Creative Training Techniques - The Bob Pike Group



Becky Pluth of the Bob Pike Group shares her thoughts on creative training techniques.


  • Creating An Environment For Learning

    13/03/2015 Duración: 06min

    Images and music can play an important role in making training successful. Becky has some great tips on how to employ images and music to enhance your next session. Links mentioned in the podcast Training Tunes

  • Deadly Sins of Trainers

    06/03/2015 Duración: 04min

    What are you doing that is killing learning? Becky has a list. Are you doing (or not doing) any of these things? Mentioned in the podcast: Becky's Deadly Sins of Trainers White Paper

  • How To Make Sure What Is Taught Is Caught

    28/02/2015 Duración: 06min

    You can teach it, but will they use it on the job? Becky says the person who has the biggest influence on that might not even be in your training session.

  • Preventing Problem Participants

    20/02/2015 Duración: 05min

    It only takes one problem participant to make learning difficult in a training session. Becky says 80% of problem participants can be prevented. She gives you with some great techniques to identify and disarm those problems before they disrupt your session.

  • Age Isn't Everything - How To Communicate Across Generations

    13/02/2015 Duración: 05min

    To successfully teach to different generations, you need to know how each generation learns. Complicating matters: age doesn't necessarily dictate what generation someone belongs to. Becky has some great advice on how you can reach silents, boomers and millennials even when they're in the same classroom.

  • A Checklist For Training Success

    06/02/2015 Duración: 05min

    Why recreate the wheel every time you create a presentation? Becky says just like having a checklist for packing, having a checklist for your presentation makes sure you don't forget important details that can spell the difference between an OK training session and a great training session.

  • RebootingThe Brain For Better Learning

    30/01/2015 Duración: 05min

    When your computer is running slow, or acting cranky, often just rebooting it will fix the problem. Why? Rebooting it clears the cache—all those unnecessary bits of information that can clog up a smooth running computer. Becky says your learner's brain is like a computer, and when it's having trouble processing what you're teaching, often "clearing the cache" will make things run smoother. She has some great tips on how to do that. Links mentioned in the podcast: Lincoln on Leadership by Donald T. Phillips

  • Making Your Next Conference Call A Success

    23/01/2015 Duración: 06min

    It's not just what you do during a conference call that makes it a success — it's what you do before, during, and after the call that can make the difference. Becky talks about some not-so-obvious things you should put on your next conference call checklist including picking a memorable start time. Links mentioned in the podcast:

  • Music In The Classroom: When To Use It, When To Lose It

    15/01/2015 Duración: 04min

    You know that music can impact your mood and energy, but did you know it can impact learning both positively and negatively? Becky has some clear guidelines on when you should and shouldn't use music and what kind of music works best for learning. Link mentioned in the podcast: Training Tunes For Classroom Vol 1-5

  • To Learn Is More Than To Know (And How Games Can Help)

    09/01/2015 Duración: 04min

    To Learn Is More Than To Know (And How Games Can Help) What to know something? Read a book. Look it up on Google. What to learn something? Ah, that's more complex. Becky says learning requires people to know, comprehend, and apply knowledge. And good teachers make it happen in the classroom with some help from games. Links mentioned in the podcast Benjamin Bloom's Taxonomy's_taxonomy PowerPoint Game Templates - Variety of games, including Darts, Blockbusters, Hangman, Millionaire, Concentration, Weakest Link scoreboard, animated Power Point timers, bingo number generator, and Wheel of Fortune spinner. - Amazing number of PowerPoint based games: Includes Concentration, Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, Millionaire, and Hollywood Squares, Balloon Game, Blast It. University of MN Center for Teaching and Learning has some of the same kinds of PowerPoint games but with a higher education/corporate fe

  • Why Would I Use A Rhetorical Question? Triggers For Reflective Activities

    02/01/2015 Duración: 04min

    Reflection is an important part of learning. Becky has some phrases and questions that will help you achieve this important step in the classroom. Links mentioned in this podcast: Heart Math Focused Breathing:

  • Create Happiness And Joy To Make Learning Stick

    26/12/2014 Duración: 04min

    Emotions and memories are tied in our brains. Becky has some great ideas on how you can take advantage of that to make your next presentation more memorable. Links mentioned in this podcast: Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath - Turning Point Technology clickers

  • Social Learning: Making Social Media Support Your Classroom Training

    19/12/2014 Duración: 03min

    How do you tap into social media so your students are learning before, during and after they come to your classroom? Becky has some great ideas on you can use social media in learning.

  • Good Answers For Debriefing With Learners

    12/12/2014 Duración: 04min

    The answers you give in a debriefing are important, but so are the answers your students give. How can you make sure the answers your students give are just as useful as your own? Becky has five points you should consider.

  • Good Questions For Debriefing With Learners

    05/12/2014 Duración: 04min

    Debriefing is one of those things that happens at the end of a classroom session, but Becky says it's the first thing you should think of when putting together your lesson. Becky tells you what questions to use and most importantly - what questions to avoid.

  • Being Visually Loud Can Sometimes Drown Out Your Lesson

    28/11/2014 Duración: 05min

    You probably know that pictures can make for a better presentation. But how do you know if the picture or graphic you're using is helping or hurting your lesson? Becky talks about why simple is often better than being "visually loud."

  • The Right And Wrong Questions To Get Classroom Participation

    21/11/2014 Duración: 05min

    Talking at people is boring, while getting discussions going is more fun and fosters better learning. But how you get that discussion going is crucial. Becky outlines four points that you need to keep in mind when engaging your class.

  • Slow Down And Avoid A Culture Clash

    14/11/2014 Duración: 04min

    What time zone is it? The answer could dictate just how you do a presentation.  Becky talks about what humor, analogies and metaphors do and don't work across cultures.  Suggested reading "When Cultures Collide" by Richard Lewis available here.

  • Get Off The Road And Get Online

    07/11/2014 Duración: 03min

    Spending too much time on the road? Wouldn't you rather be at home? Becky has some hints on how you can get management buy-in to moving some of your courses from being taught on the road to being taught online.

  • Managing Millionaires Is Easier Than Herding Cats

    31/10/2014 Duración: 04min

    What do you do when your class is made up of executives and millionaires who are all more senior than you? How do you lead a group of leaders so they become learners? Becky has some common-sense ideas that will help you manage any group of learners — no matter who they are.

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