    This unedited dharma talk (teisho) is the first of a three-part series on the life and poems of the wonderful 18th c. Japanese monk, Ryōkan Taigu. Sunya-roshi gave this talk during our Sunday program on March 25, 2018, from our zendo in the mountains of North Carolina near Asheville. Thanks for your continued interest in these podcasts. Send us an email at windhorsezen@windhorsezen.org.  Let us know who you are, ask questions and give feedback, just let us know you're listening.  The Windhorse Zen Community has meditation open to the public, and a residential zen training program. To learn more, and to help support our podcasts and the work of the Windhorse Zen Community, see our website at www.windhorsezen.org    

  • Not Just a Bag of Skin

    03/10/2012 Duración: 26min

    37 "Not Just a Bag of Skin"   Today's teisho by Sunya Sensei is a talk given at our Sunday sitting on September 30th 2012 from our Zendo in the North Carolina Mountains. You can hear a phobe's song in the background!  Thanks for your continued interest in these podcasts. Send us an email at our new email address windhorsezen@windhorsezen.org.  Let us know who you are, ask questions, just let us know you're listening.  The Windhorse Zen Community has meditation open to the public, and has a residential zen training program. To learn more, and to help support our podcasts and the work of the Windhorse Zen Community, see our website at www.windhorsezen.org 

  • The Tao and Zen, by Mitchell Doshin Cantor Sensei

    09/09/2012 Duración: 48min

    36 The Tao and Zen, by Mitchell Doshin Cantor - Today's teisho is a talk by Mitchell Doshin Cantor Sensei, a guest speaker at the Windhorse Zen Community in July of 2012. Sensei Cantor discusses the Tao and Zen.  Doshin Cantor Sensei is a Zen Teacher and a member of the White Plum Sangha, a Dharma heir of Madeline Ko-i Bastis. Sensei Cantor currently leads the Southern Palm Group in Boca Raton, Florida. Sensei Cantor is a photographer as well. His works can be seen here http://listeningwiththeeye.squarespace.com/ Thanks for your continued interest in these podcasts. Send us an email at our new email address windhorsezen@windhorsezen.org.  Let us know who you are, ask questions, just let us know you're listening.  The Windhorse Zen Community has meditation open to the public, and has a residential zen training program. To learn more, and to help support our podcasts and the work of the Windhorse Zen Community, see our website at www.windhorsezen.org 

  • 35 The Tao Te Ching, Teisho by Guy Leekley

    01/08/2012 Duración: 41min

    The Tao Te Ching, Teisho by Guy Leekley Today's teisho is a talk by Guy Leekley, a guest speaker at the Windhorse Zen Community, who discusses how "we can all learn from the ageless spiritual teachings of the Chinese classic, the Tao Te Ching." His new translation of the Tao Te Ching can be ordered here: http://www.anusara.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=2689&category_id=8&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=143 and is available as a Kindle book here: http://www.amazon.com/Tao-Te-Ching-Version-ebook/dp/B004L2LJH6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&m=AG56TWVU5XWC2&s=digital-text&qid=1308157608&sr=1-1 Thanks for your continued interest in these podcasts. Send us an email at our new email address windhorsezen@windhorsezen.org.  Let us know who you are, ask questions, just let us know you're listening.  The Windhorse Zen Community has meditation open to the public, and has a residential zen training program. To learn more, and to help support our podcasts and th

  • 34 A Grain of Sand

    07/03/2010 Duración: 38min

    A Grain of Sand -  Today's teisho by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei is from a talk given during an all-day sitting in March 2009 at our zendo in the North Carolina Mountains. Thanks for your continued interest in these podcasts. Send us an email at our new email address windhorsezen@windhorsezen.org.  Let us know who you are, ask questions, just let us know you're listening.  The Windhorse Zen Community has meditation open to the public, and has a residential zen training program. To learn more, and to help support our podcasts and the work of the Windhorse Zen Community, see our website at www.windhorsezen.org

  • 33 A Spirit of Inquiry, Don't Assume Anything!

    14/02/2010 Duración: 39min

      A Spirit of Inquiry, Don't Assume Anything!- Today's teisho by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei is from a talk given in March 2009 at our zendo in the North Carolina Mountains. Thanks for your continued interest in these podcasts. Send us an email at our new email address windhorsezen@windhorsezen.org.  Let us know who you are, ask questions, just let us know you're listening.  The Windhorse Zen Community has meditation open to the public, and has a residential zen training program. To learn more, and to help support our podcasts and the work of the Windhorse Zen Community, see our website at www.windhorsezen.org  

  • 32 A Day of Zazen, Fayan's Teachings

    24/01/2010 Duración: 41min

    A Day of Zazen, Fayan's Teachings - Today's teisho by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei is from a talk given in January 2009, during an all-day sitting at our zendo in the North Carolina Mountains. Sunya Sensei talks about Master Fayan (known as Hogen in Japanese). Thanks for your continued interest in these podcasts. Send us an email at windhorsezen@att.net Let us know who you are, ask questions, just let us know you're listening. The Windhorse Zen Community has meditation open to the public, and has a residential zen training program. To learn more, and to help support our podcasts and the work of the Windhorse Zen Community, see our website at www.windhorsezen.org

  • 31 Learning Unlearning

    10/01/2010 Duración: 40min

    Learning Unlearning - Today's teisho by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei is from a talk given in September 2008 during the regular Sunday sitting. You can hear the Blue Jays and Carolina wrens that live in the woods near the zendo adding their commentary throughout. Thanks for your continued interest in these podcasts. Send us an email at windhorsezen@att.net Let us know who you are, ask questions, just let us know you're listening. The Windhorse Zen Community has meditation open to the public, and has a residential zen training program. To learn more, and to help support our podcasts and the work of the Windhorse Zen Community, see our website at www.windhorsezen.org

  • 30 Darkness and Light

    16/02/2009 Duración: 35min

    Darkness and Light - Today's teisho by  Today's teisho by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei is from a talk given in December of 2007 during the regular Sunday sitting, at the time of the winter solstice. Thanks for your continued interest in these podcasts. Send us an email at windhorsezen@att.net Let us know who you are, ask questions, just let us know you're listening.  The Windhorse Zen Community has meditation open to the public, and has a residential zen training program. To learn more, and to help support our podcasts and the work of the Windhorse Zen Community, see our website at www.windhorsezen.org

  • 29 The Seventh Precept

    01/02/2009 Duración: 47min

    The Seventh Precept -  Today's teisho by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei is from a talk given in November of 2008 during the regular Sunday sitting. Thanks for your continued interest in these podcasts. Send us an email at windhorsezen@att.net Let us know who you are, ask questions, just let us know you're listening.  The Windhorse Zen Community has meditation open to the public, and has a residential zen training program. To learn more, and to help support our podcasts and the work of the Windhorse Zen Community, see our website at www.windhorsezen.org

  • 28 The Power of Meditation

    29/07/2008 Duración: 44min

    The Power of Meditation - Today's teisho by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei is from a talk given at our regular Sunday sitting, in June of 2008. Thanks for your continued interest in these podcasts. Send us an email at windhorsezen@att.net Let us know who you are, ask questions, just let us know you're listening. The Windhorse Zen Community has meditation open to the public, and has a residential zen training program. To learn more, and to help support our podcasts and the work of the Windhorse Zen Community, see our website at www.windhorsezen.org

  • 27 Nonviolence

    29/06/2008 Duración: 44min

    Nonviolence  Today's teisho by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei is from a talk given at our regular Sunday sitting, on June 8th, 2008.  Thanks for your continued interest in these podcasts. Send us an email at windhorsezen@att.net Let us know who you are, ask questions, just let us know you're listening.  The Windhorse Zen Community has meditation open to the public, and has a residential zen training program. To learn more, and to help support our podcasts and the work of the Windhorse Zen Community, see our website at www.windhorsezen.org

  • 26 Lectern Free!

    14/06/2008 Duración: 33min

    25 Lectern Free! Today's teisho by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei is from a talk given at sesshin in August of 2008. Thanks for your continued interest in these podcasts. Send us an email at windhorsezen@att.net Let us know who you are, ask questions, just let us know you're listening. The Windhorse Zen Community has meditation open to the public, and has a residential zen training program. To learn more, and to help support our podcasts and the work of the Windhorse Zen Community, see our website at www.windhorsezen.org

  • 25 Chosha's Spring Walk

    08/06/2008 Duración: 42min

    Chosha's Spring Walk- Today's teisho by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei is from a talk given May 4th, 2008. The koan discussed is Chosha goes for a Walk, case #36 in the book of koans, The Blue Cliff Record. There is a very helpful brief introduction to koans that we have copied out and used for the preceding podcast. We have had an excellent response to these podcasts. Please send an email to us at windhorsezen@att.net . Let us know who you are, ask questions, just let us know you're listening. The Windhorse Zen Community has meditation open to the public, and has a residential zen training program. To learn more, and to help support our podcasts and the work of the Windhorse Zen Community, see our website at www.windhorsezen.org

  • 25 An Introduction to Koans

    07/06/2008 Duración: 06min

    Koans - A Brief Introduction, An introduction to koans- Sunya Sensei often discusses koans. This brief introduction to koans is taken from a longer teisho, Chosha's Spring Walk that will follow this podcast. Roshi Kapleau, our teacher's teacher, said in his book The Three Pillars of Zen, that a koan is "a formulation, in baffling language, pointing to ultimate truth."A well-known example is "what is the sound of one hand clapping?" Sunya sensei refers to the most widely used initial koan in our practice - Joshu's Mu. Zen teaches us that all things have Buddha nature. The koan goes, "A monk asked Joshu, Does a dog have Buddha Nature?" Joshu replies "Mu" , which means "no". The student is asked to demonstrate what is mu. Sunya Sensei refers to the dokusan room. Part of our practice is the formal private interview with the teacher, dokusan, during which the student is asked to demonstrate understanding of the koan. 

  • 24 Memorial Day and Nonviolence

    25/05/2008 Duración: 41min

    Memorial Day and Nonviolence - Today's teisho by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei is from a talk given on the Memorial Day weekend, May 25th 2008. How do we best honor our war dead? How do we deal with the violence within us? What does Buddhist practice tell us about self and other? Please send an email to us at windhorsezen@att.net . Let us know who you are, ask questions, just let us know you're listening. The Windhorse Zen Community has meditation open to the public, and has a residential zen training program. To learn more, and to help support our podcasts and the work of the Windhorse Zen Community see our website at www.windhorsezen.org

  • 23 Dreams and Waking

    17/05/2008 Duración: 47min

    Nansen's Dreams and Waking, Today's teisho by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei is from a talk given in November of 2007. This is part two of a two part Teisho on the Koan "Nansen's It Is Like a Dream" We do not have part one due to a technical problem, but this teisho stands well on its own. When first posted, this podcast was incomplete. It is now the entire teisho. My apologies for the technical problems. Hopefully they are all solved. Your emails are important to us, so please send an email to us at windhorsezen@att.net . Let us know who you are, ask questions, just let us know you're listening and To help support our podcasts and the work of the Windhorse Zen Community, see our website at www.windhorsezen.org 

  • 22 The New Flute

    04/08/2007 Duración: 45min

    The New Flute, Today's teisho by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei is from a talk given on the fifth day of a seven day sesshin given in December of 2004  Please send an email to us at windhorsezen@att.net . Let us know who you are, ask questions, just let us know you're listening and To help support our podcasts and the work of the Windhorse Zen Community, see our website at www.windhorsezen.org

  • 21 There Is No Waiting

    24/07/2007 Duración: 31min

    There Is No Waiting, Today's teisho by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei is entitled "There is no Waiting" as from a teisho given in May of 2005.  Please send your comments or questions to us at windhorsezen@att.net and see our website, www.windhorsezen.org 

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