Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

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Martyn Lloyd-Jones was a Welsh Protestant minister, preacher and medical doctor who was influential in the Reformed wing of the British evangelical movement in the 20th century.


  • Ye Are Christ's


    1 Corinthians 3:21-23 — Listen as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones discusses the greatest tragedy of all – the rejection of the Gospel. Apart from this, the world would not know tragedy. The trouble with man is that he is by nature a fool. We must not glory in man; we must not rely upon him with all our trust. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 3:21-23, learn about the cult of personality and the fundamental lack of fitness man has to hold the allegiance of other men. Man’s powers are altogether given to him; he is a created being. Men are selfish and always changing. To glory in man is to be enslaved, furthermore to glory in self is to be enslaved. “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.” Do not be deceived, life is a master to you, you are not a captain of your soul. Discover the wisdom of glorying in Christ! The Gospel is a call to glory in Christ alone. Christ voluntarily takes a place of subordination and humiliation to work out God’s great plan of redemption. Christ wasn't mastered by life, He conquered death. S

  • The Wisdom of the World


    1 Corinthians 3:18-20 — One must ask themselves if they are wise by worldly standards and if they understand life’s fundamental issues. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 3:18–20 titled “The Wisdom of the World,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones addresses worldly wisdom in light of Paul’s words to the Corinthians. The world has rejected the gospel for centuries, and its rejection of the gospel is nothing new. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a complete contrast to what humans think of themselves by nature. Dr. Lloyd-Jones preaches that humanity always seeks to advance itself and improve itself. The gospel, in contrast, knows that humankind needs rebirth, and this must be done by the Spirit. The gospel cannot be changed or modified, since it is perfect and complete in every way. The fundamental problem with humankind’s solutions, Dr. Lloyd-Jones preaches, is that humankind’s solutions originate in the human mind. God’s solution transcends human reason and offers the only hope for humanity’s salvation. Dr. Lloyd-Jones mentions

  • Christ the Foundation


    1 Corinthians 3:11 — What is the foundation in this life? Is it personal possessions or sense of security? People put their hope and base life on many things. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 3:11 titled “Christ the Foundation,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that any foundation in life that is not Jesus Christ is doomed to fail. All other foundations are passing and transient; they satisfy, but only temporarily. Jesus Christ is an eternal foundation that can never be shaken. He is a foundation that never leaves His people wanting for more. Christ alone can satisfy one’s deepest needs and desires. It is only Christ who can take away sin and make one a child of God. The greatest tragedy is that many reject Christ as their hope, and turn to everything else that is vain and passing away. Christ calls His people to turn away from the world and trust solely in His work on the cross for salvation. All other foundations are like sinking sand, but Jesus Christ is God’s appointed means of salvation as the only sure and st

  • Dawn that Never Leads to Day


    1 Corinthians 2:6 — Let no one glory in humanity as the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. The unusual confidence in human intelligence is the leading cause for rejecting the gospel. People deem the gospel useless and foolish. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 2:6 titled “Dawn that Never Leads to Day,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones examines two positions of life and the true knowledge of the meaning of life. The achievements of civilization and discoveries of humanity are so small in comparison to the grandeur of this universe. Listen to the message of the Bible and consider the Tower of Babel, King Herod, the flood, and Job. The wisdom of this world can only understand a portion of life, and nothing beyond. God’s knowledge is far beyond humanity’s finite comprehension. Listen as history is explained as the progressive scientific discovery of the Medieval Ages, Renaissance, and the Enlightenment, which ultimately pressed God into the background and exalted humanity. Humanity is always dawning a new era, but n

  • Revealed By God


    1 Corinthians 2:1-16 — How can one know God? In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 2:1–16 titled “Revealed by God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones explains how this seemingly simple question has immense significance for one’s life. If God could not be known, how could anyone understand the gospel and be saved? Thankfully, God has revealed Himself to humanity. No one has to discover God through science or philosophy, but God made Himself known in Scripture and in Jesus Christ. In this sermon, Dr. Lloyd-Jones shows the great need for forgiveness and reconciliation with God. Science cannot give this knowledge because it only tells about this world. Christians then have nothing to fear from modern humanity and its claims of intellectual superiority, because true knowledge of God is a gift through His Word, not simply another truth to be discovered. The story of Nicodemus illustrates this well. The Lord Jesus says that it is the Spirit that shows God. It is a supernatural act of God that allows fallen sinners to come to a knowl

  • To Seek and to Save


    1 Corinthians 1:31 — Christianity is always contemporary since Christians live in this world too. What differentiates the Christian? People have mastered many things in this life, but they cannot master the lust in their own life and mind – all are failures, none are righteous. People proclaim what they are by what they glory in. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preached this sermon on 1 Corinthians 1:31 titled “To Seek and to Save” after the first man had gone into space. One can hear the boasting of humanity over the course of history. What does the Christian glory in? Christianity is not just an intellectual knowledge; it is an actual boasting in the Lord. Learn that to glory in any person is merely self-worship. There cannot be two things glorified because to glory in one is to crucify another – God and self cannot both be exalted. There is nothing special about a person in themselves, but there is every reason to glory in Jesus Christ alone – He is not an ordinary man. The world is as it is because it is not glory

  • The Everlasting Gospel


    1 Corinthians 1:22-24 — In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 1:22–24 titled “The Everlasting Gospel,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones asks how the listener thinks about the Christian faith and message. It is a message that one never expects or desires. The cross cannot be removed from this message, yet it is a stumbling block to many. Many think they know what they need and are still looking for a sign, but God gave the message. It is impossible for any to know the truth about themselves while still in sin. Dr. Lloyd-Jones preaches that everyone not only needs help, but they need complete deliverance. The preaching of the cross is an offense to human ears. Why do they resent the cross? Due to the implications, this message is offensive by nature. It denounces everything that people rely upon. People are proud and self-confident, but listen and learn that even the wisest cannot stand before God justly. The blood of Christ is required. This is the Christian message and there is no other. Christ came to die — this is God’s w

  • The World by Wisdom Knew not God


    1 Corinthians 1:21 — Why has humanity long rejected the truth and wisdom of God? It is because of the arrogance of humanity. People have always wanted to find truth for themselves, just as when Adam reached for the fruit. In the same way, modern people open a philosophy textbook. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 1:21 titled “The World by Wisdom Knew not God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones warns of the dangers of searching for truth apart from Christ. In Corinth, false teachers were denying the miraculous events of the Bible, saying that they cannot be true because they seem unreasonable. They wanted to view Christ as a good teacher rather than as God and Savior. People continually reject the wisdom of God that is revealed in the Bible, nature, and all of history. They turn to their own brain instead of relying on the all-knowing, all-powerful God of the Bible.

  • The Testimony of Christ


    1 Corinthians 1:4-9 — Many people claim to be Christians but they are truly Christ-less. A Christian is one who has received and believed in Christ, one who has fellowship with Him, and one who is waiting for His return. Christ came to bear witness to the truth. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 1:4–9 titled “The Testimony of Christ,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the testimony of Christ and the importance of foundational principles. What did Christ have to testify about? The question of the person of Christ is crucial – two natures in one flesh, God’s own son. No one is their own, and they have no right to do what they want with themselves. They have been rescued by Christ. If anyone has the Son of God, then they have eternal life. This gospel is not simply a theory or personal opinion; it is the testimony of God Himself. It is a tragedy to deny these things. This sermon teaches what Christ says about God and humanity, and the only way of being right before God.

  • God Is Faithful


    1 Corinthians 1:4-9 — Is it possible to be confident and filled with a sense of assurance about the state of the Christian church today? The Apostle Paul had great confidence and certainty in the faithfulness of God as he wrote to the church in Corinth: “God is faithful.” Do Christians desire the assurance that Paul seems to have in his writings? Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches this sermon as an introduction to 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 so that the listener may be helped and strengthened both at the current state of the Christian church, and in evaluating the manner in which Christians live. Dr. Lloyd-Jones asserts that Paul’s confidence is based upon the fact that he knows that salvation is entirely of God. Paul did not have confidence in the Corinthians or himself, but in God and His grace alone. It is God who calls His people up from spiritual death into His salvation. The Christian has been called and quickened by God and can have confidence today knowing that it is God who calls, confirms, and keeps each Chris

  • The Cross that Divides


    1 Corinthians 2:6-8 — The crucifixion of the Son of God, who the apostle Paul called the Lord of glory, is the most profound paradox in human history. Because it is foolishness to those who are perishing and wisdom to those being saved, it automatically divides the world into two groups. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 2:6–8 titled “The Cross that Divides,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones elaborates on the mystery of the cross and explains why it divides humanity. The great divide the cross creates comes down to the hidden element in the cross and the necessity of divine illumination produced by the Holy Spirit. While the rulers, princes, authorities, and the natural people see only a failed prophet from Nazareth hung on a tree, revelation given by the Holy Spirit gives spiritual eyes to see it is the God-man Jesus Christ dying for sins in order to bring His people to glory. Hear Dr. Lloyd-Jones challenge the people of God to meditate, spend time on, and “survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died”.

  • The Message of the Bible


    Romans 15:4 — It is a great error to think that the Bible is just another ancient book. In this sermon on Romans 15:4 titled “The Message of the Bible,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shares about the unique nature of Scripture as the very word and revelation of God. God’s revealed will to His people is found in the pages of the Old and New Testaments. This should cause all to read Scripture as one divinely gifted message that has been given for the edification and building up of all believers. All must believe Scripture because it is the very word of God and carries the fullest authority possible. What does God reveal to His people in Scripture? The one overarching theme in Scripture is the salvation of God’s people by His Son, Jesus Christ. Scripture must be read as one whole work by one author with one message. This message is one of victory and salvation wherein Jesus Christ dies upon the cross for the salvation of all who believe and the redemption of the whole world. Jesus is making all things new by His death,

  • Kingdom of Righteousness


    Romans 14:17 — Is the kingdom of God about political or social change? Is it about making men and women more ethical? According to Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, the answer is absolutely not. In this sermon on Romans 14:17 titled “Kingdom of Righteousness,” he says that the kingdom of God is about the true righteousness of Jesus Christ that comes through the gospel. The mistake of many is thinking that the kingdom of God is about the externals of religion, and Dr. Lloyd-Jones says that reduces the Christian life to a matter of external affairs. According to Scripture, being a Christian is not about going to church or being a good person, but it is about the person and work of Jesus Christ. It is a sad thing when Jesus is replaced by the good deeds of people. It is Jesus that saves from sin and darkness and grants true righteousness. This sermon asks the questions: “what is Christianity to you? Is it a lifeless external thing that you do, or is it the power and grace of God made manifest in Jesus Christ?”

  • The Principles of The Faith


    Romans 14:17 — What does one consider central to their Christian life? In this sermon on Romans 14:17 titled “The Principles of the Faith,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones suggests this could be an indication of what they think Christianity is all about. The church at Rome had much to say about observance of days and whether a Christian can or should eat this food or drink this drink. Paul abhors such pettiness in the church at Rome, and through God’s inspired word, the reader can see He is not pleased with such smallness in the church today. Dr. Lloyd-Jones brings the gospel back to center of a church that is often divided over pettiness. He cautions on the subtle loss of proportion or a sense of balance on secondary matters. Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains in this message how zealous and well-intended Christians can over-concentrate on matters like eating and drinking and miss what the kingdom of God is all about. This does not mean those secondary issues are unimportant or should not be discussed with full conviction. Ins

  • The Gospel of Peace


    Romans 10:15 — What is the nature of true peace? Many say that peace is simply the absence of war or conflict. In this sermon on Romans 10:15 titled “The Gospel of Peace” however, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that there is a better peace that God gives. The Bible says that all are in sin and wholly corrupt. They fight each other because they are sinners who are alienated from God. This wrong relationship with God is the source of all strife and hostility amongst people, and until people are made right with God, they will not be made right with one another. This is why God not only provides a way for all to be redeemed from their sins, but also to restore their relationship with God. This right relationship is what gives true and lasting peace because it gives the knowledge that God loves humanity and has died for all. This peace shows that one can rest in God and not themselves. It shows that while this world is passing away, one has hope in the world to come when Christ returns to bring the new heaven and the

  • The Wonder of the Resurrection


    Romans 8:34 — What is in two words? In this sermon on Romans 8:34 titled “The Wonder of the Resurrection,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones focuses on the apostle Paul’s words “more than that” (or in the KJV “yea rather”). These words represent a summary of the central affirmation of the glory of the Christian position. They recall the triumph and victory of the Christian gospel itself. In this Easter message on the wonder of the resurrection, Dr. Lloyd-Jones preaches that to be a Christian is to be a person who has a sense of victory, joy, exhilaration, and assurance. What causes such rejoicing and assurance? It is the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead. Dr. Lloyd-Jones expounds the meaning and beauty of Paul’s words in Romans 8:34 and demonstrates what is proved and established by Christ’s resurrection. In the resurrection, Christ is proved to be the Lord. The resurrection proves Christ’s cross work was complete and He has power over all enemies. The resurrection of Christ establishes His asce

  • We Shall Be Like Him


    Romans 8:18 — Why does the church of today seem to be so ineffective and weak? In this sermon on Romans 8:18 titled “We Shall Be Like Him,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones answers that the church does not behold the glory of God, and so they are not transformed by the glory of God. The modern church focuses on plans and schemes in order to reach the world. But Dr. Lloyd-Jones explores the fatal flaws of this approach to ministry. The world needs to see a church that looks to God and beholds His power and glory. The church should come to see the futility of worldly means of evangelism and outreach, and they should see the power of God working in Christ as not only the greatest means of reaching the world, but as the only power that the church has. The church must rely on the Spirit’s working in the life of believers and the gospel message to reach the world. Dr. Lloyd-Jones argues that this has always been the case. The greatest revivals were not brought about by the plans of people, but by the Spirit working in the li

  • Modern Pharisees


    Romans 8:3-4 — In this sermon on Romans 8:3–4 titled “Modern Pharisees,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows how Jesus came in order to fulfill the law that no one could. Modern day Pharisees are those who reject Christ’s sacrifice and try to justify themselves by their own works. Regardless of how carefully one tries to uphold the law, they cannot obey the First Commandment to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. The beauty of the gospel is that Christ came to redeem the wicked, not the self-righteous. Anyone who is burdened with the guilt of sin and feels unworthy can find peace in Christ’s blessing of those who are poor in spirit and avoid the folly of the modern Pharisees.

  • What is Christianity?


    Romans 8:3-4 — What is Christianity all about? Many have a sentimental view and say that Christianity is about nothing more than love. Others say that Christianity is about morality and good works. In this sermon on Romans 8:3–4 titled “What is Christianity?” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that both these answers are wholly inadequate understandings of biblical Christianity. Christianity begins with an understanding that humanity is fallen and in sin; people are unable to know God and serve Him rightly. All are under the condemnation of God’s law because they have rebelled against their maker. In response to this sinful nature that is in all people, God has sent His Son to die upon the cross of Calvary so that all who believe might be forgiven of sin and inheritors with Christ. This message of atonement and redemption is in contrast to all sentimental and shallow distortions of Christianity. But it is the message of Jesus Christ dying that alone can bring true salvation and peace. There is no other message of sa

  • Science; Morality and God


    Romans 7:22-25 — In 1961 an incredible feat of man took place when man orbited earth for the first time. This momentous occasion held the world in awe. In this sermon on Romans 7:22-25 titled “Science; Morality and God,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones urges the listener to pause and reflect on this historical moment. What does it mean and what is its real significance? How does this moment affect us? Many view this extraordinary achievement as proof of the human capability to liberate itself. If man can succeed in this staggering technological advancement, there must be no limit to his power and capacity to make the world perfect. It causes man to be optimistic of its progress. As Dr. Lloyd-Jones points out, however, an examination of the history of civilization shows marvelous discoveries by man while also confronting us with a staggering fact — whatever man may do in his brilliance to achieve physical greatness, his achievements give a false optimism for his capacity for moral accomplishment. Man cannot escape the

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