Fitness Confidential With Vinnie Tortorich



Hollywood Celebrity Trainer Vinnie Tortorich and his co-hosts nail down the skinny about everything health, diet, and fitness. Get fit. Get inspired. Get entertained.


  • Fake Fasting - Episode 2461

    13/03/2024 Duración: 35min

    Episode 2461 - On this Wednesday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Gina Grad discuss  a new fasting trend that is fake fasting, chemicals in cereal, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS   YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - Fake Fasting They talk about vision changes. (2:00) It's strange how slowly the changes happen. You don’t notice until you have your vision checked. Gina has gone back to college and recently turned in her mid-term paper. (6:00) She was excited with her results. Vinnie and Gina share an interest in sociology, which is the study of society as a whole. In a way, the guidance Vinnie give often tends to address the psychological workings of an individual, as demonstrated in his consultations. (11:00) He works with a person’s motivation and habits as well. Gina brings up the “fasting mimicking” program. (13:30) It claims to be able to add to longevity in a short amount of time. It appears to be a type of fake fasting, beca

  • Nothing Works Like Hard Work - Episode 2460

    11/03/2024 Duración: 01h03min

    Episode 2460 - On this Monday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino discuss fitness goals, how nothing works like hard work, semaglutide drugs, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Nothing Works Like Hard Work Today's episode talks about aerobics, but Vinnie has some other things first. (2:30) He feels like there are a lot of doctors saying stuff just to be controversial and get more followers. You need both anaerobic and aerobic exercise! A lower resting heart rate (low 50s) is a good goal—but it takes aerobics to get there. Lean muscle mass has everything to do with longevity. (6:30) What does “fit” Mean? (11:00) It depends on your goals and what you are prepping for. Vinnie and Anna discuss “Leg Day” options. (13:00) Vinnie has been watching "The Family Stallone" show. (15:00) He shares what he loves about the show and the Stallone brothers. Fitness Q &

  • Change for the Better with Dr. Georgia Ede - Episode 2459

    08/03/2024 Duración: 01h11min

    Episode 2459 - On this Friday's show Vinnie Tortorich welcomes psychiatrist Dr. Georgia Ede to discuss how the proper diet is therapeutic, creates change for the better, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS   YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - Sugars and Oxidative Stress More kids than ever are presenting with psychological problems. (2:00) Vinnie mentions Robyn Dobbins who openly shares how diet has improved her mental health symptoms. People are feeding their brains improperly. (4:30) There have been decades of misinformation, so treatment has been off. Everyone deserves the right information upfront rather than having to go through multiple medications. (7:00) Georgia goes through her personal history and how she stumbled onto dietary health changes. Vinnie asks her for more details on those changes. Sweeteners have a lot of side effects. (16:00) Sugar is the only addictive substance that society

  • They Don't Know to Say No - Episode 2458

    06/03/2024 Duración: 34min

    Episode 2458 - On this Wednesday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Gina Grad discuss school lunches, how kids don't know to say no, hydration drinks, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS   YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - They Don't Know to Say No Gina’s husband is obsessed with Vinnie’s UltraFats. (2:00) He uses them during all his training to fuel up, and so does Vinnie. As long as you have protein in your small intestine, your body will not catabolize muscle while doing training. (3:00) You don’t need to load up on carbs. Another great use is for travel! (5:00) Gina started making her child’s lunch because of all the processed foods that the school lunches contained. (9:00) Fois gras is banned in California because of the force-feeding of geese to make their livers fatty. Yet it is somehow acceptable to have school lunches be processed foods every day, which can lead to fatty liver, among other things. When a kid

  • Choices Make Your Life - Episode 2457

    04/03/2024 Duración: 01h12min

    Episode 2457 - On this Monday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino discuss how choices make your life, how belief in yourself matters, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Choices Make Your Life Vinnie is excited about the upcoming episode with Georgia Ede. (3:00) Vinnie loves her and her new book sounds amazing. You can purchase it through his website link at . Her research and clinical practice have seen outstanding results with dietary changes alone. Vinnie brings up a recent post by NSNG® fan Robyn Dobbins who has turned her mental health around through NSNG®. Robyn is very open about her health history in hopes of helping others. No one is saying that diet will help everyone, but it could make a difference in the life of someone you care about. Anna shares what changes she’s felt by being NSNG®—she’s noticed changes in her brain chemistry, too. (11:45) Her exper

  • Providing Options with Andrew Schoonover - Episode 2456

    01/03/2024 Duración: 58min

    Episode 2456 - On this Friday's show Vinnie Tortorich welcomes Andrew Schooner, and they discuss providing options for health insurance, low carb lifestyle, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS   YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - PROVIDING OPTIONS How did CrowdHealth start? (2:00) Andrew shares his experience with health expenses and the Affordable Care Act. His daughter’s condition was dismissed as “medically unnecessary," which was wrong Approximately 200,000 families go bankrupt yearly over medical expenses, despite having insurance. Yet the whole purpose of health insurance is to prevent your family from being in financial distress! The healthcare system is incentivized to reject claims. (12:45) Most people feel like they have no power against the huge health insurance companies. You can push back and get reimbursed, but it can take a lot of effort. Andrew has figured out how to work around the stan

  • You're Never Too Old - Episode 2455

    28/02/2024 Duración: 36min

    Episode 2455 - On this Wednesday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Gina Grad discuss how you're never too old to learn or try something new, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS   YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - You're Never Too Old Gina has gone back to school and is in the middle of mid-terms. (2:00) The requirements have changed since she’s last been in school. They chat about the modern-day challenges at the butcher shop. (7:00) Gina is proud to be finishing what she started, even if it’s a little later in life. (12:30) She shares what made her decide to continue. (13:00) She is done with her limiting beliefs. Nina Teicholz just earned her PhD! (14:30) Her book is . You can find it through the link on Vinnie’s website. Gina asks Vinnie about Longevity Clinics. (18:30) They are highly specialized medical clinics focused on health, wellness, and longevity, often through bio-hacking methods. Some of the things aren’t

  • Getting Called Out - Episode 2454

    26/02/2024 Duración: 01h05min

    Episode 2454 - On this Monday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Anna Vocino discuss companies getting called out, leading by example, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS YOU CAN WATCH ALL THE PODCAST EPISODES ON YOUTUBE - Reminiscing & Producing on the Fly The duo starts reminiscing about the early days of the podcast. (2:00) Anna started writing her first cookbook and learned to do her own photography. They chat about the history of “producing on the fly.” They have switched to a different platform, and sound and video have improved. Vinnie has confirmed through a source that he is being shadow-banned. There’s a question about the olive oil in a popular coffee chain beverage. There is a UC Davis study that lists uncut olive oils. (14:30) However, the study is several years old now; as a result, they are not sure how current the list of good olive oil brands is. Anna recommends a deep dive into various brands; any reliable pr

  • Cholesterol Conundrum with Dave Feldman - Episode 2453

    23/02/2024 Duración: 01h03min

    Episode 2453 - On this Friday's show Vinnie Tortorich welcomes Dave Feldman back to discuss the cholesterol conundrum with "The Oreo Test," and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS   YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - Cholesterol Conundrum Dave is an LMHR (lean mass hyperresponder) and explains what his “protocol” was. (2:30) He explains exactly how his protocol works. The cholesterol that you eat passes through you; however, the cholesterol that travels through your blood is produced by your liver. (7:00) Your body tries to keep a level of homeostasis. There are various opinions regarding cholesterol, but doctors are often required to prescribe statins. (10:00) Dave refers to Nick Norwitz and sample cholesterol levels. They discuss the term “settled science”. (16:00) Scientists should always be prepared to challenge their hypotheses. (19:15) Science depends on replication to confirm. You can donate to hel

  • The Benefits of Fresh Air & Sleep - Episode 2452

    21/02/2024 Duración: 34min

    Episode 2452 - On this Wednesday's show Vinnie Tortorich and Gina Grad discuss the benefits of fresh air, plenty of sleep, and more. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS   YOU CAN WATCH THIS EPISODE ON YOUTUBE - The Benefits of Fresh Air & Sleep Gina’s been walking a lot now that the heavy rain is done. (3:00) Vinnie loves shooting archery, kayaking, rowing—anything to get outdoors. There are many basic physiological reasons to get outside. (9:00) People from different regions handle things like weather and temperature differently. It’s about perception and what you’re willing to do. He shares a story about a friend who rowed across the Atlantic Ocean in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge (20:00) The friend explains how he trained for the race. Vinnie explains a “man on the street” series he has seen on Instagram. (23:00) The people he sees in them are all in good shape with various approaches to lifestyle. However

  • Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Levels with Dr. Fung

    23/10/2015 Duración: 01h02min

    Dr. Jason Fung speaks with Vinnie Tortorich on today's Angriest Trainer podcast concerning the effects of diet and insulin. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS DR. FUNG Kidney specialist  Works often with type 2 diabetics -- biggest cause of kidney nephropathy Type 2 linked closely with obesity  Insulin has negative effects  DONALDSONVILLE People all on tons of meds All have a sugary drink and some awful food in their hands MISUNDERSTANDING OF WEIGHT GAIN Obesity links tons of diseases together Dr. Fung started by asking: What causes obesity? Sugar is the enemy, not calories  When you eat less calories, your energy expenditure (and thus fat/fuel usage) goes down  You simply get hungrier Takes time to lose the weight  Cortisol is a stress hormone -- encourages getting fat Leptin -- produced by fat cells, regulates how much fat is in the body If you have lots of fat, leptin is released and tells your brain to stop gaining more weight When you are quite fat, your body stops responding to leptin  Se

  • Obesity, Hormones, and Triathlons

    21/09/2015 Duración: 01h17min

    Vinnie Tortorich and cohost Anna Vocino discuss lack of medication, hormones, and NSNG helping people on this Monday episode of the Angriest Trainer podcast. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS vinnie15 DONALDSONVILLE Vinnie's hometown Last time he visited, he commented how many people were overly obese and all were on at least 3 medications There was initially some backlash, now many are NSNG and getting healthier Vinnie is visiting again soon and will do a show with some NSNGers there  LISTENER DEXTER Listener had food, pain, and other problems  Now, he does cardio, eats healthy, and feels way better He supports NSNG and PVC!  AMAZON WINNER OF THE WEEK Andrea Roberts is the winner She bought period underpants that are stain proof through Vinnie's website  She has also been doing NSNG to help her health issues She will win some NSNG/PVC garb  CREATINE  We get creatine from meat Your body also makes it If you start taking creatine, your body stops making it (bad) If you take anabolic hormones, you

  • The Obesity Epidemic with Gary Taubes

    14/08/2015 Duración: 59min

    Gary Taubes makes a second appearance on the Friday edition of the Angriest Trainer podcast with Vinnie Tortorich. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS GARY TAUBES & HIS MUST-READS Gary is a reporter/journalist (NY Times) and a controversial guy, has done one of the best interviews in this podcast's history Writing another book currently -- so is Vinnie!  Went to Harvard, Stanford, Columbia  Ivy League education definitely affected him  VINNIE'S READING Reads incredibly slowly but comprehends way more than the average person Scientific brain -- he doesn't assume, he knows  Ended up allowing him to not pay attention in class, just read the books NUTRITION WRITING He was doing nutritional pieces for science sections  He looked at evidence and saw whether or not it really was supported Gary wrote a controversial article calling out the nutrition world for saying low fat was bad  Initially was researching what caused the obesity epidemic? Two hypotheses: high fructose corn syrup, shift to low fat d

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