Inspired Choices ~ With Christine Mciver, Possibilities Coach



Inspired Choices Network Inspired Choices with Possibilities Coach Christine McIver The Universe is always supporting you and wanting to give to you. Are you using your awareness to receive all that is possible for you? We often go through life with little awareness of the magnitude of possibilities available to us from within. Possibilities Coach Christine McIver, will use her talents to guide you and give you direction moving through challenges and much more. Inspired Choices Inc.


  • When the Universe Speaks ~ Guest Sylvia Plester-Silk, RSW


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show The Universe is speaking to you, to the person across from you, to  your business, to your everything.  Are you listening?  When the Universe speaks what do you do?  When the Universe speaks what have you decided?  Join Christine McIver with her Guest Sylvia Plester-Silk as they discuss the Universe and the messages we can all be receiving. Sylvia Plester-Silk, BSW is an intuitive counsellor who integrates traditional therapy with Akhashic Readings and energy work to help individuals transform to a life that is fully On Purpose. Way back in ancient history, in 1998, she graduated from the Social Work program at Ryerson University. While working for multiple community agencies, she has assisted thousands of individuals through addictions, mental health and trauma to finding their way. While she was powerful in this work, her results became exponential when she added energy therapies to her work. In the mid-1990’s Sylvia brought energy work into the hospital she

  • Now What Do I Do With My Business? ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show Times they are a changin'.... now what do I do with my business?  Questions, Questions, Questions are everywhere with very little certainty at hand. Where are you looking when you are creating, expanding, recalibrating your business.  Are you at the affect of this reality?  Connect in this week as Christine does her straight talk for all business owners.  Call in with your questions, join the chatroom, share what you know! NEW V.I.P. Holographic Coaching ~ SPECIAL 7 SESSIONS $1,000 CAD Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Holographist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring the

  • Minding Your Mental Wellness ~ Guest Dr. Stem Mahlatini


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show Today we will be discussing Minding Your Mental Wellness with Dr. Stem Mahlantini.  Especially in times of intense change and challenge our mental wellness must take the front seat in our focus for our present life and our future life.  If you are looking to move through and beyond challenges this show will be a positive and practical contribution.  Join Christine McIver along with her guest Dr. Stem Mahlantini live on the air. Dr.Stem, Sithembile Mahlatini, is a Vivacious native of Zimbabwe. She has called the United States home for the past 30 years. As a licensed psychotherapist, she runs a private practice in Salem Mass.  In addition to her private practice, she’s a passionate motivational speaker, personal and professional development consultant, and an author. She is also the host of “The DrStem TV Show—a show that motivates, inspires, empowers, educates, and enriches the lives of her audience.  In her presentations, DrStem weaves stories of how she disc

  • Daring to Walk Away From Who I Believed I Was ~ Guest Karen Leslie


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show Daring to walk away from who I believed I was. Who do I believe I am and is that really true?  Who do I desire to be and can I walk away from who I have been? What will happen to my life if I walk away?   If you are unsatisfied with your life would you be willing to ask some of these tough questions?  Do you honestly know that something is asking for a change and now you're ready to step up and make it? This show will invite you, challenge you, inspire you and possibly trigger you forward into your desires.  It’s a choice and Christine McIver and Karen Leslie would love to have you join them.   Karen Leslie, Facilitator of Change is also a, Healer, Energy Worker, Speaker and Coach.  Karen enjoys contributing to many people to step into areas of their life they have been cutting themselves off from. Karen has a strong belief that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Her journey to healing her own depressi

  • How To Get Out of the FUNK ~ Co-Host Rhonda Burns


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show How do I get out of the funk?  This energy of funk is intense and I can't see my way out.  Not this again!  Why does this keep happening to me?  Do those sound familiar to you?  Have you or are you experiencing any degree of funk in your life, in your business, in your relationships, in your prosperity, in your body?  Tonight Christine McIver & her guest co-host Rhonda Burns will bring you a big punch of what is possibly going on for you.  They will also bring multiple tools of how to change any and all of it.  Get ready for a joyful, playful, vulnerable, dynamic conversation that is sure to stir up funk and let it go! Rhonda Burns has been an experiential learner and an insatiably curious “wonderer” her entire life. Seeking understanding, universal truth, fundamental wisdom and ultimately, the pleasure in everything, she knows first-hand the ways we lie to ourselves and buy beliefs that keep us from rendezvousing with the exquisite magic and miracle we each i

  • Daring to Walk Away ~ Guest Co-Host Karen Leslie


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show Daring to Walk Away!? Who am I daring to walk away from? Who am I willing to leave behind? Where am I walking towards?  Are you willing to dare yourself? This show will invite you, challenge you, inspire you and possibly trigger you forward into your desires.  It's a choice and Christine McIver and Karen Leslie would love to have you join them.   Karen Leslie, Facilitator of Change is also a, Healer, Energy Worker, Speaker and Coach.  Karen enjoys contributing to many people to step into areas of their life they have been cutting themselves off from. Karen has a strong belief that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Her journey to healing her own depression, anxiety, suicidal tendencies and more, has contributed to a life that now is filled with excitement and new adventures.  Each day now offers new possibilities that could not even be imagined before. Strategic Business Expans

  • I Just Want to Quit! ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show How many times?  How many ways?  How is this even possible?  When you find yourself tripping, hitting the wall and throwing your arms in the air screaming, I Just Want to QUIT!!! What if quitting is exactly the right thing to do?  Join Christine McIver this week as she gets vulnerable, real and up front about quitting and so much more! NEW V.I.P. Holographic Coaching ~ SPECIAL 7 SESSIONS $1,000 CAD Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Holographist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring them increased success, greater joy, self-confidence and remarkable inspiring change.  All o

  • What Am I Thinking? ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show Thinking just happens or does it?  Do you ever find yourself thinking about what you're thinking?  Do you know you have choice with your thoughts?  Join Christine McIver this week as she invites you into creating and choosing your thoughts to make things happen in your favor. NEW V.I.P. Holographic Coaching ~ SPECIAL 7 SESSIONS $1,000 CAD Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Holographist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring them increased success, greater joy, self-confidence and remarkable inspiring change.  All of which increased the abundance in their lives and businesses

  • Conversations With Your Creations ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show Do you love to create?  Do you wish you could create?  Are you looking at why the creations aren't coming with ease and most especially having the cash flow come along with the creations?  If you answered yes to any of these questions, this show will absolutely contribute to you...if you're willing to receive.  Christine is going to challenge you, invite you and stir you into a new possibility.  This may be a wild thought but you can, and your creations are asking  you to, have conversations with all of your and relationships of all kinds. NEW V.I.P. Holographic Coaching ~ SPECIAL 7 SESSIONS $1,000 CAD Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Holographist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & O

  • Universe, Show Me The Next Step ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show Lost, confused, frustrated with your world can have you want to give up.  It's a common experience for most and yet there is another way.  Ask...ask the Universe to show you.  Show you the next step.  What if it really is as simple as that?   Join Christine McIver this week as she shares her personal experiences and professional input into how you can move beyond frustration into the journey of your desires. NEW V.I.P. Holographic Coaching ~ SPECIAL 7 SESSIONS $1,000 CAD Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Holographist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring them increased suc

  • Why Do I Even Bother? ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show Some days seem worse than some days.  Going going going and never really feeling like you're getting anywhere.  Why do I even bother?  Life absolutely can kick us right in the center of our hopes and dreams.  On this week's show Christine McIver will discuss why we bother and when bother is a futile act better left in the past.     NEW V.I.P. Holographic Coaching ~ SPECIAL 7 SESSIONS $1,000 CAD Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Holographist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring them increased success, greater joy, self-confidence and remarkable inspiring change.  All of wh

  • Do You Struggle to Make Your Dreams Happen? ~ Guest Yahaya Baruwa


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show Do you have a dream that you have always desired to come through but you've struggled to make it happen?  Do the thoughts around you, the beliefs you were raised with and the expectations of your family and community hold you back from taking action?  If any of this is true for you, join Christine McIver as she interviews a wonderingly intriguing man, Yahaya Baruwa who shares his journey, creation and inspirational thoughts about making dreams happen. Yahaya Baruwa is a novelist and entrepreneur who emigrated from Nigeria to Toronto, Canada in 2001 at the age of 12 with his family. His career as a novelist and entrepreneur began at the age of 21 when in 2009 he wrote, his first book, Struggles of a Dreamer (the first book in a trilogy) and started a publishing house to publish his work. He sold his book door-to-door for 3-years, knocking on over 27,000 doors in Toronto. He is currently on tour with Indigo bookstores in Canada and to-dates has done over 917 eve

  • Become A Conscious Manifestor ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show Are you ready to be the manifestor you desire to be?  Do you think you are not based on the past creations or lack of creations? NEW V.I.P. Holographic Coaching ~ SPECIAL 7 SESSIONS $1,000 CAD Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Holographist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring them increased success, greater joy, self-confidence and remarkable inspiring change.  All of which increased the abundance in their lives and businesses. Christine lives her life out loud and is a natural cheerleader who believes in the abilities of others to change their lives quickly and easily. C

  • Speaking Up…Your Prosperity Creation on Tap ~ Co-Host Megan Sillito


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show If  you struggle with creation or don't believe you have gifts waiting to come out of hiding, this show will be for you.  Speaking up with what you know can be, if you choose, to be your creation funnel.  Are you ready to actually change your reality, change your finances, change your level of creations?  This week Christine McIver and Megan Sillito will really challenge you and show you how to tap your prosperity using your voice. Imprinting for Riches program with Megan Sillito: NEW V.I.P. Holographic Coaching ~ SPECIAL 7 SESSIONS $1,000 CAD Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Holographist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly succ

  • How To Speak in Any Relationship and Be Heard ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show Are you holding back speaking in relationships because you're worried about another persons reaction?  Do you feel like you speak in relationships with your family or children or even your clients but truly are not being heard?  What about in relationship with future lovers or current lovers and it's not landing? Connect this week so we can turn up the connections and have you be heard greater than ever. NEW V.I.P. Holographic Coaching ~ SPECIAL 7 SESSIONS $1,000 CAD Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Holographist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring them increased success

  • How To Speak on Social Media To Be Heard ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show Are you trying to learn this online social media thing and feeling like you're not being heard?  Connect this week so we can turn up the volume on your social media presence.  NEW V.I.P. Holographic Coaching ~ SPECIAL 7 SESSIONS $1,000 CAD Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Holographist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring them increased success, greater joy, self-confidence and remarkable inspiring change.  All of which increased the abundance in their lives and businesses. Christine lives her life out loud and is a natural cheerleader who believes in the abilities of ot

  • How Do I Speak & Be Heard in Business? ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show How Do I Speak & Be Heard in Business? What to say?  Will they hear me?  Where do I begin?  If you are in your own business or struggling in the business world inside another business, this will be a show to invite you to speak with clarity, confidence and pleasure.  This show will begin to unlock the worries and doubt of judgement and open you up to new possibilities for your future. Join Christine McIver this week to have your business world open up in your favour.  Ask questions in the chatrooom or call in directly to the show to discuss live. NEW V.I.P. Holographic Coaching ~ SPECIAL 7 SESSIONS $1,000 CAD Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Holographist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspi

  • I Failed To Speak ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show Can you imagine, I failed to speak?  This show will be one of the most vulnerable shows I have done to-date in my many years of radio and speaking.  I will share with you exactly what was stopping me from showing up truly as me and the price I paid.  I hope you will join me.  It will be my birthday and to me, it is no better gift to give myself.     NEW V.I.P. Holographic Coaching ~ SPECIAL 7 SESSIONS $1,000 CAD – Only 20 Spots Available – Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Holographist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring them increased success, greater joy, self-confiden

  • Business Shaming or Business Claiming ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show How do you want to feel about your business? Who do you what to be, in your business?  Do you hold back and feel ashamed or do you claim your business creation and lean into the possibilities?  If you're ready to end the shaming and expand the claiming, this show is for you! NEW V.I.P. Holographic Coaching ~ SPECIAL 7 SESSIONS $1,000 CAD Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Holographist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring them increased success, greater joy, self-confidence and remarkable inspiring change.  All of which increased the abundance in their lives and businesses.

  • You Upped Your Ask, Now Up Your Receiving ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver Radio Show You've been asking and asking but have you been receiving?  Do you understand that there is action required in your receiving?  What if you are the very one that is stopping you receiving?  This show will challenge you to dig deep into your consciousness and mind to change the blocks so you can up your receiving. NEW V.I.P. Holographic Coaching ~ SPECIAL 7 SESSIONS $1,000 CAD – Only 20 Spots Available – Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Holographist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring them increased success, greater joy, self-confidence and remarkable inspiring change. 

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