Steve Horn Audio Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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Messages by Pastor Steve Horn of the First Baptist Church of Lafayette, Louisiana


  • The Family of God


    Today we consider the Family of God.

  • Vital Signs of a Healthy Church


    God so perfectly created human beings that a simple check of vital signs can diagnose a problem or eliminate the fear of a problem. What is true of a person is also true of a church. The health of a church can be determined by examining specific...

  • Anchoring the Family Chain


    Deuteronomy was written to the men who were little boys when the ten scouts refused to trust God and enter the Promised Land. The little boys are now the fathers of Israel – leaders of the new generation. Facing them is an incredible opportunity to...

  • Truth That Never Changes


    I stand here to remind us today of three Truths that never change. These immovable and unchangeable truths we must hold up stand firm upon.

  • It's Still HIS Church


    We should not be surprised that Jesus was the first person in the Bible to speak the word church. The historical setting, recorded in Matthew 16, marks the occasion of Jesus and His disciples in Caesarea Philippi, enjoying what we might call a men’s...

  • How to Get Ready for Your Next Pastor


    Do I dare suggest this morning – First Baptist Church of Lafayette, LA – that these days of pastoral transition expose you to one of the most challenging and dangerous threats a church will ever experience?

  • So What Now?


    Through the years you have grown accustomed to my question, “So What?” at the conclusion of my messages. So, it seems fitting today to conclude my pulpit ministry with this message titled, “So What Now?”

  • Total Surrender (2019)


    If you had one message left to share what would it be? I honestly tell you that I believe with all of my heart that this is my life message. Total Surrender!

  • LIVING HOPE: The Ultimate Word on our Living Hope


    We have spent several weeks in 1 Peter, essentially going through this wonderful book verse-by-verse. Today, I want you to see the beginning of Peter’s second letter—called 2 Peter. We find there an “Ultimate Word on our Living Hope.”

  • LIVING HOPE: Living Hope in the Battle


    As most letters do, 1 Peter ends with a list of exhortations that are the sum total of what Peter has said throughout the letter. The book ends on a crescendo of exhortation of how we should withstand all forms of opposition.

  • Third Day Truths


    So, here we are. I want to share with you from this passage some “Third Day Truths.” Most of you know these things already, but I pray that we will be blessed, encouraged, inspired, and called to greater surrender and devotion to Him by examining them...

  • LIVING HOPE: Living Hope Forever


    We have examined in this book that Jesus is not only our Living Hope, He is our only hope. Because of that, we are to live holy, we are to live with hope in a hopeless world, we are to live this hope together as the church, and we are to share this...

  • LIVING HOPE: Embrace Your Suffering


    The purpose of 1 Peter is to encourage the recipients to endure in their commitment to Christ. The description of being aliens in the land in which they live coupled with the general call to endurance throughout the letter suggests the idea that they...

  • LIVING HOPE: Sharing this Living Hope


    As is often quoted, “We must always preach the Gospel, and if necessary, use words. Well, today, we note that we must always use words. I mean this is basic to preaching the Gospel. Look at the text with me.

  • LIVING HOPE: Living This Hope in a Hopeless World


    We continue with the theme of outwardly living out our hope. It is actually the continuing theme of the rest of the letter. In fact, some commentators indicate that the first two verses of our text today, 1 Peter 2:11-12, forms something of the crux...

  • LIVING HOPE: Living This Hope Together


    Living Hope calls us to Holy Living. At the end of 1 Peter chapter 1 and the beginning of chapter 2, we get several keys for helping us with holiness: keep preaching the Gospel to ourselves, keep feasting on God’s Word, keep tasting the goodness of...

  • When God Puts You On Hold


    When God Puts You On Hold Matthew 15:21-28; Mark 7:24-30 Ray Swift  The Setting        ______________________________________________________________________________ The...

  • LIVING HOPE: Living Hope Calls Us to Holy Living


    As so often the case in the New Testament letters, theology prepares us for practices. Our beliefs should produce in us a certain behavior. We see that often with the word, “Therefore.” We see that in our text today. So, I want you to think with me...

  • LIVING HOPE: Jesus Christ - Our Living Hope


    The purpose of 1 Peter is to encourage the recipients to endure in their commitment to Christ. The description of being aliens in the land in which they live coupled with the general call to endurance throughout the letter suggests the idea that they...

  • PURSUE: Pursue Contentment


    We have begun this year in the book of Philippians. In the opening verses of chapter 4, we considered one of the fundamental lessons of the book and of the Christian life—to rejoice in the Lord always. The pursuit of joy! Well today, we conclude this...

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