Joel 2 Generation Podcast



This is a Podcast for people who are hungry for more of God - hungry to encounter Him, and hungry to see the Gospel preached with clear demonstrations of Kingdom Power. Talk is cheap (and frankly, people are sick and tired of being 'preached at')! God is raising up a generation, a Joel 2 Generation, who will not settle for anything less than everything the Lord will release at this time in history. Join us in this journey - a journey into God's Presence, a journey into the miraculous!


  • Keeping the Fire Going - sustaining a supernatural lifestyle

    07/10/2013 Duración: 47min

    This is probably the most common question we are asked - "How do you keep a supernatural lifestyle and ministry going"? So many catch a vision, and even get started but 6 months later, or after a year or two they feel like things haven't increased at all. So many I've know seem to give up the expectation that miracles can be a normal part of their lives and end up settling for so much less than God has for them. This podcast is all about HOW - how to keep growing a Kingdom life, seeing regular healings and making sure that things don't ever go back to the way they were.

  • Demystifying the Prophetic

    17/09/2013 Duración: 45min

    This is a teaching given by a prophetic teacher named Isaac of Ninevah who is based in the Middle East. There are some ministries out there that don't want you to know what you are about to hear because then you will be better able to hear and discern God's voice for yourselves and won't "need" their prophetic giftings. Isaac is a true trainer/equipper in the Body of Christ and has been teaching others to hear God's voice for many years now. His teaching here on the imagination is as good as you will hear anywhere.

  • Becoming Trinitarian Love - Part 1

    17/06/2013 Duración: 31min

    This is the first part of a message I gave recently about "learning how to love". I reflected upon the love and relationship of the Trinity and our invitation to participate in the love of the Trinity as we see to love people around us. We saw the Lord move powerfully this weekend as we took this love to the streets. This was given in the wake of two days of outreach which included loving the homeless, and in particular homeless teenage runaways. It dawned on me as I was about to speak that essentially "Jesus became homeless" to save us. He left the secure, eternal fellowship of love that He existed within inside the Trinity and became homeless so that we could be brought home.

  • Are WE obeying Jesus?

    15/04/2013 Duración: 49min

    there are teachers out there today teaching that we aren't expected to "obey" certain teachings of Jesus as Christians? even though Jesus said that "if you love me, you will obey my commandments". As foolish as this teaching is, there is another aspect/element of obeying Jesus that we should all take seriously - we are COMMANDED to heal the sick. That is what this podcast is all about - obeying Jesus' command to heal. Some other teachers who basically believe that we are to obey Jesus' teachings in the Gospels, neglect this command. This is a hard-hitting message about a clear commandment, a clear commission AND sadly an almost universal neglect.

  • miracles moving muslims

    07/04/2013 Duración: 37min

    it is truly the miraculous that is getting muslims' attention and bringing them to Christ. this podcast is about some recent testimonies of several muslims who have given their lives to Jesus after encountering things like healings, prophetic revelation and even visitations by Jesus Himself.

  • unapologetic about healing ministry

    18/11/2012 Duración: 33min

    this week a muslim man was healed and then tells me, "My sister became a Christian after this happened to her"! I continue to get inquiries from people wondering about what happens to the people who are healed. Do they "get saved"? Oftentimes we don't know what happens. We are simply fulfilling Jesus' mandate to heal the sick and when we can we seek to communicate as much of the Kingdom "message" as we can. We sow widely and trust that God will bring the increase. this podcast is part of our manifesto "to be love" to the people we meet - Jesus commands us to "heal the sick" (Matt 10:8, Luke 9:2, Luke 10:9). are you walking in obedience to His command?

  • Doing What We See the Father Doing?

    01/10/2012 Duración: 28min

    John 5:19 tells us that Jesus only did what He saw His Father doing. This verse has been used and even abused by many in the Body of Christ to justify an approach to ministry, particularly supernatural Kingdom ministry. In the podcast, I hope to challenge some of our preconceived ideas about the way this verse has been interpreted and applied.

  • if we don't do the miracles Jesus did, don't believe us!!

    05/08/2012 Duración: 33min

    In John 10:37, Jesus made an incredible statement - one that most Christians are absolutely sure doesn't apply to us today. I believe it does. He said that if He didn't do the works of His Father (referencing the miracles) then people were free NOT to believe Him. In fact, He told them not to believe. What would happen if a Church were to arise doing Kingdom works, and challenging an unbelieving world not to believe its message unless it did the miracles that Jesus did? I believe we'd see the greatest release of God's power in History! I believe in response that God would dispatch more angels to back up His Word and to confirm the Lordship of Jesus Christ to a world that has yet to Jesus fully and accurately represented before them.

  • It's ALL about Love (Power Spilling - part 2)

    13/05/2012 Duración: 25min

    This is Part 2 continuing from last week's podcast. I transition in the podcast from testimonies to a message about the primacy of love in our desire to reach out to people with God's power. In many ways, this has become part of my life's core message - I want to bring God's Kingdom to a lost world, but if we "have not love, we are nothing" (1 Cor. 13:2). It really doesn't matter if we demonstrate power but don't incarnate love.

  • wireless networks

    28/04/2012 Duración: 33min

    a wireless network is a great analogy for the way the Gifts of the Spirit work. we can access the resources of heaven at any time, using the same password and needing no "external device". listen to learn more about how to access and utilize the network of God's Kingdom whenever you want and wherever you are.

  • Spiritual Gifts 102

    22/04/2012 Duración: 26min

    This is a follow up to the last podcast looking primarily at the question of whether the Gifts of the Spirit are primarily residential (i.e. we possess them) or are they available in the need of the moment for any believer.

  • Spiritual Gifts 101

    20/04/2012 Duración: 30min

    someone asked me a question this morning about whether the Gifts of the Spirit are given by God's initiative or do we have a role. Great question - I thought I'd try to answer it. Maybe you know someone who has the same question.

  • Bad Theology 101 - God ONLY speaks through the Bible

    14/07/2011 Duración: 25min

    Listening to a well-known radio Bible teacher, I heard him clearly say that God only speaks today through the Bible. This podcast is an attempt to show not only why this man's teaching is clearly unBiblical, it is actually sin because we are COMMANDED to pursue the Charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit - i.e. 1 Cor. 14:1. The worst thing however is that by denying God's revelatory gifts for today, it leaves the believer/Church without critical weapons that we have been given to build the Kingdom, resist the enemy and to walk intimacy with God.

  • Pentecost WASN'T about speaking in tongues! (Part 2)

    29/05/2010 Duración: 37min

    Here's Part 2 - in this episode I share a number of examples of God releasing "Pentecostal Empowerment" in the week or so. It's not enough to talk about "being empowered for service" - we actually need to demonstrate this power if in fact we possess it. It is actually two dimensions of power - the power to heal the sick (and/or effect miracles) AND the ability (power) to hear the voice of God. This podcast also focuses on that 2nd dimension because Pentecost was also all about hearing the voice of God (dreams, visions, etc.). and yet again, Pentecost's baptism WASN'T about speaking in tongues!

  • Pentecost WASN'T about speaking in tongues!

    22/05/2010 Duración: 36min

    This Sunday is Pentecost. There are many perspectives on what happened that day and what its relevance is for us today. For many Charismatics/Pentecostals they are content with the fact that they speak in tongues. Pentecost wasn't about tongues. Many Evangelicals believe they were "baptized with the Holy Spirit" when they became Christians. Pentecost wasn't about salvation - they were already "saved". What was Pentecost? Do we currently possess "the power" that Pentecost was/is all about? Listen and consider.

  • how did Jesus train people?

    08/10/2009 Duración: 17min

    If you look at the way most of the Church trains people, you'd think that Jesus spent most of His time leading Bible Studies. Surely He taught, but He did so much more. Rather than simply teach, He MODELED a life of miracles in front of their eyes. Then in INVITED THEM TO JOIN HIM - in other words, He did miracles WITH THEM. Finally, He released them to go and do it by themselves. When are we going to get back to a Biblical model of training? That's what this podcast is all about.

  • Bad Theology 101 - God sends sickness

    22/09/2009 Duración: 23min

    This week a Christian friend declared, "God has blessed me with deafness". However, Jesus declared that one of the indicators of the presence of the Kingdom of God was "the deaf hear". He never 'blessed' anyone with deafness - He only destroyed it! Frankly there is just a lot of bad theology out there - theology that attributes to God what the Bible attributes to the kingdom of darkness. This is a gross representation of God's character and will. This podcast is an attempt to combat a major lie that continues to be perpetrated in the name of truth - namely that God is behind sickness and disease in the life of His children.

  • breaking down the word of knowledge (1 Cor 12:8)

    11/09/2009 Duración: 26min

    this podcast is an attempt to demystify and break down what the word of knowledge is, who can move in it, how to move in it and I'll end with an impartation/activation. I believe this podcast will release faith and help to activate you to move in words of knowledge TODAY.

  • Jesus healed them ALL

    31/08/2009 Duración: 22min

    why do so many Christians focus on the exceptional passages and miss the main and plain? In this podcast, I do a bit of an overview of Luke's Gospel, looking at 2 passages in particular that show us what Jesus' ministry REALLY looked like. is our theology more shaped by our experience, or by the Word of God? Listen and consider.

  • Releasing the Power of God

    20/07/2009 Duración: 25min

    o.k., so we've contended for it, but what about releasing it? this podcast documents a number of things that we saw this past week or so as God's Power came to heal people and as His Voice came prophetically to speak to people. of course, as usual - you are ALL ENCOURAGED to try these things at home, at work, at the mall, etc. etc.

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