Creative Training Techniques - The Bob Pike Group



Becky Pluth of the Bob Pike Group shares her thoughts on creative training techniques.


  • 15 Minutes Of Productivity

    01/09/2023 Duración: 06min

    What can you do in 15 minutes? Listen to several of Becky’s podcasts, for one! There are many useful things you can do in that amount of time. Becky talks about how to turn a quarter hour into a productivity engine. Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • I Think, Therefore I Am - Brains And Learning

    24/08/2023 Duración: 06min

    How does your brain work? You’ve heard of left brain vs. right brain. But your mind is different than your brain. Becky has some good ways to get your brain and your mind going. Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • Mindfulness Sets You Up For Success

    18/08/2023 Duración: 06min

    Mindfulness is important for the learner and the presenter.  Becky talks about how you can use mindfulness techniques when you present and when you prepare. Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • Depression, Anxiety And Learning

    11/08/2023 Duración: 05min

    Since the beginning of the pandemic there’s been a huge growth in depression and anxiety which makes many things including learning harder to do. Becky has some thoughts on how you can give people more choices to help reduce that anxiety. Depression and anxiety article: Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • ChatGPT And AI: Training Friend Or Foe?

    06/07/2023 Duración: 06min

    Are you fearful about what ChatGPT and AI could do to your training business?  AI can be a friend, not a foe, of training if you learn how to use it.  And you probably have been using it without realizing it! Becky has some tools you’ll want to check out. Get fresh with new openers and energizers that are mental like toothpick/ matchstick puzzles/word puzzles Use QR-Codes for surveys, quizzes and games. It is free and easy: Turn icebreakers into openers or energizers. Take back time – create and use to do lists on paper or virtual Eliminate distractions when designing Track time spent on designing and developing, Make pre-test and post-test fun through gamification Comix are fun and different Make yourself an avatar for microlearning segments or welcome slides Record,

  • Back To The Office Or Stay Home?

    30/06/2023 Duración: 04min

    30% of workforces will remain remote for the next year. So what about the 70% that has to go back? A lot of workers do not want to return to office. Becky talks about navigating this new normal from both the manager and the employee perspective. Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: On Spotify here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • Hey Listener, You’re Amazing!

    23/06/2023 Duración: 03min

    You’re amazing because you listen to this podcast! That’s us, recognizing what you do. Employees crave recognition that is not biased.  One in five have never been recognized for the good they do. So how do you spot the good and recognize it, particularly when not everyone wants it the same way? Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: On Spotify here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • Getting Fresh With Interactivity

    16/06/2023 Duración: 05min

    Taking a break will keep your learners refreshed and focused. Becky has some suggestions on games you can play that don’t require much preparation. Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: On Spotify here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • There’s An App For That

    11/06/2023 Duración: 05min

    You don’t need a specialty app to engage your learners. They probably have what you need right on their phones. Becky has some great ideas that not only teach, but also give them a needed break! Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: On Spotify here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • #1 Way To Motivate Adult Learners

    02/06/2023 Duración: 06min

    How do you get the entire room to participate in learning? Opportunities to participate help. So does praising people when they ask questions. But Becky says the real answer is chemical based. Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: On Spotify here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • 7 Blended Learning Methods That Might Work For You

    26/05/2023 Duración: 05min

    Blended learning is a tool you should have in your tool belt for either in person or online.  Becky walks us through seven methods — including making it all a competition! Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: On Spotify here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • Blended Learning

    13/05/2023 Duración: 05min

    Blended learning has benefits for your business as well as your learners. Becky talks about what we’ve learned during the pandemic can be leveraged for the future. Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: On Spotify here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • Teach More by Covering Less

    28/04/2023 Duración: 03min

    This week we revisit one of Becky's most popular podcast episodes Becky Pluth explains how your students can divide and conquer a huge amount of material using a technique called "teach backs." Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: On Spotify here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • A Memorable Podcast

    14/04/2023 Duración: 05min

    The mark of a good presentation is that people will remember it.  So it makes sense that you should know how memory works. Becky talks about the different types of memory and how you can remember something for life. Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: On Spotify here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • Living With Stress

    07/04/2023 Duración: 05min

    With so much to do every day, people sometimes forget they need time to relax.  Without relaxing, stress can take a toll on you.  Becky has a no-stress quiz you can take to find out if you’re too stressed. Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: On Spotify here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • Before, During, And After That World Speaking Trip

    30/03/2023 Duración: 06min

    Becky has traveled the world for 17 years to speak. Here are some of the things she keeps in mind for before, during and after her trips. Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: On Spotify here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • Traveling To Speak Around The World

    24/03/2023 Duración: 05min

    You’ve got your presentation down.  US audiences love it. But will it fly in Amsterdam?  Will you be awake when you get to Amsterdam? Those are some of the issues Becky faces as a world traveler and speaker. Today she shares some planning and traveling tips. Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: On Spotify here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • Reading Body Language

    18/03/2023 Duración: 05min

    You’re doing the talking, but are you paying attention to the body language from your audience?  Some of it is easy to read. But what about raised eyebrows, tight lips and smiley foreheads? Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: On Spotify here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • Tackling Training Tech Problems

    11/03/2023 Duración: 06min

    Want to avoid things going wrong during your next training session? Checklists are your friend. Becky shares her presentation checklist with us, including that very important instruction — take a deep breath. Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: On Spotify here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

  • Giving Props To Props

    03/03/2023 Duración: 05min

    Props are one of the easiest things to add to a presentation, but most people don’t think about it. Becky is not most people. So she has some great suggestions on what to bring (squishy balls for fidgeters) and what to avoid (chocolate during the summer.) Purchase Becky's new book here: Podcast available on iTunes here: On Spotify here: And on the web here: Bob Pike Group is the industry-leading firm to train your trainers and design your training programs. Visit at:

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