Soteriology 101: Former Calvinistic Professor Discusses Doctrines Of Salvation



Discussing the Biblical Doctrine of Salvation. Is Calvinism Correct? How about Arminianism? Or is the answer found somewhere in between? Sit in on our Online University Theology Classroom, Soteriology 101, as we unpack the doctrines of God's Amazing Grace. Other topics to include: Predestination, Election, Total Depravity, Atonement, Once saved alway saved, and much more.


  • Southern Seminary, Al Mohler & Calvinism

    22/01/2018 Duración: 01h26min

    Dr. Flowers has guest, Riley Bounds, a former student of Southern Seminary, on the podcast to discuss the effects of Calvinism on the seminary and the Southern Baptist Convention... For more on this topic go to

  • JD Greear on Romans 9

    16/01/2018 Duración: 01h33min

    Dr. Flowers reviews JD Greear's sermon on Romans 9. JD seems to present himself as one who does not support Calvinism while drawing interpretive conclusions from Romans 9 that necessitate Calvinism and by promoting certain associations (T4G, Acts 29) which are obviously Calvinistic. Here it the link the original message by Pastor JD: For more on this topic please go to

  • Does Omniscience Require Determinism?

    08/01/2018 Duración: 01h06min

    Dr. Flowers, Director of Apologetics for Texas Baptists, responds to a forum of Calvinistic leaders (Sproul, MacArthur and Mohler) discussing God's foreknowledge and predestination. For more on this topic please visit

  • Monergistic Evil?

    27/12/2017 Duración: 41min

    Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Apologetics for Texas Baptists, explains why John Piper's teaching necessarily entails that God is acting monergistically in regard to evil. Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Apologetics for Texas Baptists, explains why John Piper's teaching necessarily entails that God is acting monergistically in regard to evil.    John Piper on Causality 1. Piper teaches that God decisively causes whether or not you will trust in Christ or not. This is like the call of Lazarus out of the grave. Jesus called with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out” (John 11:43). And the dead man came out. This kind of call creates what it calls for. If it says, “Live!” it creates life. If it says, “Repent!” it creates repentance. If it says “Believe!” it creates faith. If it says “Follow me!” it creates obedience… He really did call us — like Lazarus — from death to life… grace was decisive in bringing us to Christ. (i.e. Monergistic regeneration)  (

  • Moral Inability?

    18/12/2017 Duración: 01h34min

    Dr. Leighton Flowers responds to an article critiquing his views on the God given moral abilities of mankind. Drew Mery's article can be found here: For more on this topic go to

  • What determines if a Calvinist becomes hyper or not?

    11/12/2017 Duración: 01h11min

    Dr. Flowers responds to an Ask Pastor Piper episode where a listener struggles with apathy and fatalistic thinking due to the Calvinistic teaching of "Sovereignty" (interpreted to mean determinism). To hear the original podcast from the Ask Pastor Piper go here: For more on this subject please visit

  • Irresistible Grace: Critiquing John Piper

    04/12/2017 Duración: 01h05min

    Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Apologetics for Texas Baptists, challenges the teachings of Dr. John Piper regarding the Calvinistic doctrine of Irresistible or Effectual Grace. For more on this topic please visit To watch the full teaching of John Piper go here: To watch Dr. Flowers teaching on the Nature of man, the hardening of the heart and Judicial hardening go here:

  • Continuing the rebuttal of James White's review of the Free Will Debate

    27/11/2017 Duración: 01h30min

    Dr. Flowers is continuing the rebuttal of James White's review of the Free Will Debate in Houston on November 3rd... To support this ministry with a one-time gift or to become a regular contributor please visit OUR SUPPORT PAGE. To purchase Dr. Flower’s book, The Potter's Promise: A Biblical Defense of Traditional Soteriology, CLICK HERE. Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Apologetics for Texas Baptists and founder of Soteriology 101, introduces the soteriological label “Provisionalism” to better describe the view held by most “Traditionalists” among the Southern Baptist Convention, and many of those outside the SBC. Listen to the reasons he feels this label is better… For more articles and resources from Dr. Leighton Flowers please visit

  • Rebutting James White's Critique of the Free Will Debate

    20/11/2017 Duración: 02h38min

    Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Apologetics for Texas Baptists, begins his rebuttal of Dr. James White's critique on the Free Will Debate. For more on this topic go to Dr. White's original critique of the debate can be found at AOMIN.

  • Why Pray if God Won't Violate Human Free Will?

    13/11/2017 Duración: 07min

    Dr. Flowers answers a question posed by two Calvinistic friends from the Doctrine and Devotion Podcast (Jimmy and Joe). Why should Traditionalists pray if they do not believe God will violate human free will? To listen to Dr. Flowers deeper interaction on this topic in response to Dr. Wayne Grudem go here: To support this ministry with a one-time gift or to become a regular contributor please visit OUR SUPPORT PAGE.   To purchase Dr. Flower’s book, The Potter's Promise: A Biblical Defense of Traditional Soteriology, CLICK HERE.   For more articles and resources from Dr. Leighton Flowers please visit  

  • The Free Will Debate in Houston

    08/11/2017 Duración: 02h22min

    Dr. Leighton Flowers and Dr. Johnathan Pritchett (Traditionalists) debate Dr. Sonny Hernandez and Dr. Theodore Zachariades (Calvinists) over the doctrine of Free Will. Things become a bit contentious in the CX when Theodore and Sonny disavow the London Baptist Confession's statement on free will (Chapter 9) since prior to the debate Leighton and Johnathan were told they affirmed it. This cause much unnecessary confusion and contention. On July 18th, an email with all parties copied, Sonny said, "Hey Leighton, The best way to summarize our position would be to review the 1689 London Baptist Confession or the Westminster Confession of Faith (See Free will)." And even after Leighton literally copied and pasted chapter 9 (the one on Free Will) into the email and asking specifically what they affirmed, Sonny wrote back to all parties (including Theodore), "Leighton, what you see in the confession is what we affirm..." Leighton put up a live video on the Soteriology 101 facebook page showing all these emails for hi

  • Saving "Sovereignty"

    06/11/2017 Duración: 11min

    For quite sometime Traditionalists have attempted to save the word “sovereignty” from this generation’s consistent misuse of the term (which I’ve been guilty of as well in the past). I was happy to learn that we are not alone in our efforts. I recently happened upon an article posted by Paul D. Miller, a student at the Reformed Theological Seminary. It was posted by The Gospel Coalition, a Calvinistic organization, in which (to my delight) he properly defines the word “sovereignty.” The article "Saving Sovereignty": To support this ministry with a one-time gift or to become a regular contributor please visit OUR SUPPORT PAGE.   To purchase Dr. Flower’s book, The Potter's Promise: A Biblical Defense of Traditional Soteriology, CLICK HERE.   For more articles and resources from Dr. Leighton Flowers please visit

  • REFORMING THE SBC: 500 Year Anniversary of Calvinism?

    30/10/2017 Duración: 50min

    Dr. Flowers reads an article from the Illinois Baptist paper on the Reformation and how it is still impacting the Southern Baptist Convention. With quotes from Dr. Albert Mohler, Dr. Eric Hankins and others... The original article from the Illinois Baptist Paper can be found here:

  • The Natural Condition and Abilities of Fallen Man

    23/10/2017 Duración: 35min

    Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Apologetics for Texas Baptists, goes step by step through the doctrine of man's nature and how one may grow self hardened and then possibly even judicially hardened by God in their rebellion. To support this ministry with a one-time gift or to become a regular contributor please visit OUR SUPPORT PAGE.   To purchase Dr. Flower’s book, The Potter's Promise: A Biblical Defense of Traditional Soteriology, CLICK HERE.   For more articles and resources from Dr. Leighton Flowers please visit

  • Review of the Calvinist Movie

    19/10/2017 Duración: 41min

    Dr. Leighton Flowers reviews the first part of The Calvinist Movie that was just released this month. To purchase The Calvinist Movie go to: For more on this topic please go to

  • Is Calvinism All You Talk About?

    16/10/2017 Duración: 12min

    Because Dr. Flowers has created a blog and podcast dedicated to addressing the issue of Calvinism within the Southern Baptist Convention he is sometimes accused of being imbalanced. This is an understandable perception if all you know of him is through his popular Soteriology 101 podcast, but this short video should help you to better understand Leighton's motives and ministry. Here is the satire article Leighton referenced in the video called "That's Baloney Bee:" Here are a list of the ministry websites Dr. Flowers oversees and works with on a regular basis:

  • Revisiting Romans 9 Debate with James White

    12/10/2017 Duración: 01h25min

    At the request of a long time supporter of the broadcast, Dr. Flowers recorded a thorough debate analysis using the new YouTube technology so as to debunk the often repeated accusations brought by followers of White regarding the debate agreement and what true bible exegesis entails. Enjoy! Watch the video here: To support this ministry with a one-time gift or to become a regular contributor please visit OUR SUPPORT PAGE.   To purchase Dr. Flower’s book, The Potter's Promise: A Biblical Defense of Traditional Soteriology, CLICK HERE.   For more articles and resources from Dr. Leighton Flowers please visit

  • God Controls Bad Calvinists: Strawmanning Calvinism

    09/10/2017 Duración: 01h16min

    Dr. Flowers kindly replies to two good Calvinistic brothers from the Doctrine & Devotion Podcast (Joe Thorn and Jimmy) who have accused him of misrepresenting Calvinism. Dr. Flowers has written on the all too common accusation of misrepresentation HERE: Here is the link referenced: Joe and Jimmy's podcast can be found at: To support this ministry with a one-time gift or to become a regular contributor please visit OUR SUPPORT PAGE. To purchase Dr. Flower’s book, The Potter's Promise: A Biblical Defense of Traditional Soteriology, CLICK HERE. For more articles and resources from Dr. Leighton Flowers please visit

  • Another Mass Shooting? Who is to blame?

    06/10/2017 Duración: 27min

    In the aftermath of yet another mass shooting Dr. Flowers tackles the differing theological ways to answer the problem of evil. Should we conclude that God brings about all henious evil for His own self-exaltation, as some theologians argue? Or, do you appeal to the free will defense like CS Lewis, William Lane Craig, Tim Keller, Ravi Zacharais and so many other theologians and apologists? Let's discuss... A more thorough look at THEODICY here: An Article on this topic: Does "Sovereign" mean determinism? Click here: Ephesians 1: For more go to

  • Leaving TULIP: Sam's Story

    05/10/2017 Duración: 42min

    Dr. Flowers interviews a young man named Sam who has left behind Calvinism. To support this ministry with a one-time gift or to become a regular contributor please visit OUR SUPPORT PAGE. To purchase Dr. Flower’s book, The Potter's Promise: A Biblical Defense of Traditional Soteriology, CLICK HERE. For more articles and resources from Dr. Leighton Flowers please visit

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