Steve Horn Audio Podcast

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  • Editor: Podcast
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Messages by Pastor Steve Horn of the First Baptist Church of Lafayette, Louisiana


  • CONFRONTATION WITH CRISIS: When Crisis Confronts Our Faith


    Beginning today, we are going to see how crisis confronts us, starting with our faith. Then, we are going to consider passages of Comfort in the midst of our Crisis, and then consider some Challenges we face in the midst of crisis. Finally, we will...

  • The Pinnacle Promise of Proverbs


    You have heard it said many times that the book of Proverbs is the most practical book in the Bible. Every line is flowing with God’s wisdom. Indeed the book of Proverbs is categorized as a book of wisdom. I invite you to consider with me perhaps the...

  • Making Sense out of Successful Sinners


    The book of Psalms contains every kind of emotion we experience In Psalms, there are exuberant songs of praise and long laments. There are songs that expose the sometimes raw feelings that we experience in life. And such is the case with the Psalm today.

  • ReGroup


    There’s a whole book of the Bible devoted to regrouping. It’s Deuteronomy. The title Deuteronomy comes from the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible and literally means second law. But, this is not a second law in terms of a new law, but rather the...

  • COME AND LISTEN: God's Table - Invited and Inviting


    Imagine one of the Pharisees breaking the silence with something to the effect of, “Well, now, won’t it be great when all of us usher in the coming kingdom of God. That is the essence of the scene here. The gathered Pharisees had a wrong understanding...

  • COME AND LISTEN: Be Ready for His Return


    Now today, we actually have several parables before us, but they all relate to the same topic—the return of Christ at the end of the age.

  • COME AND LISTEN: Walk the Walk…Cliché or Conviction?


    We have observed that Jesus told these stories in such a way that at some level the shock value of the story is what arrested the attention of the listeners. That is certainly true in the parable before us today.

  • COME AND LISTEN: A Hard Parable


    Today, we deal with what might be the hardest parable. When I say hard, I don’t mean hard to understand. I mean hard to accept its meaning. You will quickly understand why. It deals with forgiveness.

  • COME AND LISTEN: A Parable for Our Nation


    Today, I want to share with you my favorite parable. I often share from this text at weddings because I think this story has an obvious application to marriage and families. This story also has an application to our nation and that is how I want to...

  • COME AND LISTEN: What Does God Look Like?


    It would seem odd to have a series on the Parables of Jesus without considering the most familiar of all of the parables, so “Come and Listen” to the Parable of the Prodigal Son or as I prefer to call it “The Parable of the Lost Son.”

  • COME AND LISTEN: Humility and the Gospel


    Jesus was a master story teller. People of Jesus’ day were not really any different from people of today in the sense that they related to stories. Jesus took these stories using the familiar things of everyday life in the first century to capture the...

  • COME AND LISTEN: Where Is Your Heart?


    In Luke 12, we read that Jesus has been teaching on the subject of eternity. Jesus has underscored that the most important question in life is the question of one’s eternal destiny. The next most important question (whatever that question is) is a...

  • COME AND LISTEN: How Much Is God's Kingdom Worth to You?


    Matthew 13 is a treasure trove of parables about that of infinite, matchless, incomparable value—the Kingdom of God. Jesus introduced the Kingdom of God in the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 6:33 is pure spiritual gold. “But seek first the kingdom of...

  • COME AND LISTEN: The Compassion Question


    Coming up on 32 years ago I preached for the first time. Armed with 11 pages of notes, I preached for what seemed to be hours. When I sat down, I glanced at a clock to realize that I had blazed through those 11 pages of notes in 9 minutes. I share...

  • COME AND LISTEN: Will He Hear?


    The parable before us is typical of how Jesus used the parables. He simply threw the story alongside the teaching. So, we probably ought to back up just a bit this morning and present several principles for interpreting parables. These principles will...

  • COME AND LISTEN: How Will You Hear?


    Jesus was a master storyteller. People of Jesus’ day were not really any different from people of today in the sense that they related to stories. Jesus took these stories using the familiar things of everyday life to capture the attention of His...

  • How Can You Know that You Have Eternal Life?


    John wrote to us that he had written “these things” to us so that we can know that we have eternal life. What are these things? If we are going to understand “these things,” we must consider the whole letter of John. I want to show you six questions...

  • My Needs in Giving


    The example in 2 Corinthians 8-9 of the Macedonians’ giving is the best on record. The Macedonians were not known for being an affluent people. In fact, they were best known for being an afflicted people. In addressing the church at Philippi, which...

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