Hindi Stories podcast hosted by Piyush Agarwal. Listen to new and old stories in Hindi.
Ep16 Kahani - Sayani Bua By Mannu Bhandari
14/08/2020 Duración: 16minसयानी बुआ मन्नू भंडारी जी द्वारा लिखी गयी एक चुलबुली रचना है जहाँ आप लेखिका और उनकी बुआ जी का रिश्ता तो जानेंगे ही साथ ही बुआ जी के नाम 'सयानी" का भी सही अर्थ जानेंगे | सयानी बुआ जी जिनका कोई भी काम कभी भी इधर से उधर न होता किसी काम में कोई चूक ना होती बचपन से ही वे ऐसी थी , पर क्या सख्त और अनुशासित बुआ को कुछ बदल पायेगा ?Sayani Bua written by Mannu Bhandari is a fun filled story where you will get to know our writer's relationship with her aunt who is perfect in doing whatever she does right from her childhood but will her own daughter be able to take up this much of perfection or will something change Sayani Bua?Show Producer - Devanshi BatraIf you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at
Ep15 Kahani - Vimata By Munshi Premchand Feat. Nidhi Bansal
07/08/2020 Duración: 26minप्रेमचंद जी द्वारा लिखी गयी कहानी विमाता, मातृ प्रेम को दर्शाती है | जब मुन्नू अपनी माँ को खो देता है तब उसकी ज़िंदगी में अम्बा आती है जो अपना सब कुछ मुन्नू की देख भाल में लगा देती है पर क्या अम्बा माँ के साथ जुड़े सौतेले शब्द को हटा पाएगी और क्या उसकी ममता हमेशा मुन्नू के साथ बानी रहेगी| जानने के लिये सुनिए मुन्नू और अम्बा की कहानी |Today’s story Vimata written by Munshi Premchand shows selfless love of a mother. When Munnu loses his mother, Amba comes into his life and gives her best to take care of Munnu but will she be able to remove the tag of step mother which has come with her and will her love be there with Munnu forever? Listen to this beautiful tale of Amba & Munnu.Show Producer - Devanshi BatraIf you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at w
Ep14 Kahani - Kabuliwala By Rabindranath Tagore
31/07/2020 Duración: 29minकाबुलीवाला रबीन्द्रनाथ टैगोर द्वारा लिखी गयी एक ऐसी कहानी है जो ले जायेगी आपको उस वक़्त में जब रिश्ते बहुत ही सादगी भरे होते थे जैसा की एक काबुलीवाला और छोटी मिनी के बीच था , जो दोस्ती होने में तो वक़्त लेती है पर कुछ बातों और कुछ बादाम, किसमिश के साथ एक खूबसूरत रिश्ता बन जाती है | जानिये काबुली वाला और मिनी की प्यारी दोस्ती को |Today’s story Kabuliwala written by Rabindranath Tagore will take you down to the memory lane where relationships were not complicated as of today it was as simple as a beautiful bond between a Kabuliwala and Little girl Mini which takes time to flourish but blossoms into a beautiful friendship over some dry fruits and conversations. Listen to this gratifying story to know their bond & friendship.Show Producer - Devanshi BatraIf you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also check out Epi
Ep13 Kahani - Sati By Shivani
24/07/2020 Duración: 25minसती शिवानी जी द्वारा लिखी गयी एक दिलचस्प कहानी है जिसमें आप मिलेंगे ट्रैन में सफर करती 4 औरतों से , जो बातों द्वारा एक दूसरे तब ज़्याद घुल मिल जाती है जब उनमें से एक यह बताती हैं कि वो अगले दिन अपने पत्ति के साथ सत्ती होने वाली हैं | पर क्या वह सच में सत्ती होंगी या उन्हें कोई रोक लेगा या कहानी किसी और ही मोड़ पर मुड़ जायेगी | जानने के लिये सुनिए ये दिलचस्प कहानी और बन जाइये इस सफर का हिस्सा|Sati written by Shivani will take you to a train ride with 4 women and how they bond over talks when one among them share that she is going to be Sati with her husband the next day. Will someone be able to stop her from doing so or will we see someone getting Sati in today’s era or the journey will take an unexpected & twisted turn? Listen to Sati & be part of this journey to find out.
Ep12 Kahani - Ek Aur Insaan By Anurag Sharma
17/07/2020 Duración: 18min“एक और इंसान” कहानी अनुराग शर्मा जी द्वारा कही गयी है| ये कहानी लेखक या कहिये हम सबके उन भावों को हमसे रूबरू करवाती है जिसमें हम सब सोचने को मज़बूर हो जाएंगे कि कई बार एक इंसान को दूसरे इंसान से सिर्फ पैसों की ही नहीं बल्कि सिर्फ एक इंसान और इंसानियत की ज़रूरत होती है|“Ek Aur Insaan” written by Anurag Sharma crafts the most difficult emotions of a person. This story would definitely make you think that sometimes it's not only money that a person expects from others but what all he needs is another human.Show Producer - Devanshi BatraIf you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at
Ep11 Kahani - Mausam Ki Shararat By Saadat Hasan Manto Feat. Kafeel Jafri
09/07/2020 Duración: 25minसआदत हसन मंटो द्वारा लिखी गयी मौसम की शरारत आपको लेखक के साथ प्रकृति की खूबसूरत सैर करवाएगी जहाँ मौसम लेखक के दिल और दिमाग के साथ कुछ शरारत कर किसी की तरफ आकर्षित करता है | पर क्या वह आकर्षण सैर के साथ ख़तम हो जाएगा या हमेशा के लिये वह सिलसिला चलता रहेगा ? :)Saadat Hasam Manto’s Mausam ki Shararat will take you to a beautiful nature walk with the narrator & the tricks which Mausam (weather) is playing with narrator’s mind to feel attracted to someone. But will that attraction end with the walk or will it stay forever? :)Show Producer - Devanshi BatraIf you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at
Ep10 Kahani - Lily By Suryakant Tripathi ‘Nirala’
03/07/2020 Duración: 21min“लिली” सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी ‘निराला’ द्वारा लिखी गयी है| जानिये पद्मा और राजेन की कहानी , जो भावनाओं, प्यार और परिवार के बीच झूझ रही हैं| अपनी भावनाएं एक दूसरे के लिये जानते हुए भी क्या वो मिल पाएंगे , क्या उनके प्यार को वह मंज़िल मिल पाएगी जिसकी उन्हें तलाश है या राजेन को अपना प्यार लिली में मिल जाएगा ?“Lily” is written by Suryakant Tripathi ‘Nirala’. Story crafts the beautiful emotion “love”. Know the story of Rajen & Padma dealing between their feelings, family & career. Will they ever meet as they always thought of or Rajen will find his love in 'Lily' ?Show Producer - Devanshi BatraIf you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at
Ep9 Kahani - Sehpaathi (Classmate)By Satyajit Ray
26/06/2020 Duración: 25minसहपाठी एक खूबसूरत लघु कथा है जो सत्यजीत रे द्वारा लिखी गयी है , इस कहानी में कुछ भूली हुई स्कूल की दोस्ती के बारे में कहा गया है जो शायद हम ताउम्र कभी नहीं भूल पाते | ये कहानी है मोहित और जय की जो ३० साल बाद एक दूसरे से मिलते हैं पर क्या वे एक दूसरे में उस सहपाठी को फिर से ढूँढ पाएंगे | "Sehpaathi" (Classmate) is a beautiful short story by Satyajit Ray which talks about forgotten school friendship which are not so forgotten, Its story of Mohit & Jai who meet after 30 years, but will they recognise their friendship for each other again?Show Producer - Devanshi BatraIf you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at
Ep8 Kahani - Ek Chota Sa Mazak (A Joke)By Anton Chekhav
19/06/2020 Duración: 19minकहानियाँ भाव दर्शाने का एक बहुत अच्छा माद्धम है | "एक छोटा सा मज़ाक" कथावाचक और नादिया के कुछ अन कहे जज़्बातों की कहानी है जिसमें अंत में आप पाएंगे की कैसे और कहाँ उनकी कहानी कुछ बिना कहे सुने दो अलग मोड़ पर ख़तम हुई |Stories have a great way to show emotions. “A Joke” by Anton Chekhav speaks about the narrator's & Naadya’s unknown feelings for each other where in the end you will find how they ended up in their lives.Writer (लेखक )- Anton Chekhav Translation (अनुवाद ) - Anil JanvijayShow Producer - Devanshi BatraIf you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at
Ep7 Kahani - Jamun Ka Ped By Padmabhusan Krishna Chander
27/11/2019 Duración: 18minStories have great power in showing the world its true mirror. Jamun ka Ped is one suck story that throws light on the broken government systems and the tendency of passing the buck. The story was recently removed from ICSE Hindi Syllabus in 2019 because a particular state protested. Following the mission of making sure no stories get lost, Piyush Agarwal is back with a new episode where he narrates this story penned by Padmabhusan Krishna Chander - Jamun ka Ped (The Plum Tree).Show Producer - Devanshi BatraIf you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at
Ep6 Kahani - Tidde Ki Maut Feat. Bimal Kumar Sethia
14/11/2019 Duración: 12minThis is a Children's Day special episode of 'Kahani Jaani Anjaani' by Piyush Agarwal. In this episode, we invite a guest, Bimal Kumar Sethia to share a story with us from the lands of Rajasthan. This is the story that has been narrated across generations. I could not find the actual author of this story but could find various versions similar to it. Going by the original trend of telling stories i.e. by passing it on based on what people heard, I am sure various versions exist across cultures and multiple languages.Show Producer - Devanshi BatraIf you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at
Ep5 Kahani - Parmatma Ka Kutta By Mohan Rakesh
07/01/2019 Duración: 26minAfter a long Hiatus from uploading stories, Piyush Agarwal is back with a new episode where he shares a story penned by the pioneer of New Writing in Indian Literature, Mohan Rakesh. Listen to the one his selected stories, "Parmatma Ka Kutta" (God's Dog)Show Producer - Devanshi BatraIf you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at
Ep4 Kahani - Dor By Urmila Suresh Feat. Mathura Kalauny
30/09/2017 Duración: 21minThis is a special episode of 'Kahani Jaani Anjaani' by Piyush Agarwal. In this episode, we invite a guest, author Mathura Kalauny for stories and conversations. We read out the story "Dor" by Urmila Suresh.Show Producer - Devanshi BatraIf you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at
Ep3 Kahani - Bade Bhai Sahab By Premchand
15/09/2017 Duración: 32minThird episode of 'Kahani Jaani Anjaani' by Piyush Agarwal. In this episode, listen to the story 'Bade Bhai Saheb' by Premchand.Show Producer - Devanshi BatraIf you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at
Ep2 Kahani - Track Suit By Mathura Kalauny
14/02/2017 Duración: 16minSecond episode of 'Kahani Jaani Anjaani' by Piyush Agarwal. Narrates the story 'Track Suit' & 'Mohini Murat' by Mathura Kalauny.Show Producer - Devanshi BatraIf you like the stories of Kahani Jaani Anjaani, please do leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. You can also email at and to contribute to our self funded podcast please go to our "".You can also check out Episode and Author details in our shownotes at

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