Bill Crockett Ministries



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  • How Do I Pray?

    21/11/2011 Duración: 32min

    There are numerous resources that talk about and describe prayer. Prayer is one of the essentials in the life of a follower of Christ. There are many aspects of prayer to be learned. What to say when we pray, where to pray, when to pray, how often to pray, etc. The greatest resource for knowing how to pray is Jesus himself. In Luke 11-1-4, his disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray so lets do the same- As we examine the life of Jesus and how he prayed, we notice a few basic characteristics. These are discussed in this lesson.

  • What Does Prayer Do For Me?

    11/11/2011 Duración: 32min

    Prayer is a critical part of our spiritual growth but many of us do not fully understand what prayer does for us. Prayer is for us, not God. Though God desires us to pray, it helps us. In this session we will look at 3 things that prayer does for us when we make it a part of our lives.

  • Spiritual Growth & the Bible - 3

    01/11/2011 Duración: 36min

    This is part 3 of our series on spiritual body building with the Bible. In this lesson we discuss the 6 results we can expect to see from using the Bible properly in our lives. We will also share practical examples of how each of these results can show up in our life.

  • Spiritual Growth & the Bible - 2

    25/10/2011 Duración: 29min

    This is part 2 of using the Bible to build our spiritual lives. In part 1 we discussed what the Bible does for us. In this lesson we examine how to use the Bible to realize spiritual growth in our lives. The bible is our sword to be used against the Devil and his temptations. We will look at 5 ways we use the bible in our life to help us be affective when we use this sword. These same 5 things are the spiritual exercises we do with the Bible to grow stronger spiritually.

  • Spiritual Growth & the Bible 1

    21/10/2011 Duración: 28min

    In body building, when we use a certain piece of equipment or machine or do a certain exercise we want to know three basic facts - What does this do for me- - How do I use it- - What are the results- We will answer all three of these questions about each piece of spiritual body building equipment in our spiritual gym of life. In this lesson we begin with the most basic of all tools for our spiritual growth, the Bible. In this lesson we examine 6 important things the Bible will do for us. Have you ever read the Bible and struggled to come away with something practical that affects your life- This lesson will begin to address that issue and send us on our way to powerful and life changing Bible study-

  • God's Body Building Equipment

    11/10/2011 Duración: 32min

    Paul told Timothy that physical training had some value but training to be Godly had value for this life and the life to come. In this lesson we will identify the basic tools God uses to build us spiritually so we can glorify God in our body or our physical life on this earth. We will also look at the 5 basic principles for spiritual body building.

  • What is Spiritual Discipline?

    06/10/2011 Duración: 28min

    1 Timothy 4-8 tells us that -physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things.- verse 7 says, -train yourself to be godly.- In this series we will explore and learn how to train ourselves to be godly. In Philippians 1-20 Paul said he wanted Christ to be exalted in his -body.- In 1 Corinthians 6-20 Paul tells us to honor God with our -body.- In 1 Corinthians 9-27 Paul says he had to -beat his body- -discipline- in order to win the race. In this series we are going to learn about the -Equipment- the -Exercises- and the -Areas of our Life- to focus on so that we can finish the race of life as winners in Christ. This is -Body Building God's Way.- This lesson helps us define what Spiritual Discipline is.

  • Polygamy - Right or Wrong?

    02/10/2011 Duración: 39min

    Is polygamy right or wrong for a christian- People in the Bible practiced polygamy. Abraham, David, Solomon, just to name a few. So what does the Bible say about this and is it right for a christian today to have more than one married spouse- These are all questions we seek to answer in this lesson. In today's world, these are issues a christian will face and we need to know the mind of the Lord about what to do.

  • The Sexual Crisis Pt 2

    19/09/2011 Duración: 44min

    This is part two of a lesson about the sexual crisis that we appear to be facing in our society. In lesson one we realized that the real crisis is sin not sexual. In this lesson we will examine the solution to the apparent sexual crisis and the attitude a Christian should take towards those involved in sexual sin. How should a Christian respond- We will learn three very important ways a Christian should respond. Not what you might think-

  • The Sexual Crisis Pt 1

    12/09/2011 Duración: 44min

    The question was asked of me, -Why are we so hard on homosexuals-- There is a sexual crisis among people today but it is no different than what has gone on since the beginning of time. What is this crisis and why is it a problem- In this lesson we define the real crisis from the Bible and begin to answer the question, -How should a Christian act toward the sexual crisis we face today-- An honest look at the real issue.

  • Sexuality and Mankind

    31/08/2011 Duración: 46min

    Is the desire for a sexual or physical relationship bad- Does God intend for us to enjoy a sexual relationship- When does God say it is okay to have a sexual relationship- These are all common questions being pondered today in our society. This lesson will look at what the Bible says about God's design for the sexual relationship. We will also look at the reality of sexual temptation and why this is a problem to mankind. What is morality and immorality- We will answer these questions as well.

  • A Bible View of Right & Wrong

    24/08/2011 Duración: 37min

    In the world today, the topic of sexuality and marriage has become an area of great confusion especially among Christians. In this series we will explore what God says about the subject and how a child of God should treat this very important matter in their lives. We begin with a study of how the Bible determines right and wrong. What is Satan's strategy, what determines right - wrong, what is God's design for our life and where does God's grace fit in this issue- This is the foundation of knowing how to properly deal with this issue on our lives.

  • What is God saying to Me?

    20/08/2011 Duración: 37min

    The most life changing aspect of studying the Bible is properly applying what I study to my own life. In this lesson we will look at principles of spiritual growth, two areas of spiritual growth, what the -basics- are that every believer should master and then 6 practical questions to ask ourselves when we study the Bible that will help us apply the Bible properly to our life.

  • What Is God Saying?

    05/08/2011 Duración: 23min

    Most misunderstandings and false ideas and doctrines occur from a wrong interpretation of the Bible.In this lesson we will look at some basic principles of Bible interpretation that will help the everyday Christian to be able to properly understand the Bible when they read it. We will also talk about some study tools to use when interpreting the Bible and 6 steps to follow when studying the Bible.

  • Prayer and How to Do It

    05/08/2011 Duración: 26min

    Prayer is one of the most basic practices of our faith. Do we really understand what it is and how to do it the Bible way- In this lesson we will answer the question, -What is prayer and how do we do it-- We will define what prayer is, look at 4 kinds of prayer, biblical characteristics of prayer and 8 practical instructions for how to prayer.

  • What am I Looking For?

    30/07/2011 Duración: 29min

    What should we be looking for when we study the Bible- This study addresses the topic of -Meditation.- What is it and how do we do it relative to Bible Study- We list the 5 basic objectives of Bible study and also look at the practical goals of bible study. The 8 goals of bible study in discipleship are also listed and discussed. A life changing lesson that will change forever how we approach Bible study.

  • Basic Facts About the Bible

    20/07/2011 Duración: 40min

    How can the average Christian study the Bible so that they understand it and it changes their life-- In this mini-series we will learn 4 basics about life changing Bible study that anyone can do. We begin by looking at some basics truths about the Bible. There are some basic facts that one must understand and accept before the Bible will ever make sense to them. May God use this series to make the Bible come alive in your life.

  • The Bible and Baptism

    20/07/2011 Duración: 24min

    What does the Bible say about baptism-- What is it-- Is it necessary for salvation-- Who should be baptized-- When should one be baptized-- How should a person be baptized-- What is infant baptism and does the Bible teach that it should be done-- Why do some churches baptize babies-- We will answer all of these questions in this very practical lesson that is so vital to a Christian's walk with God.

  • What is Real Freedom?

    05/07/2011 Duración: 30min

    As Americans, we are privileged to live in a country where we are free. Although there are many Americans who have never known real freedom in their lives. Suicide, divorce, depression, crime, debt, bitterness, alcoholism, drug addiction, just to mention a few, have people all around us locked in a prison of despair. Through Jesus Christ we can be free from these things. Jesus said, -You shall know the truth and the truth will make your free.- What did He mean-- In this lesson we will study that statement by Jesus and discover what the Bible describes as -Real Freedom--

  • The Wise Home

    04/07/2011 Duración: 23min

    Jesus taught that a house built on sand would fall but a house built on the rock will stand. This principle is discussed in this lesson as it applies to building a wise home. We also summarize all the principles discussed in our series on -Wisdom for the Home.-

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